

I would like to express my thanks to the many Pennsylvania Dutch cooks who took time to sit down with me for interviews and sometimes even a few cooking demonstrations. The late Dr. Don Yoder, “father of American folklife,” often accompanied me during my fieldwork, and those memories of his gentle presence will always remain with me. A large thank-you is due Patrick Donmoyer, who allowed me to use the historic farmhouse at Kutztown University as a site for some of the photography.

Drew M. McCaskey, Dan Waber and Owen Taylor, all part of the Roughwood Seed Collection team, served as my Tasting Committee. Their helpful pointers were of great use for tweaking the recipes to make each one just a little bit better.

My literary agent, Lisa Ekus, deserves a huge hug for believing in this book, and the folks at St. Lynn’s Press are to be thanked for understanding its vision – especially my editor, Cathy Dees, who is a real old-school editor of the very best sort.



Lancaster trade card depicting Shoofly the boxing mule, circa 1880.
