Eyes blurred with tears, heart feeling like it had ruptured inside of me, I wound my car around the streets of Summerlin, heading toward home. Blinding light from the setting sun filtered through my windshield, making it almost impossible for me to see the road in front of me, and given the fact that I was a sniveling mess on top of it all, it depleted my vision even more. I flipped my visor down. It didn’t help. I held up a flattened hand, noticing cars were now whizzing by me, passing me on the left side. I looked at the speedometer and realized why. I wasn’t even close to going the speed limit.
I considered jerking my car off the road and sitting there until I pulled myself together, trying to drive again when I was a bit more even, sane, and rational. But nothing would alleviate my pain in five minutes or five hours, so I sucked it up and kept driving, all the while hearing Josh’s words echo in my head. It all made sense now, or at least, it made more sense than it had before.
Without knowing whether Libby had been just a kiss, or an affair, whether it was still going on, or whether it wasn’t, I assumed guilt had driven him away from me. But what hurt the most was that he preferred walking out the door to sitting down and talking to me, trusting me with the truth. When had our marriage become so strained he felt he couldn’t be honest with me anymore?
I wiped my tears away with a hand, glanced at the road, and noticed I’d veered into the other lane. I jerked the wheel to the right, trying to align myself with the right side of the road, but it was too late. A car in the opposite lane tagged my fender, and everything started spinning.