
Please note that index links to approximate location of each term.


Adams, Amy, 182


death is not final, 6971

hallucinatory imagination and, 194

NDE literature changing, 205

revelations in this book about, 5

stage-theory of, 280282

visions of final destiny as Light, 56, 25, 29

Alexander, Philip, 206

Alice in Wonderland, time in, 83

aliens. see also science fiction

communications from, 180

as contact between cultures, mind forms, and languages, 180181

gnostic film and, 184187

our framework is for invasion of, 180

All is one, consciousness of, 183184

angelic double (or twin). see also evolution of double soul, angelic destiny of

experience in Garden of, 2728

as guiding spirit of Greek/Romans, 260

Human as One and, 282

pairs in afterlife, with one acting as, 256261

revelations in this book about, 5

in Youth Without Youth, 147148, 225


electricity, magnetism and, 226

as heavenly double in Christianity, 260

lightning-like in Matthew, 216

presence of in Bible, 258

annual memorial (yahrtzeit), 15

anomalous events, deep significance of, 298

apostle Paul, struck by light, 213214


as altered state of energy, 212213

electricity, magnetism and, 226

as heavenly double in Christianity, 260

NDEs in Victorian England and, 162

in seances, 304

as the woman (not) upstairs, 4850

Arrival sci-fi film

meaning-making in, 246247

translation and communication in, 181184


creating out of near-death experiences, 175

religions funding for sake of vision, 174175

Asian religions

experience in the Garden parallels, 9596

goal is liberation from birth and death, 104

multiple-life model in, 275277

Atmanspacher, Harald, 142


Elizabeth is clueless about how to use, 7677

Elizabeth matter-of-fact reports on, 210

as fields of energy, 5760

seeing in synesthesia, 221222

synesthesia vs. seeing of, 6566

Authors of the Impossible (Kripal), 181

ayahuasca rituals, visions, 149, 150


Babylonian Talmud, 120121

Bacon, Francis, on altered states, 162

Balkin, Andy (son)

ability to see apparitions, 49

grandfather’s memorial and, 16

interest in mother’s experiences, 43, 50

during lightning strike, 1719

rabbinic ordination of, 4344, 115

Balkin, Barry (husband)

call from Elizabeth’s grandfather and, 4244

denies precognitions of Elizabeth, 3839

divorce from Elizabeth, 39

as more of believer in recent years, 44

psychic readings in Seattle and, 7375

revelations in Garden about divorce from, 31

at time of lightning strike, 1516

Balkin, Elizabeth. see Krohn, Elizabeth (introduction); Krohn, Elizabeth (story of)

Balkin, Jeremy (son)

experiences of synesthesia, 6465, 224

grandfather’s memorial and, 16

during lightning strike, 1719

Balkin, Mallory (daughter)

birth of, 39

experiences of synesthesia, 64

foretold in Garden about future birth of, 3031

interest in mother’s experiences, 43, 50

paranormal, procreation and, 170173

Bem, Daryl, 243

Benz, Ernst, 226227

beyond measure, quantum physics, 228229

beyond the mountains

beyond the immediate afterlife, 281

how Elizabeth knew what she “just knew,” 187

levels of soul in Elizabeth’s story, 263

stage-theory of afterlife and, 280282

visions of final destiny as Light, 56, 25, 29


God’s divine double is his angels, 257

lightning also signaling divinity, 216

lightning as sign of God’s wrath in, 215216

biological purpose,NDEs/psychic phenomena, 170

biomedical technology, NDEs due to, 173175

black auras

evoking death, 5859, 210

negative cultural meanings of black, 211

block universe model. see also Wargo, Eric

built on theory of relativity, 237

Elizabeth’s experiences and, 238

looking down on universe in NDEs, 237238

theory of relativity and, 249

book, writing of this

effects in lives of the two authors, 139140

how Elizabeth dreamed this book, 285291

precognized book sharing of authors and, 291294

as snapshot of ongoing experiment, 303


capabilities of, 89

on shelves of Aldous Huxley, 8


awareness and, 168

in classical materialism, 134, 168169

dreams as form of consciousness, 203

Elizabeth knew what she “just knew,” 187188

as filter or reducer of reality, 188189

hallucinatory imagination from dying, 193195

left and right hemispheres of, 167

mind-brain relation, 170171

perceiving reality without function of, 189

precognizing its own future, 247252

in sacred plant cultures of Latin America, 149

Brazilian soccer team, plane crash of 2016, 9294, 251

Brinkley, Dannion, 97

Buddhist traditions

enlightenment experience of glass block, 241, 253

goal of reincarnation in, 104

multiple-life model in, 275277

reincarnation in, 271

Bush, George H.W., 2930

Bush, Nancy Evans, 163


Chabad-Lubavitch tradition

Andy ordained as rabbi in, 115, 270

focus on Jewish mysticism, 114115

inspired by Rabbi Schneerson, 272

journey of soul important to, 115

reincarnation in, 272

rigid lifestyle of, 116117

childhood sexual abuse

Elizabeth knew before she reincarnated, 103

Elizabeth learns dissociative skills in, 269

Elizabeth learns to leave body during, 21, 104

how trauma becomes revelation, 266268


altered states in Greek Orthodox, 212

angels and apparition in conservative, 260

reincarnation in early, 271

stories/truths of ancient gnostic, 186

Chronicle of Higher Education manifesto (Kripal), 171172


brain precognizes its own future and, 247

precognition vs., 239240

classical materialism

as belief there is only matter, 134135

Elizabeth’s experiences are not, 135

paranormal offends premise of, 168169

coincidence of opposites, religious experiences, 166167


association of days/months/numbers with, 6264

of auras depends on health/emotional state, 58, 222

energy communicated to Elizabeth via, 210

experience of brilliant and living, 3536

in precognitive dreams, 84


with aliens in Arrival sci-fi film, 181184

as difficult with other species, 179

“from the heavens,” “up there”, or “alien”, 180

saving the world in Awake, 183184

through barrier of ego or body-brain, 180181

communion between humanity, differences vs., 198

companion. see also angelic double (or twin); evolution of double soul, angelic destiny of

in ancient world, 259260

pairs in afterlife, with one acting as, 257

comparative religion

ending all religious exclusive literalisms, 198

overview of, 130

scientific method/pure objectivity not possible in, 139

symbolic approach to, 147

Congregation Emanu El

Elizabeth’s family attending, 107109

prayer that death is not final at, 6970

as Reform Jewish synagogue, 107


of All is one, 183184

Elizabeth’s conviction of immortality and, 204

energy and, 210

future of human knowledge and, 137

paranormal experiences and, 136

prophecy in Jewish tradition as, 200

rabbis on why dreams are form of, 203

revelation, interpretation and, 203205

science denies fundamental reality of, 136

theology of electricity and physics of, 225230

translation between different forms of, 182

contact with other species, vs. communication, 179181

Cordovero, Moshe, 204205, 224, 264

culture, death experiences shaped by, 276279


Daniel, lightning-light in, 216217

Daoism, multiple-life model in, 275277

death. see also near-death experience (NDE)

biomedical technology and retrieval from, 173

of Elizabeth’s grandparents, 14

fundamental core lives on after, 5

knowledge that it is not final, 120121

mourning and shopping after, 1516

into our imaginations, 175

questions of what happens after, 273279

struck by lightning, 1719

technology stopping at moment of, 232

warm glow, Garden, and, 2328

DeConick, April

on gnostic knowing and seeing, 184186

on gnostic rapture or transcendence, 262263

on guardian angels/twins, 259260

demonology, 225226

Dick, Philip K., 242243

dimethyltriptamine (DMT), hyperrealistic visions, 149

dissociation, abused child, 21, 266268

distant afterlife, revelations in this book, 5

The Distraction, response to Elizabeth’s stories, 78

divination practices, 233234, 303

divine double. see evolution of double soul, angelic destiny of

DMT (dimethyltriptamine), hyperrealistic visions of, 149

documentation, precognitive dreams, 3839. see also email

doppelgänger, as heavenly double, 260

double soul. see evolution of double soul, angelic destiny of

A Dream Interpreted Within a Dream (Wolfson), 199

dreams. see also precognitive dreams, Elizabeth’s

altered states in, 200201

angelic presence linked to, 258

Freud and, 125126

later interpretation of, 125

in precognitive shaman practices, 218

precognized book sharing of authors and, 291294

prophecy in mystical Jewish tradition and, 201203

quantum physics and, 205207

ritual technologies dedicated to, 233234

studying in Jewish tradition, 166167

that are not dreams, 8385

Dunne, J. W., 248252

Duval, Jean Albert (maternal grandfather)

born to French parents in Greece, 108

death of, 14

Elizabeth struck by lightning at memorial of, 1721

in the Garden, 2328

office plant offered by, 4546, 269270

phone call from the dead, 4044

Duval, Minnie (maternal grandmother), 14, 107108


Earthquake in Western China 2003, precognition of, 40

eating, symbolic connection between sex and, 222

Einstein, Albert

block universe and, 237

insistence on frameworks, not facts, 236

matter is energy, 227

theory of relativity, 237, 249

thought experiments of, 253

on time as stubbornly persistent illusion, 236


equating with animating corpse, 227

leading to new symbol for God, 226

theology of, 225230


altered states of energy and, 212214

Elizabeth’s abilities linked to, 209210

psychophysical interpretation and, 210

Eliade, Mircea, 147148, 225230


how Elizabeth dreamed this book, 285287

Hudson River plane vision, 299303

is not scientific evidence for precognition, 295297

lost metadata for most of Elizabeth’s, 296

of precognitive visions as evidence, 88

scientific evidence and, 297299

using Google for reliable evidence, 303304

empirical material, in significant dreams, 287291


as alive and eternal, 99

auras as fields of. see auras

consciousness as conscious, 230

healer in Houston, 7173

as living and conscious for Elizabeth, 210

matter is, 227

other accounts of altered states of, 212213

paranormal events connected to, 211212

Esalen Institute, 140143


definition of, 265

Elizabeth’s near-death and, 226

must answer what happens after we die, 273274

as theology that tries to understand last things, 225226

eternality, scientific method vs., 119

evolution. see also paranormal events, evolutionary function of

belief in telepathy as advance in, 170171

belief that humanity can hasten its own, 171

implications of reincarnation, 270

meaning as integral to, 245247

precognition and, 242245

spiritual evolution of soul, 268271

evolution of double soul, angelic destiny of

beyond the mountains, 280282

comparing reincarnations, 271273

Elizabeth on pairs in afterlife, 257261

evolution of the soul, 268271

Human as One and, 282

from near-death to reincarnation, 273280

number of souls you are, 261264

overview of, 255256

tale of four rabbis, 282285

trauma, revelation and, 264268

Exodus, lightning-light in, 216217

An Experiment with Time (Dunne), 248252

Ezekiel, lightning-light in, 216217


fear of pain vs. death, 120121

film metaphors

based on current technology, 158

describing NDEs in imagery of, 148152

we always project our own 3-D, 152154

flash cards, revelations in this book, 46

flash-over effect, lightning strike, 1


accepting events for which we have established, 159161

alien invasion trope, 180

for expression of gnostic knowledge, 185186

insistence on, not facts, 236

Frankenstein (Shelley), lightning animates corpse in, 227


Elizabeth’s emails as, 299301

as possibility in séances, 304

rejecting notion that Elizabeth’s emails are, 301303

Freud, Sigmund, 125126


already exists, 252

brain precognizing its own, 247252

dreams prophetic in foretelling, 202203

how Elizabeth dreamed this book, 285291

meaning arrives from, 246247

precognized book sharing of authors and, 291294

this book as snapshot of ongoing experiment, 303

we actually live in the near-future, 244


Garb, Jonathan, 204205, 223224


abilities given to Elizabeth as part of a plan, 77

alive with light and color, 36

explaining strange aptitudes from experience in, 6162

glow and the, 2328

nonlinear nature of time revealed in, 2832, 78

phone call from dead grandfather in, 4044

precognition awakened after, 3640

spiritual double remains in, 257

synesthetic reality of colors and senses in, 224

time as everlasting present in, 82

unconditional love in. see unconditional love

Garden, lessons of

all knowledge already exists, 100

comfort in knowing there is more, 120

knowledge given was not earned or deserved, 102

overview of, 9596

paranormal powers and evolving soul, 102104

reincarnation and evolving soul, 100101

spirit guide, 104106

that everyone is loved intensely, 120

that no one need fear death, 120

voltage, visitation, and vision in, 9699

garden stories in Jewish lore, 282284

gender, fluidity/transgenderism in world’s traditions, 219


Elizabeth’s family lore and, 268270

meaning integral to, 245247

in reincarnation systems, 270

spirituality of Elizabeth’s family line, 4448

synesthesia and, 6465

glass-block universe

brain precognizing its own future and, 250251

experiencing, 241242

precognition, retrocausation and, 241

Wargo proposes we understand, 253

glow, and the Garden, 2328

gnostic forms of knowledge

ecstatic rapture or transcendence, 262263

Elizabeth’s experience/life as, 186187, 263

genres expressing, 185186

releases one into new sense of reality, 185

The Gnostic New Age: How a Countercultural Spirituality Revolutionized Religion from Antiquity to Today (DeConick), 184186


beyond the mountains. see beyond the mountains

Elizabeth does not doubt existence of, 6, 109110

in Hasidic vs. Reform Judaism, 114117

as indivisible guiding light for all humanity, 109

matters of spirit/failure of political religion and, 111114

and the religions, 109111

Gödel, Kurt, 7

Gospel of Matthew, 216217

Gospel of Thomas

revelation and interpretation in, 177, 203204

Thomas known as twin of Jesus, 259260

Grapheme-color synesthesia, 6364

gravitational field, and altered energy states, 213

Greek Orthodox Christians, altered energy states, 212

Greek philosophers

near-death story of Plato, 162

on pairs in afterlife, 257

“The Parable of Plato’s Cave,” 151

on prophecy, divination and precognition, 233234

Greene, Brian, 238, 253

Greenfield, Larry (father), 4546

Greenfield, Marianne (mother)

belief in Elizabeth’s precognitions, 38

belief in exchanges between two realms, 44

belief in reincarnation, 48

dalliance with supernatural, 46

as spiritual person, 4447

Greenfield, Max (paternal grandfather), 108109

Greenfield, Rabbi Eliezer, 110

Greyson, Bruce

Elizabeth understands she is not crazy, 71

looking for confirmation from, 68

near-death studies of, 5657, 274275

The Guiding Sign, response to Elizabeth’s stories, 8


hallucinatory model of imagination, 193195

Hasidic Judaism

Elizabeth’s visions/experiences and, 129130

vs. Reform Judaism, 114117

heaven, as different to different people, 189

heavenly double, in ancient world, 259260

hermeneutic of trust, 301302

Heyoka, Native Americans, 219220

Hindu traditions

goal of reincarnation in, 104

multiple-life model in, 275277

reincarnation in, 271

hitorerut, in Jewish mystical tradition, 283

The Hoax, response to Elizabeth’s stories, 67

Home, Daniel Douglas, 213

Homer, on prophetic dreams, 203

The Honest Misperception, response to Elizabeth’s stories, 7

Human as One, Elizabeth’s convictions on, 282

Human as Two

Dunne’s classical mystical model of, 249250

Elizabeth’s visionary narrative of, 281

historical precedents/spiritual implications of, 261

number of souls we are, 261264

trauma, revelation and, 265268

we are a spiritual pair, 258

Huxley, Aldous, 8

hyperrealistic visions, Latin American sacred plants, 149


“I,” experienced “in here” vs. in material world, 168169

“I’m My Own Grandpa” song, 270

images, in gnostic forms of knowledge, 185186

imagination. see literalist model of imagination; religious imagination

immediate afterlife, revelations in this book, 5

inanimate objects

energies or vibes around, 51

haunted necklace, 5157


communication of energy to Elizabeth via, 210

why NDE feels so real, 154


of dreams and visions, 207

electromagnetism and psychophysical, 210

is revelation and vice versa, 203205

as meaning-making, 246

invisible projector, why NDE feels so real, 154155

Irwin, Lee, 218


Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011, precognitive dream, 9192

Judaism. see also Kabbalah

Babylonian Talmud in, 125

dreams and prophecy in mystical, 200202

Elizabeth’s visions/experiences and, 129130, 220221

experience in Garden parallels Kabbalah, 96

failure of political religion/matters of spirit, 112114

as family/social connections for Elizabeth, 107109

garden motif in tradition of, 282

God and organized religion in, 109111

Hasidic, 114117, 129130

lightning surrounds presence of God in Torah, 215

linking dream and prophecy to angels, 258259

Reform. see Reform Judaism

reincarnation in mystical branches of, 271272, 277

study of dreams by Wolfson in, 166167

synesthesia mystical tradition of, 223224

word of God in Torah, 111



Elizabeth’s visions/experiences and, 129130

experience in Garden parallels, 96, 189

identifies dimensions of soul, 263264

Isaac Luria as father of contemporary, 110

modern revival/global renaissance of, 273

preserves literal truth of scripture, 198

reincarnation in, 271273

synesthesia in mystical tradition of, 223224

traces of Elizabeth’s understandings in, 111

keraunoparalysis (lightning paralysis), Elizabeth, 34


of events in advance, 3640

gnostic forms of, 185186

how Elizabeth knew what she “just knew,” 187191

lessons learned in Garden, 99100, 102

precognition/divination in ancient world as, 234

of reincarnation and evolving soul, 100101

that death is not final, 120121

via hermeneutic of trust, 301302

Krohn, Elizabeth (introduction)

author’s relationship with, 23

how this book came to be, 34

near-death experience of, 2

possible responses to life of, 68

revelations of, 5

struck by lightning in 1988, 1

transformed understanding of world, 2

visions of Light that glows beyond the mountains, 56

Krohn, Elizabeth (story of)

back to life, 3234

death of grandparents, 14

decision to return to life, 2832

experience during lightning strike, 1721

experience is beyond Jewish frameworks, 220221

haunted necklace, 5157

how she knew what she “just knew,” 187191

insights right after lightning strike, 2021

lessons of the Garden. see Garden

lives of two authors when writing, 139140

looking back, 119122

mourning and shopping, 1516

new age and. see new age

precognitive dreams and nature of time. see time

seeing energy fields (auras), 5760

seeing her capacities as gifts, 140141

strange things. see strange things

struck by lightning, 1721

structured religious doctrine and, 95

synesthesia of, 6066

warm glow and the “Garden,” 2328

Krohn, Matt (husband)

believes stories of Elizabeth, 40, 60

Elizabeth’s precognitive visions while with, 3940, 8485, 8790

at Esalen with Elizabeth, 140143

as eye-witness of dream, 299303


layer cake, time as, 8183

Libet, Benjamin, 243244

Life After Life (Moody), 151, 162165


Elizabeth’s visions of, 56

every being as spark of eternal, 100

God illuminates all as indivisible, 109

in modern religious experiences, 149

movie as display of refracted, 150

neurobiology and, 152153

as real in NDEs, 155

as single universal in religion, 213214

tunnel of, 149

lightning paralysis (keraunoparalysis), Elizabeth, 34

lightning strike

Elizabeth knew before she reincarnated, 103

Elizabeth’s experience during, 1719

engagement and interpretation of, 126128

fate and being hit by, 7879

likelihood of person being hit by, 1, 102

parallels experience of Dannion Brinkley, 97

physical side effects of, 9798

receiving knowledge after, 97, 9899

voltage of, 1

in Youth Without Youth (Eliade), 147148, 225

lightning strikes, lore from other cultures/times

book of Ezekiel, 216217

comparing Elizabeth’s experiences to, 214215

Jewish tradition, 215

monotheistic traditions, 215

Native American religion, 218

shamans sometimes identified by, 217218

as sign of God’s wrath in Bible, 215216

signaling divinity in Bible, 216217

literalist model of imagination

overview of, 192193

religious intolerance begins with, 193

translational model of imagination and, 195, 197198

what happens after death, 275277

Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, 8587, 251

looking back, 119122

love. see unconditional love

Luna, Luis Eduardo, 150

Luria, Isaac, 110


Magic Eye books, seeing auras in, 58


electromagnetism, 209210, 212214

healing powers of, 227

leading to new symbol for God, 226

Maimonides, angelic species in, 258

Mani, heavenly counterpart of, 259

material world, conventional materialists and, 168169

McKenna, Terence, 206

meaning, of paranormal events, 245247

meaning-making, 246247

mental world, conventional materialists and, 168169

Mesmer, Anton, 227

military, holding back in Awake, 181

mind-brain relations, and telepathy, 170171

Minkowski, Hermann, 237, 249

Minkowski space-time

definition of, 237

as four-dimensional block, 249

precognition based on, 241

monotheistic traditions

God as transcendent in, 215

one-life model in, 275277

Monroe, Robert, 277278

Moody, Raymond

coining term “near-death experience,” 13

“near-death experience” studies, 161162

parable of, 162165

PhD from University of Virginia, 275

moral dilemma, of precognitive dreams, 8687

mountains. see beyond the mountains

Mourner’s Kaddish, 15

Muggle, in Harry Potter, 142143

multiple-life model

vs. one-life model, 275277

in stages of death process, 278279

Mutants and Mystics (Kripal), 143

Myers, Frederic, 170171

mysticism, Hasidic Judaism, 114115


Nancy, energy healer, 7175

Native American religions, lightning lore in, 218219

natural world

in monotheistic religions, 215

in Native American religions, 218

nature of time, in precognitive dreams, 8385

near-death experience (NDE)

biological purpose of, 170

challenges deep religious sensibilities, 165

changing afterlife via literature of, 205

coinage of term, 13, 161

corroboration that death is not final, 6971

of Elizabeth, 2

Elizabeth knew what she “just knew,” 187191

Elizabeth seeks confirmation about, 68

empowers us all, 130

experiencers are mystics and seers, 259

imagery of film/television describing, 148

before it was called that, 161162

literalist model of imagination in, 192193

looking down on universe in, 237238

in medieval Europe vs. modern America, 276

negative, 163164

religious beliefs irrelevant in, 164, 193

sacred plant cultures of Latin America and, 149

story in Plato, 162

as story to be heard, read, and pondered, 126128

trauma and revelation in, 265268

University of Virginia studies on, 274275

visions are like 3-D movies that morph, 205

why it feels so real, 152155


we actually live in, 244

working our bodies from, 252

negative near-death experiences (NDEs), 163164

neo-Darwinians, conventional materialists are often, 170

neurobiology, why NDE feels so real, 152154

neuroscience, conventional materialists and, 168169

new age

death is not final, 6971

finding needed support, 6769

flipping the coin, 7680

healer in Houston, 7173

Kabbalah’s revival in, 273

psychic readings in Seattle, 7376

truths of ancient gnostic Christians in, 186

Newtonian physics, consciousness as quantum wave vs., 229230

Next, sci-fi film, 242243

nightmares. see precognitive dreams, Elizabeth’s

The Nightshirt Blog, Eric Wargo, 238241


objectivity, literalist model of imagination, 192193

OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), synesthesia and, 6365


Arrival film with aliens looking like, 181184

from contact to communication with, 179181

how to talk to, 178179

Ogren, Brian, 224

one-life model

vs. multiple-life model, 275277

stages of death process, 278279

organized religion, Elizabeth’s discomfort with exclusivity of, 109111

orgasm, synesthetic experiences around, 222223

Orlov, Andrei, 259

Our Divine Double (Stang), 257258, 260

out-of-body experiences (OBEs), 277278

Owens, Ted (PK or PsychoKinetic Man),220


“The Parable of Plato’s Cave”

gnostic forms of knowledge, 185186

movie theaters reproduce cave in, 184

views of reality in, 151152

paradise (pardes), 283284

paranormal events

are about meaning, 168

collapses ordinary experience, 167168

connected to energy, 211212

dreams of Elizabeth as. see precognitive dreams, Elizabeth’s

Elizabeth knew what she “just knew,” 187191

everyone can interact with, 7980

evolving soul and, 102104

lightning in Native American culture and, 219220

meaning of, 245247

as neither black nor white, 165170

offends division of mental/material worlds, 168169

practices of reading and writing as, 138140, 153154

relationship between visions, dreams, and, 126

science fiction writers and, 133, 143144

science is not best method to understand, 136

seeing energy fields (auras) as, 5760

statistical approaches deny, 298

as supernatural, 220

as supposedly impossible, 136

work best when we are not looking, 304

paranormal events, evolutionary function of

how to think about, 165170

it’s about framework, not just facts, 159161

NDE before we called it that, 161162

parable of Raymond Moody, 162165

paranormal and procreation, 170173

understanding Elizabeth’s story, 157158

we die into our imaginations, 173175

pardes (paradise), 283284

Paul the apostle, struck by light, 213214

philosophical discussion, gnostic forms of knowledge, 185

physical effects, of lightning strikes, 9798

PK or PsychoKinetic Man (Ted Owens), 220


modern movie theater replicates cave in, 184

near-death experience/reincarnation in, 162

“The Parable of Plato’s Cave,” 151152

political religion, matters of spirit and, 112114


brain precognizing its own future, 247252

clairvoyance vs., 239240

Eric Wargo and. see Wargo, Eric

evolution and, 242245

experiences of. see precognitive dreams, Elizabeth’s

Greek philosophers on efficacy of, 233234

as knowledge of events before they happen, 48

meaning and, 245247

and prophecy in Jewish tradition, 200201

precognitive dreams, Elizabeth’s

to be heard, read, and pondered, 126

Brazilian soccer team crash of 2016, 9294

cluelessness about how to use, 7677

documentation of, 3839

documenting, 3839

as dreams that are not dreams, 8385

emailing as evidence, 88

how Elizabeth dreamed this book, 285291

Japan earthquake/tsunami of 2011, 9192

Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, 8587

moral dilemma about, 8687

nature of time and, 8385

overview of, 3638

regular dreams vs., 84

slicing through layers of time, 8283

TransAsia Airways Flight 235, 9091

TWA Flight 800 crash, 3839

US Airways Flight 1549, 8790

Western China earthquake of 2003, 40

precognitive dreams of Elizabeth, how to think about

block universe model, 237238

brain precognizing its own future, 247252

as direct seeing into future, 196197

Eric Wargo and, 238242

evolution and, 242245

future already exists, 252253

meaning, 245247

modern sense of time, 233

as part of historical record, 301302

picking up on future media reports, 251

problem with watches, 231234

as prophecy, divination and precognition, 233234

provisio and proposal, 234236

resonates with ancient gnostics, 187

time as a persistent illusion, 236

work of Eric Wargo, 236252

prenotion (precognition), and Francis Bacon, 162

Price, Reverend, 6869, 71

procreation, paranormal and, 170173

projected light (movie theater)

religion as science fiction and, 148152

tunnel of light as, 155


Greek philosophers on, 233234

Homer on some dreams as, 203

in Jewish mystical tradition, 200201

link between angelic presence and, 258

rabbis on dreams as minor forms of, 201202

psi-fi, as sci-fi, 144

psychic readings

Elizabeth’s short career in, 7375

from healer in Houston, 6971

psychophysical interpretation, electromagnetism, 210


quantum physics

beyond measure in, 228229

dreams and, 205207

mystical literature of, 227228


Radin, Dean, 243

“radioactive” saints, 213


as empowerment, 125131

interpretation and revelation in, 205

as paranormal practice, 138140


synesthetes actually experience different, 223

we cocreate, 223

Reform Judaism

absence of spirituality in, 113114

Elizabeth raised in, 95, 107

as force for political change, 112

Hasidic Judaism vs., 114117

ritual dimension of, 112113


comparing reincarnations, 271273

Elizabeth’s decision to return, 103

Elizabeth’s insistence on reality of, 271272

Elizabeth’s mother’s belief in, 48

genetics and evolutionary implications of, 270

goal is liberation from birth and death, 104

memories in small children of, 274276

one-life vs. multiple-life models of, 275277

revelations in Garden, 3031, 100101

revelations in this book, 5

spiritual evolution of soul and, 271273

story in Plato, 162

we are not who we think we are, 271

what happens after death, 273279

religion. see also science, religion, and science fiction

Elizabeth’s discomfort with doctrine, 95, 109111

Elizabeth’s NDE, life events and, 145

eschatology in, 225226

funding arts for sake of vision, 174

God and organized, 109111

human-divine twoness in history of, 257260

light and energy in, 213214

paranormal experiences and, 137

as practiced science fiction, 143148, 225

ritual and, 112113

spirit and politicization of, 112114

superhuman powers and, 144145

synesthesia in history of, 223224

as true fiction, 146, 199200

why NDE feels so real, 152155

religious imagination

Arrival science fiction film, 181184

from contact to communication, 179181

dreams, visions, prophecy and secret powers of interpretation, 199207

dying into our, 175

Elizabeth knew what she “just knew,” 187191

Elizabeth perceiving through, 189190

gnostic film, 184187

hallucinatory model of, 193195

how to talk to an octopus, 178179

literalist model of, 192193

models are not exclusive, 197198

as realm of unreal in secular society, 191192

as secret of this book, 178

translational model of, 195197

visionary experiences of, 148152

what happens after death, 277

what is imagined is not always imaginary, 177

religious intolerance, literalist model of imagination and, 193

Renner, Jeremy, 182

The Republic (Plato)

NDE and reincarnation in, 162

“The Parable of Plato’s Cave,” 151152


as secret of evolution, 240241

and time loops, 238240


interpretation and, 203205

prophecy in Jewish tradition and, 200201

trauma and, 264268

Riesebrodt, Martin, 145, 147

ritual, in Judaism, 112113

rocks falling from sky, 159160

Rosenthal, Francine Greenfield (paternal grandmother), 108109


sacred plant cultures of Latin America, reminiscent of NDEs, 149

sacred powers (wakan), lightning strikes in Native American lore, 219

Schneerson, Menachem M., 271


cannot know truth through, 137138

classical materialist interpretation of, 134, 135

denies fundamental reality of consciousness, 136

Elizabeth’s emails cannot be proved by, 295297

nature of scientific evidence, 297299

paranormal events do not play by rules of, 136, 160161

science, religion, and science fiction

classical materialism and, 134135

Esalen school for mutants, 140143

I am the screen, 148152

imagining the future, 137138

making the impossible possible, 133134

paranormal experiences of science fiction writers, 133134

reading/writing as paranormal practices, 138140

religion as practiced science fiction, 143148

studying stars at midday and, 136137

why the near-death experience feels so real, 152155

science fiction

Elizabeth’s experiences as, 158, 189

Elizabeth’s resonance with, 224225

meaning in, 246247

overview of, 143148

paranormal experiences of writers, 133134, 140, 142144

recognizes illusion and moves towards real, 184

religion as practiced, 143148

truths of ancient gnostic Christians in, 186

scientific method

Elizabeth’s experiences do not follow rules of, 135

vs. eternality, 119

hermeneutic of trust is opposite to, 301302

impossible when interpreting religious texts, 139

inhibits paranormal effects, 304

as only way to know the world, 137

scriptural interpretation, prophecy in Judaism, 200

séances, 304

Secret Body (Kripal), 294

sensory capacities, Elizabeth knew what she “just knew,” 187191

Serialism, Dunne’s theory of time, 248


connection between ESP and, 243

reincarnation and evolution requiring, 270

synesthetic experiences around orgasm, 222223

sexual abuse. see childhood sexual abuse

Shabbat services, 1516

sheep-goat” effect, parapsychology, 301302

Skow, Brad, 237

SLIders (Street Light Interference), 212213

social justice, focus in Reform Judaism, 112

Song of Songs tradition, 282283


dimensions or levels of, 263264

double. see evolution of double soul, angelic destiny of

evolution of, 268271

in Hasidic Judaism, 114117

paranormal powers and evolving, 102104

reincarnation and evolving, 100101

returning back to physical body, 3234

revelations in this book about, 5

as spark of eternal light, 100

trauma, revelation and, 264268

spirit guide

as greeter for recently departed, 106

lessons of the Garden, 104106

for new arrival in Garden, 2728, 104105

pairs in afterlife, with one acting as, 257

tapping into other people’s, 73, 106


absence in Reform Judaism, 113114

paranormal powers and, 103

Stang, Charles, 257258

Stevenson, Ian, 274

Stolow, Jeremy, 141142

stories, gnostic forms of knowledge as, 185186

strange things

colors of Oz, 3536

gene pool, 4448

knowing events in advance, 3640

phone call from the dead, 4044

the woman (not) upstairs, 4850

Street Light Interference (SLIders), 212213

Strieber, Whitley

abduction experiences of, 140

childhood trauma of, 266267

participation in Esalen symposium, 142

tells Elizabeth to help transition the dying, 141, 184

Struck, Peter, 233234

Sullenberger, Chesley B. “Sully”

metadata preserved for email about, 299303

US Airways Flight 1549 crash, 90


Elizabeth’s mother’s dalliance with, 46

haunted necklace leading to study of, 5657

paranormal events as, 220

as part of Elizabeth’s life abilities, 77

survival, from living in the slight near-future, 244

survival rate, for lightning strikes, 1

symbolic material, precognitive dreams, 287291, 297299


color associations of, 6063, 222

definition of, 221

genetics and, 6465

Grapheme-color, 64

how Elizabeth dreamed this book, 288

OCD combined with, 6364

role in history of religions, 223224

seeing of auras, 6566, 221222

sensing different realities, 221224



Babyonian, 120121

defined, 129


dedicated to divination and dream, 233234

lore around death and stopping of, 232

tales of NDEs due to biomedical, 173175

telepathy, survival advantage of, 170172

television, NDEs described in imagery of, 148152


of electricity, 225230

intellectually describes nature of God, 225226

The Theology of Electricity (Benz), 226227

theory of relativity. see block universe model

Thunder dreamers, Native American, 219220


block universe and its model of, 238

Brazilian soccer team plane crash of 2016, 9294

dreams that are not dreams and, 8385

Elizabeth’s problem with watches, 231233

as illusion in Arrival, 183184

J. W. Dunne’s theory of, 248

Japan earthquake, tsunami of 2011 and, 9192

as layer cake of infinite proportion, 8183

Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, 8587

Minkowski space-time, 237

modern sense of, 233

nonlinear nature of, 23, 2730, 7879

prophecy, divination, precognition and, 234236

revelations in this book about, 5

TransAsia Airways Flight 235, 9091

US Airways Flight 1549, 8790

time loops

precognized book sharing of authors and, 291294

remembering future and creating, 252

retrocausation and, 238240

Time Loops (Wargo), 238


Elizabeth’s visions/experiences and, 129130

lightning surrounds presence of God in, 215

linkages between dreams and prophecy, 200201

rabbis on dreams/visions, 201202

revelation and interpretation in, 204205

ritual dimension of Judaism and, 112113

word of God in, 111

TransAsia Airways Flight 235, 9091, 251


communicating with other species via, 179182

of emotional fields in colors of auras, 222

genetics works through information and, 245

precognitive dreams and, 196197

seeing auras as, 210211

translational model of imagination

overview of, 195197

in study of religion, 199

what happens after death, 277

translation-distortion, 180181, 200


and revelation, 264268

spiritual transcendence and sexual, 269

trickster effect, parapsychology, 303

trust, hermeneutic of, 301302

Tucker, Jim, 274276

TWA Flight 800 crash, 3839


UFOs, around altered states of energy, 212213

unconditional love

experience in Garden of, 2526

as lesson learned in Garden, 120

in Moody’s book/Elizabeth’s story, 162163

reminder to Elizabeth to feel, 32, 4243

stays with Elizabeth forever, 29

unity between humanity, 198

Universal Mind, Dunne’s belief in God as, 250

University of Virginia studies on, 274275

US Airways Flight 1549

Elizabeth”sees” future media on, 251

precognitive dream about, 8790

preserved metadata for email about, 299303


veridical hallucinations, NDEs in Victorian England, 162

Verne, Jule, 248

Victorian England, near-death experiences in, 162


as biotechnological projections, 148

dream space in Judaism linked to, 200202

of end or purpose of human life, 226

engaging and acting on, 174

as knowledge given, 97

religions fund art for sake of, 174175

religious beliefs in NDEs and, 164

of sacred plant cultures of Latin America, 149150

from voltage or visitations, 99

“Visions of the Impossible” (Kripal), 171172

vision-work, story of Elizabeth requires shared, 126128


in the Garden, 97

vision coming from, 99


of lightning strikes, 1, 97

receiving knowledge after, 97, 99

vision coming from, 99

Vonnegut, Kurt, 250


wakan (sacred powers), lightning strikes in Native American lore, 219

Wargo, Eric

on brain precognizing its own future, 247252

on evolution, 242245

on glass-block universe, 241242

on meaning, 245247

on precognition and retrocausation, 240242

precognition interest of, 238

on retrocausation and time loops, 238240

Wednesday Is Indigo Blue: Discovering the Brain of Synesthesia (Cytowic and Eagleman), 222223

Wendt, Alex, 229230

Western China earthquake of 2003, 40, 8485

Wolfson, Elliot

on angelic presenced, 258259

on interpreting dreams and visions, 207, 301

mystical literature of quantum physics, 228

on quantum physics and dreams, 205207

on religious imagination, 199

revelation and interpretation in, 203204

study of dreams by, 166167


interpretation and revelation in, 205

paranormal experiences of science fiction, 143148

paranormal practice of, 138140, 153


X, found in parking lot, 292293

X-Men: The Last Stand, 292


yahrtzeit (annual memorial), 15

Youth Without Youth (Eliade)

Elizabeth’s resonance with, 224225

energy and consciousness in, 225226

precognized sharing of, 293

religion as form of science fiction, 147148


Zaleksi, Carol, 276

Zeitoun, Virgin of, 213