The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
Festive Breads (Feschtbrode)
Apple Bread or Schnitzing Bread
Baked Anise Dumplings
Bean Day Bread
Butter Semmels
Quince Honey
Christmas Fruit Loaf
Honey Crumbs
Cinnamon Rolls or “Snails”
Dutch Bread or Light Cake
Easter Lamb
Lebanon Rusks or Potato Rusks
New Year’s “Boys”
New Year’s Pretzel
Saffron Bread
Stollen and Strietzel
Sugar Buns or Kissing Buns
Cakes (Kuche)
Bigler Cake
Bishop’s Bread
Breitinger’s Apple Cake with Cheese
Coffee Shoofly Cake
Coffee Spice Cake
Crumb Cake
Dutch Apple Cake
Dutch Butter Cake
Filled Crumb Cake
Gerhart’s Reunion Cake
Honey Loaf Cake with Walnuts
Hyndman Corn Cake
Leopard Cake
Maple Sugar Apeas
Osterburg Easter Cake
Railroad Cake
Rough-and-Ready Cake
Picnic Icing
Saffron Apeas
Vanilla Apeas
Yeast-Raised Plum Cake
Cookies and Small Pastries (Kichelche un Gleenegebeck)
Adam and Eve Cookies
Apeas Drop Cookies
Antler Cookies
Belschnickel Cookies
Chinquapin Jumbles
Finger Dumplings
Frackville Pretzels and Fastnachts
Honey Cakes
Lemon Hearts
New Year’s Cake
Nuttle Cookies
Orange Pretzels
Sand Tarts
Slit Fritters or Harvest Home Fritters
Springerle Cookies
Sugar Cookies or Ritner Roll-outs
Sugar Kingles
White Peppernuts
Whoopie Cake
Datsch Cakes (Datschkuche)
Apple Datsch (Sweet)
Green Tomato and Apple Datsch
Hickory Nut Datsch
Oatmeal Datsch
Peanut Datsch
Potato Crumb Datsch
Raisin Datsch or Bethlehem Cake
St. Gertrude’s Day Datsch
Pies and Tarts (Die Boie un Kuche)
Almond Pastry Dough
Raspberry Pockets
Basic Pie Crust
Yeast-Raised Tart Dough
Apple Butter Pie
Apple Schnitz Pie with Sweet Potatoes
Bear Cheese Pie with Pretzel Crust
Buttermilk Crumb Pie
Cottage Cheese Tart
Rosehip Jam
Fish Pie
Green Apple Pie with Grapefruit and Lovage
Groundcherry Strip Pie
Strip Pie Crust
Half-Moon Pies with Pumpkin Filling
Hard Tack Pie or Poor House Pie
Jolly Molly’s Saffron Pie
Lemon Crumb Pie
Lemon Sponge Pie
Mango Schnitz Pie
Maple Sugar Shoofly Pie
Poppy Seed Tart
Egg Crust
Purple Pump Pie
Railroad Pie or Rivvel Pie
Raspberry Thick Milk Pie
Slop Tarts or Thick Milk Pies
Schluppers and Puddings (Die Schlupper un die Budding)
Blackberry or Brambleberry Clafty
Boskie Boys
Chocolate Gribble Pudding
Uncle Penny’s Tender Pie Crust
Poprobin Pudding
Sour Cherry Schlupper
Sweet Corn and Pawpaw Pudding
York County Peppermint Pudding
Dutch treats await Sunday dinner in a farmhouse kitchen, Maytown, Pennsylvania, 1910.