We’re grateful to several of our friends and colleagues who encouraged this project and gave extremely helpful comments on an earlier draft of the book: Derek Chapman, Gordon Hodson, Paul Tremblay, Reinout de Vries, and Narnia Worth. We likewise obtained very positive and constructive input on a recent draft of the book from Robert Mackwood, from Taya Cohen, and from two anonymous reviewers. Our book is much improved for these insightful suggestions.
We thank Lew Goldberg and Gerard Saucier for their generosity in sharing the extraordinarily rich datasets from their Oregon community sample and from their English-language lexical research, and also for their insights on personality structure.
We also thank Steve Rubenzer for sharing the facet-level data from his study of the personalities of US presidents.
We’d also like to thank the editorial team at Wilfrid Laurier University Press for all their work on this project: Rob Kohlmeier for his extremely efficient management of the editing process, Leslie Macredie for her great efforts in marketing, and especially Ryan Chynces for his courage in taking on this book and his confidence in working with us. We’re also grateful to Matthew Kudelka for his excellent copy editing.
We’re grateful to the institutions that have supported our research program. We thank the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada for the grants that funded many of our projects. We also thank the University of Calgary and Brock University for their ongoing support. This book in particular was funded by Brock University’s Council for Research in the Social Sciences.
Kibeom thanks his wife and two daughters, who have patiently talked about personality structure over the dinner table many times. He also thanks his mother, his brother, and his brother’s family for their ongoing support. Finally, he dedicates this book to his late father, who would have loved reading it.
Mike thanks his whole family—his parents, his sister and her family, and his in-laws—for all their encouragement. He especially thanks his wife for her enthusiastic support, and he dedicates this book to her.