When the identity of writer and recipient is clear from the text, only the date of letters, if known, together with the source, is given. Manuscript collections are referred to in brief and bracketed (see Bibliography). PWL denotes Percy Wyndham Lewis; ASL, Anne Stuart Lewis; CEL, Charles Edward Lewis; and GAL, Gladys Anne Lewis.
Frequently cited titles have been shortened as follows:
AIP – America, I Presume
B&B – Blasting and Bombardiering
EN – Enemy News: Journal of the Wyndham Lewis Society
P/L – Pound/Lewis
RA – Rude Assignment
3 ‘queer white . . . old frog’: A Friendship Documented ed. Constable and Watson, p. 42–3.
4 ‘It was . . . a wharf’: ‘The Vita of Wyndham Lewis’ ed. Bernard Lafourcade EN 20 Winter 1984.
4–5 ‘November 18 . . . Canada’: PWL to Immigration authorities, 16/8/40 (Cornell).
5 ‘moderate . . . temperature’: 17/11/1882.
6 ‘was ablaze . . . in telegraphy’: Daily Evening News 18/11/1882.
‘fully two thirds . . . many colours’: ibid. 20/11/1882.
7 ‘Do you . . . little place’: Interviews and Recollections ed. Mikhail, p. 107.
‘gallant . . . the war’: memo on CEL’s military service (National Archives).
8 ‘ESCAPE . . . Interesting Incidents’: 18/2/1865.
‘Most miserable . . . hotel’: (Cornell).
‘I sympathise . . . your own’: 28/9/1877 (Cornell).
9 ‘longing . . . shall be’: 2/8/1877 transcribed by GAL (Cornell).
‘ask the nurse . . . come home’: 6/9/1877 ibid. (Cornell).
‘It is hard . . . look at them dear’: 10/10/1877 ibid. (Cornell).
9–12 ‘much warmer . . . peck of apples’: ASL Diary (Cornell).
13 ‘my mother . . . inside it’: ‘Vita of Wyndham Lewis’.
‘My infant . . . English coast’: to Giovanelli 18/10/48 (Cornell).
‘the Collis boys’: GAL Biographical Notes (Cornell).
‘At around . . . small American’: ‘Vita of Wyndham Lewis’.
15 ‘So it is’ . . . looming ahead’: Seeds in the Wind ed. Braybrooke p.70.
16 ‘would be willing . . . afresh’: ASL to CEL 16/5/1893 (Cornell).
‘the old people . . . Polly’: to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
‘He looks . . . as a berry’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
‘a thunderous roar . . . cheered’: Seeds in the Wind pp. 76–7.
‘Am greatly disappointed . . . future’: CEL to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
17 ‘very comfortable . . . Cottage’: CEL to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
‘about out of funds . . . days later’: CEL to ASL 20/12/1892 (Cornell).
‘coal and things’: CEL to ASL 3/1/1893 (Cornell).
‘Charley went . . . astonished’: to ASL 7/10/1893 (Cornell).
17–18 ‘I must admit . . . Yours unfaithfully’: 15/4/1893 (Cornell).
18 ‘As man and wife . . . that is’: ibid. (Cornell).
18–19 ‘fondly and devotedly . . . divorced’: 16/4/1893 (Cornell).
19 ‘seems . . . intercourse with him’: 6/7/1893 (Cornell).
‘About Charles . . . see him again’: to ASL 14/12/93 (Cornell).
‘simply . . . my brother’: to ASL 6/7/1893 (Cornell).
‘But [he] bemoans . . . upon himself’: 8/6/1894 (Cornell).
‘I can’t quite . . . wrong way’: to ASL 25/5/1894 (Cornell).
‘As for yourself . . . friend’: 8/6/1894 (Cornell).
19–20 ‘good time . . . our form’: n.d. (Cornell).
20 ‘I do not intend . . . to follow’: 22/8/1894 (Cornell).
21 ‘It will teach . . . as well’: to ASL 10/12/1894 (Cornell).
‘Mr Morgan . . . playground shed’: 18/1/1895 (Cornell).
‘I have without . . . impossible’: to ASL 10/7/94 (Cornell).
‘a most beautiful . . . grievously’: ibid. 20/11/1897 (Cornell).
21–2 ‘Fair . . . on the whole’: (Cornell).
22 ‘footer . . . was there’: to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
‘Scarcely did I . . . didn’t mind’: ‘Vita of Wyndham Lewis’.
23 ‘two years . . . work’: RA p. 250.
‘bunked . . . ‘sixth licking’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘He . . . was very proud . . . prefect’s door’: ‘Wyndham Lewis’ The Atlantic December 1969.
23–24 ‘I feel sure . . . hard to tell’: 18/12/1897 (Cornell).
24 ‘Whatever it be . . . education’: 20/11/1897 (Cornell).
‘some weeks every . . . mesmerism’: RA p. 249.
25 ‘Instead of poring . . . normal company’: ibid. p. 249.
‘an old Scot . . . enthusiasm’: ibid. p. 119.
‘Is not doing . . . work or go’: (Cornell).
26–27 ‘about fifty . . . Nor did he’: ‘Three Teachers: Brown, Tonks and Steer’ Burlington Magazine June 1943.
27 ‘This was . . . we were told’: ibid.
‘Slade School ingenious’: RA p. 127.
28 ‘treating chiefly . . . Living Model’: Slade School Prospectus 1900–1.
29 ‘Veal and ham . . . student’: handwritten draft of RA (Cornell).
‘my first experience . . . race’: handwritten draft of RA (Cornell).
30 ‘Your brother . . . bogey for me’: to Hilton 9/6/51 (Cornell).
31–33 ‘a hairy male . . . images’: RA pp. 127–8.
33 ‘1899 was the year . . . School’: ‘The Slade School Summer Compositions since 1893’ The Slade . . . p. 25.
‘I tried my hand . . . Signorelli’: RA p. 128.
‘I had always . . . cinquecento’: 9/4/47 (Cornell).
35 ‘He liked . . . never met’: Men and Memories vol. II pp. 26–7.
36 ‘My son . . . no more’: (Trust).
‘So great . . . watch him work’: (Cornell).
37 ‘giving assistance . . . younger Students’: Slade School Prospectus 1900–1.
‘I was seldom . . . the nude’: RA p. 250.
‘The Council . . . the Schools’: Slade School Prospectus 1900–1.
‘like many other . . . himself’: (Cornell).
‘the same . . . the door’: RA p. 250.
38 ‘So bitterly . . . dangerous’: quoted Cork Vorticism . . . vol. I, p. 3.
39 ‘He hesitated . . . daily life’: Men and Memories vol. II, pp. 26–7.
‘To Doubt’ . . . 16th year’: note on MS. (Cornell).
‘So young . . . as I am’: handwritten draft of RA (Cornell).
‘strange and interesting’: Men and Memories vol. II p. 26.
39–40 ‘he has written . . . to a man!’: The Apes of God p. 40.
40 ‘sooner or later . . . by the way’: Yeats to W. Rothenstein 17/10/02 Letters vol. III pp. 235–6.
‘an exquisite . . . hardly anyone’: Men and Memories vol. II p. 19.
‘so young . . . three or four’: RA p. 124.
40–41 ‘Mr Boleyn . . . lovely poem’: The Apes of God p. 40.
41 ‘Ace, tray . . . space?’: ibid. p. 341.
‘SUICIDE’S TOILET . . . unsound mind’: 28/4/02.
42 ‘While still . . . demands that’: Twentieth Century Palette p. 77 Unpublished typescript (Cornell).
43 ‘How calm . . . taught me that’: 12/7/42 (Cornell).
‘this patriarch . . . biblical courses’: RA p. 128.
‘The only people . . . their own’: ibid. p. 123.
45–46 ‘I think Madrid . . . lot here’: PWL to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
46 ‘studied . . . Venetian grounds’: to Barr 24/11/41 (Cornell).
‘We . . . while I’m abroad’: PWL to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
47–48 ‘very stupid . . . exaggerate that’: ibid. 7/10/04 (Cornell).
48 ‘They pawned . . . their pawnings’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
49 ‘I can’t work . . . needn’t detail’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
‘models more less . . . in London’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
‘Italian models . . . cigarettes’: ibid. (Cornell)
49–50 ‘I don’t much . . . difficulty’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
50 ‘be able . . . occasionally’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
52 ‘which shows . . . amusing yourself’: 10/1/05 (Cornell).
‘about 14/- . . . 17/- a week’: PWL to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
‘extremely bad for painting’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
‘I am going . . . of a sou’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
53 ‘the after effects . . . of medicine’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
‘I am suffering . . . holiday’: n.d. (Aberystwyth).
‘Am I 22 . . . return of post’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘I don’t very . . . pour elle’: n.d. (Cornell).
53–54 ‘The German . . . bred mistress’: to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
54 ‘girls who . . . so far either’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
‘You have . . . visit you there’: n.d. (Aberystwyth).
55 ‘A magnificent . . . willing to lend’: to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
‘It wouldn’t matter . . . Christmas’: ibid. pmk 30/9/05 (Cornell).
‘She poses . . . number of hours’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
‘I am . . . models go’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
‘I begin . . . long ago’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
‘I don’t want . . . my model’: ibid. pmk 30/9/05 (Cornell).
56 ‘the proper person . . . present address’: 12/9/05 (Cornell).
‘We were foolish . . . getting it’: to PWL 2/10/05 (Cornell).
‘It appears . . . in a store’: 12/09/05 (Cornell).
‘The one thing . . . present’: 2/10/05 (Cornell).
‘a room . . . 7/- or 7/6’: PWL to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
57 ‘The drawing . . . make thirty’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
57–58 ‘You might have . . . state of finances’: 9/11/05 (Cornell).
58 ‘It is a pity . . . responsibilities’: 20/9/05 (Cornell).
‘If you get . . . saving of £2. 8s.’: 9/11/05 (Cornell).
‘Well dear boy . . . alone’: 9/11/05 (Cornell).
‘It is the man’s . . . time also’: 6/12/05 trans. from French (Cornell).
59 ‘and the way . . . much, Percy’: Ida Vendel to PWL n.d. (Cornell).
‘How dreadfully . . . Ida’s purity’: 17/11/05 (Cornell).
‘You want to . . . what she is!’: Tarr p. 224.
59–60 ‘I will only . . . de ses forces’: Simons to PWL 17/11/05 (Cornell).
60–61 ‘I will never . . . for good’: Hedwig Vendel to PWL 6/12/05 (Cornell).
61 ‘Personally I like . . . very tactless’: to PWL 27/6/07 (Cornell).
‘I play . . . nothing, nothing!!’: n.d. trans. from French (Cornell).
62 ‘I don’t think . . . arrange itself’: to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
63 ‘this modern . . . Elberfeld?’: Blast War Number p. 9.
‘The only effect . . . sadder’: to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
63–64 ‘Some of the best . . . may have’: n.d. (Cornell).
64 ‘The pension . . . disagreeable’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘There is always . . . 6 weeks!’: n.d. (Cornell).
65 ‘I will never . . . wear them’: pmk 3/2/06 (Cornell).
‘very amusing . . . articles of attire’: n.d. (Cornell).
65–66 ‘and avoid Bal Parés . . . say anything’: n.d. (Cornell).
66 ‘I slept well . . . my life’: n.d. trans. from French (Cornell).
‘it’s really . . . freer afterwards’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘I want . . . good for me’: n.d. trans. from French (Cornell).
‘it is 20 marks . . . good to be true’: to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
66–68 ‘After this blow . . . sure I am’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
68–69 ‘Received your letter . . . two rentals’: 14/4/08 trans. from French (Cornell).
69 ‘I’m going . . . its existence’: n.d. (Aberystwyth).
69–70 ‘I am writing . . . Faust forthwith’: n.d. (Aberystwyth).
70 ‘matrimonial projects . . . habitual padding’: n.d. (Aberystwyth).
‘My poet . . . consulting me’: n.d. (Huntington).
‘although hardly knowing . . . handbook’: PWL to John n.d. (Aberystwyth).
71 ‘you always . . . ashamed of me?’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘this cost me a little’: to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
‘dirtiness . . . him so much’: n.d. (Cornell).
71–72 ‘He came back . . . I wept’: n.d. (Huntington).
72 ‘I can’t . . . frustrates any effort’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘The poet irritates . . . boundless’: to Schepeler n.d. (Huntington).
‘He had never . . . an ox’s!’: Tarr p. 294.
‘What a mistake . . . each remark’: to Schepeler n.d. (Huntington).
‘send me . . . that score’: n.d. (Cornell).
72–73 ‘laboratorical gibberish . . . extremely ridiculous’: n.d. (Aberystwyth).
73 ‘I felt . . . stay away’: 12/6/07 (Cornell).
‘a convenient . . . human groups’: Tarr p. 21.
74 ‘I wish . . . as well’: to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
‘She is abusing . . . the letter’: ibid. (Cornell).
74–75 ‘They called me . . . a bit’: ibid. (Cornell).
75 ‘What a refreshment . . . brother’: to John n.d. (Aberystwyth).
‘of peritonitis . . . other things’: PWL to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
75–76 ‘I have roughly . . . astonishing’: n.d. (Cornell).
76 ‘To show how . . . saw Everett’: to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
‘I have . . . little helps’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
‘Ida is here . . . relationship with her’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘I couldn’t . . . the contrary’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘I have . . . about it’: n.d. (Cornell).
77 ‘I don’t see . . . isn’t it?’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘An intense . . . on a beetle’: Tarr p. 309.
‘I’ve not seen . . . german bitch’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘I think . . . this world’’: n.d. (Cornell).
77–78 ‘Lewis announced . . . le nigaud’: n.d. (Huntington).
78 ‘I’ve come . . . without her’: to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
‘Oh, so it’s . . . if you can’: ibid. n.d. (Cornell).
79 ‘I think . . . better terms’: 27/6/07 (Cornell).
‘As to Lewis . . . tergiversation’: n.d. (Huntington).
79–80 ‘Renouncing the illusions . . . his savages’: n.d. (Cornell).
80 ‘I have begun . . . did it’: 18/2/07 quoted Shone Bloomsbury Portraits p. 44.
80–81 ‘I got the 3 . . . Schelfhout days’: to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
81 ‘I really think . . . to Brittany’: 27/6/07 (Cornell).
‘We arrived . . . installed myself’: to ASL n.d. trans. from French (Cornell).
‘She . . . said . . . again meet’: ASL to PWL 27/6/07 (Cornell).
‘I’ve had a lesson . . . in a hurry’: PWL to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
‘Although you feel . . . goes there’: 27/6/07 (Cornell).
82 ‘The mandates . . . see her again’: Tarr p. 207.
‘the best thing . . . other friend’: PWL to ASL n.d. (Cornell).
‘Lewis no doubt . . . petits Suisses’: 27/7/07 (Tate).
82–83 ‘sitting on a bench . . . receive alms’: quoted Paul Edwards ‘Wyndham Lewis’s Narrative of Origins: “The Death of the Ankou” ’ Modern Language Review January 1997.
83 ‘I was painting . . . a complementary creation’: Beginnings pp. 100–1.
83–84 ‘Don’t send . . . tiny scratchings’: 30/5/08 (Cornell).
84 ‘That devil Lewis . . . promises to pay’: 10/1/08 (Tate).
‘We accosted . . . than formerly’: to Lamb 6/2/08 (Tate).
‘It might be . . . delighted’: 11/3/08 (Cornell).
86 ‘his Spanish . . . surprising people’: Complete Wild Body p. 228.
‘I daresay . . . your heart’: 24/7/08 and 20/9/08 (Cornell).
‘It is most dangerous . . . proper remedies’: 24/7/08 (Cornell).
‘I hope you will . . . tired out’: 16/7/08 (Cornell).
87 ‘My poor Lewis . . . Spanish frankness?’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘a tall . . . best of hearts’: Complete Wild Body p. 264.
‘I have recently . . . confraternity’: 6/11/08 quoted Holroyd Augustus John p. 284.
‘the daughter . . . hidalgo’: Complete Wild Body p. 196.
88 ‘Now I believe . . . necessary things’: 19/7/08 (Cornell).
‘These fetes . . . most precious’: Complete Wild Body p. 194.
89 ‘Don’t get wet . . . unboiled milk’: 5/9/08 (Cornell).
‘don’t go . . . guide books say’: 20/9/08 (Cornell).
‘Added to this . . . and dirtier’: 4/10/08 (Cornell).
‘this cantankerous old woman’: to PWL 12/9/08 (Cornell).
‘little airs . . . tiresome’: ibid. 20/9/08 (Cornell).
90 ‘get your writing . . . you can see’: 20/9/08 (Cornell).
‘collect all . . . departure’: 20/10/08 (Cornell).
‘and a few other . . . in December’: ASL to PWL 25/11/08 (Cornell).
91 ‘My dear Missis Lewis . . . does he work?’: (Cornell).
‘Don’t get . . . any money’: 25/11/08 (Cornell).
92 ‘I often think . . . communicate with’: 18/11/08 (Cornell).
‘The Brittany . . . to listen’: 9/2/09 (Cornell).
‘The day before . . . her children?’: Memoirs p. 214.
93 ‘very bad way . . . his genius’: n.d. (London).
‘Unpardonably . . . carelessness’: to Sturge Moore n.d. (London).
‘prepared . . . for your curses . . . the writing’: n.d. (London).
94 ‘Hueffer is a shit . . . for myself’: n.d. (London).
94–95 ‘something happened . . . advertisement for him’: n.d. (Tate).
95 ‘at the end . . . in the face’: n.d. (Cornell).
96 ‘Dorelia is . . . strenuous plotting’: n.d. (Aberystwyth).
‘chiefly army . . . subtle for them’: PWL to Pinker n.d. (NYPL).
‘miserable pot-boiler’: ibid. n.d. (NYPL).
‘not marketable . . . pot-boiling’: ibid. n.d. (NYPL).
‘I can probably . . . not recur’: ibid. n.d. (NYPL).
97 ‘we wish to exalt . . . white teeth’: South Lodge pp. 64–5.
‘I am to tell . . . Mona Lisa?’: n.d. (Aberystwyth).
98 ‘The clap . . . voilà tout’: n.d. (Tate).
‘an “analytic novel” . . . etc’: n.d. (Tate).
99 ‘On or about . . . year 1910’: Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown p. 4.
100 ‘cutting away . . . abstract elements’: ‘The Grafton Gallery – I’, The Nation, 19/11/10.
101 ‘By an admirably . . . his peers’: 12/11/10.
‘a fine thing . . . exquisite thing’: The Builder 12/11/10.
‘This show . . . British philistinism’: to Dickinson 15/10/10 Letters vol. I, p. 337.
101–102 ‘It is paint . . . sick headache’: 9/11/102 10.
‘It is all titter . . . a monocle’: 24/11/10.
‘A stout, elderly . . . fresh air’: ‘The Art-Quake of 1910’ The Listener 1/2/43.
‘The exhibition . . . bonfire of them’: My Diaries vol. II pp. 343–4.
103 ‘For a moment . . . unmanly show’: 16/11/10.
‘Don’t go in . . . evil’: Exhibition p. 39.
‘a very small . . analytic novel’: n.d. (Aberystwyth).
104 ‘I suppose . . . justified this step’: n.d (London).
106 ‘It has been . . . novel from me’: n.d. (London).
‘The critics . . . But invariably!’: n.d. (London).
107 ‘I was neither . . . of archaism’: 18/6/11.
‘A few visitors . . . “queer” ’: 18/6/11.
‘As an imaginary . . . exhibition’: 3/7/11.
‘fools will behave . . . too late’: 6/10/11 (Cornell).
108 ‘these two psychological . . . came here’: n.d. (London).
109 ‘I shall now . . . finished it’: n.d. (London).
‘a largish . . . yellows and browns’: RA p. 130.
‘two men . . . vanished’: quoted Michel Paintings and Drawings p. 333.
109–10 ‘Mr Wyndham Lewis . . . pictures’: 11/12/11.
110 ‘Mr Wyndham Lewis’s . . . criticism’: 9/12/11.
‘the Fishermen . . . this subject’: 2/12/11 (Cornell).
‘I am quite . . . such rubbish’: n.d. (Ashmolean).
111 ‘all things . . . blended with it’: Futurist Manifestos pp. 27–8.
‘WHATDOYOU . . . SERIOUSLY?’: 6/3/12
112 ‘The Club will . . . dancers dance’: (Gore).
‘I admit . . . unnerved me’: Chiaroscuro p. 116.
‘a sort of man hole’: 27/6/12.
‘even more delightful . . . continuous joy’: 30/6/12.
113 ‘enough . . . till dawn’: The Times 27/6/12.
‘two paintings . . . of the walls’: n.d. (Cornell).
114 ‘a cubistic . . . red and purple’: John Quinn Sale Catalogue 1927.
‘kissing . . . the mouth’: 27/11/13.
‘two wicked-looking eyes’: quoted Robins Modern Art in Britain p. 137.
‘some terrible battle . . . murderous insects’: Daily Telegraph 21/10/13.
‘some gigantic . . . other planet’: Observer 26/10/13.
‘crabs in anguish . . . lobster legs’: quoted Robins Modern Art in Britain p. 137.
114–15 ‘His design . . . beauty of colour’: Nation 20/7/12.
115 ‘having shed . . . achievement’: 27/7/12.
116 ‘we are persuaded . . . not wanting’: 30/7/12
‘that wretched fellow . . . gratitude’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘an almost derelict firm’: South Lodge p. 61.
116–17 ‘My good girl . . . a genius’: Tripp to PWL 19/8/12 (Cornell).
117 ‘Your great fault . . . view’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘fire, water . . . serious nature’: n.d. (Cornell).
118 ‘one of the most . . . divested of function’: 12/10/12.
118–19 ‘Mr Wyndham Lewis . . . represents’: 19/12/12.
119 ‘with the majority . . . mechanical marionette’: 14/12/12.
‘the honorary . . . together’: South Lodge p. 62.
120 ‘with or without . . . possible chance’: 17/12/12 (Cornell).
120–21 ‘One youthful person . . . gets dull’: 1/1/14.
122 ‘disreputable Slav . . . mouth for you’: n.d (Princeton).
‘most amicable . . . entertaining’: ‘Wyndham Lewis from 1912’.
‘When the time . . . his demands’: Beginning Again p. 95.
123 ‘all other contributors . . . my vanity’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘a fresh impression . . . arouses’: quoted Times 20/3/13.
‘It is not . . . archaic women’: 24/3/13.
‘a synthesis of laughter’: 27/3/13.
‘If his composition . . . its kind’: 20/3/13.
‘a large paper-picture’: to Oliver Brown 11/2/37 (Cornell).
‘an over-lifesize . . . reddish’: RA p. 130.
124 ‘undistinguished . . . number’: Athenaeum 22/3/13.
‘a large paper . . . Laughing Woman” ’: n.d. (Cornell).
125 ‘I’ve got to . . . workshop’: 31/5/13 Letters vol. II p. 369.
125–26 ‘building up . . . Adios’: Gill to Duncan Grant 29/8/66 (V&A).
126 ‘ “Group” is more . . . no primitive’: 2/8/13.
127 ‘stages . . . young woman’: Gill to Grant, June 1966 (V&A).
‘ “Laughing Woman” . . . Contemporary Art Society’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘I’m afraid . . . final judgement’: n.d. (Cornell).
128 ‘My wife . . . miscarry’: to PWL n.d. (Cornell).
‘The chains . . . work of hanging’: ibid. 4/8/13 (Cornell).
129–30 ‘have been given . . . said by me’: to PWL 4/8/13 (Cornell).
130 ‘through Bloomsbury influence’: RA p. 130.
‘at any rate . . . nightmare shape’: 2/2/14.
‘For God’s sake . . . YOURSELF’: n.d. (Gore).
‘in an advanced style’: Fry to Gore 7/10/13 quoted Quentin Bell and Stephen Chaplin ‘The Ideal Home Rumpus’ Apollo June 1966.
131 ‘as you very . . . Daily Mail’: (Gore).
‘the Omega . . . various artists’: (Gore).
132 ‘Nothing at all . . . No decorations’: PWL to Bell n.d. (Cornell).
‘It was . . . [wall] decoration’: to Gore 9/10/13 and 18/10/13 (Gore).
‘Lewis had . . . over that’: quoted Cork to Cassidy 21/6/70.
‘Did you know . . . in vain’: n.d. (Aberystwyth).
132–33 ‘I am sorry . . . enjoyed it more’: n.d. (Cornell).
133 ‘Ça, c’est trop fort!’: quoted ‘Ideal Home Rumpus’.
133–34 ‘Understanding that . . . of the Omega’: n.d. (Cornell).
134 ‘I . . . can only . . . my things’: (Cornell).
134–35 ‘We have had . . . the writers’: quoted ‘Ideal Home Rumpus’.
135 ‘you ought not . . . doing there?’: quoted Bell and Chaplin, correspondence Apollo January 1966.
135–36 ‘Prettiness . . . action for libel’: quoted ‘Ideal Home Rumpus’.
136 ‘I am very sorry . . . supporters’: to PWL 21/10/13 (Cornell).
‘I have received . . . sordid intrigues’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘The commission . . . latter gentlemen’: quoted ‘Ideal Home Rumpus’.
‘I think . . . shall not oblige’: to Rose Vildrac 4/11/13 Letters vol. II p. 375.
137 ‘to transact . . . business’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘a young frenchman . . . very different’: Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas p. 134.
138 ‘bustle . . . leave her “en panne” ’: n.d (Cornell).
‘The Strindberg . . . godless old ape’: n.d. (Cornell).
139 ‘zang – tumb . . . TUMB-TUUUUUM’: Marinetti e il futurismo p. 323.
‘It was . . . by comparison’: B&B p. 37.
‘Lewis was threatening . . . hand first’: quoted Cork Art Beyond the Gallery p. 109.
140 ‘I don’t think . . . fools come’: 19/11/13 (Cornell).
‘I am going . . . been put on’: quoted Hassall Edward Marsh p. 258.
‘the sick poor of all denominations’: Times 24/10/13.
140–41 ‘She wants . . . a buyer’: n.d. (Cornell).
141 ‘Exquisite . . . nightmare faces’: 4/12/13.
‘menacing . . . people laugh’: 4/12/13.
‘a good note . . . Christmas carnival’: 4/12/13.
141–42 ‘the crowd . . . exhibition of dancing’: 4/12/13 (Cornell).
142 ‘I saw futurist . . . “Robert E. Lee” ’: 4/12/13.
‘I hope . . . diminish’: 21/10/13 (Cornell).
‘I have not . . . something better’: 17/12/13 (Cornell).
‘You may . . . we miss’: Letters p. 65.
143 ‘His bull-dog . . . M[oore]’s bull-dog’: The Cantos, LXXX, p. 507.
‘It was a solemn . . . his instructions’: South Lodge pp. 67–8.
144 ‘a special night . . . “Blast Club” ’: n.d (Cornell).
‘The Lewis group . . . amazing thing’: 26/1/14 Letters vol. II p. 378.
144–45 ‘the departure . . . mediocre stuff’: 15/1/14.
145 ‘You’ve got to . . . public’: ‘Talk with K. Lechmere 1 January 1954’. Xerox obtained from Victor Cassidy. Whereabouts of original typescript and identity of interviewer unknown.
‘almost wholly . . . cubist pictures’: 16/2/14.
‘stole the show . . . an American’: ‘Talk with K. Lechmere 1 January 1954’.
‘large decoration . . . exorbitant’: n.d. (Cornell).
146 ‘vivid light . . . tints’: Times 28/2/14.
‘rioting mass . . . so to speak’: 25/6/14.
‘to see the Frieze . . . drawings’: (Cornell).
‘Among the exhibits . . . can tell’: 5/10/58.
‘a perfectly bloody show’: n.d (Aberystwyth).
‘Mr Wyndham Lewis . . . houses’: (Cornell).
147 ‘American Millionaire . . . influential’: Nevinson to PWL n.d. (Cornell).
‘I hope . . . his pocket’: 28/10/13 (Cornell).
‘The Lewis gang . . . among artists’: 6/3/14 Letters vol. II p. 379.
‘black doors . . . orgies of colour’: 25/6/14.
‘The studio walls . . . Chinese red’: ‘Wyndham Lewis from 1912’. Xerox obtained from Victor Cassidy. Whereabouts of original typescript unknown.
‘It will be . . . on this scale’: (Cornell).
‘an extra room . . . to paint in’: ‘Wyndham Lewis from 1912’.
‘The London Group . . . Picasso’: 7/3/14.
‘A champagne glass . . . lady’s leg’: 10/3/14.
148 ‘quite remarkable . . . as a whole’: 26/3/14.
‘Epstein is Hulme, Hulme is Epstein’: ‘Wyndham Lewis from 1912’.
149 ‘There was to . . . in its place?’: A Press View at the Tate.
150 ‘bloody bitch . . . be bullied!’: Cassidy interview with Lechmere 28/7/73.
‘Free Entrance for . . . London, to lecture’: (Cornell).
151 ‘absentmindedly in a tail coat’: South Lodge p. 65.
‘The principal object . . . on tiptoe’: (Cornell).
‘Lewis . . . behind a door’: ‘Recollections of Vorticism’ Apollo January 1971.
‘Let me introduce . . . have in mind’: n.d (Cornell).
152 ‘Supposing they wanted . . . heaven to himself’: 18/5/14.
152–53 ‘You are a futurist . . . an Englishman!’: from B&B pp. 37–8.
154 ‘I assembled . . . Doré Gallery’: ibid. p. 33.
‘Only bad work . . . Hurrah for lightning!’: Manchester Guardian 13/6/14.
‘maintained a confused uproar’: B&B p. 36.
155 ‘I never see . . . upside down’: ibid. p. 39.
‘It was verbally . . . libel in it’: 25/6/14 (Cornell).
156 ‘At the moment . . . ever seen’: 1/7/14.
‘Our Vortex . . . red-hot swiftness’: Blast p. 149.
‘That what is actual . . . North’: ibid. p. 34.
157 ‘in their . . . Futuristic . . . to be found’: ibid. p. 41.
‘Signatures for Manifesto’: ibid. p.43.
‘something between . . . sick headache’: September 1914.
‘pucey pink’: 5/7/14.
‘chill flannelette pink . . . draper’s stock’: 1/7/14.
‘miraculously . . . tried this’: Cournos Autobiography p. 268.
158 ‘languid era . . . no one did’: Ezra Pound Speaking p. 108.
‘It is like . . . why should I?’: 13/7/14 (Cornell).
158–59 ‘You make everyone . . . another personality’: n.d. (Cornell).
159 ‘You hurt me . . . be courteous’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘nicer . . . unshaved’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘Something ugly . . . formal gentleness’: n.d. (Cornell).
160 ‘I keep trying . . . want me to do’: n.d. (Trust).
‘that Mr Lewis . . . these copies’: Lechmere to PWL 23/7/14 (Cornell).
‘I am coming . . . Lewis’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘After your language . . . as possible’: 26/7/14 (Cornell).
161 ‘I couldn’t . . . new premises’: 30/7/14 (Cornell).
‘So ended the Rebel Art Centre’: ‘Wyndham Lewis from 1912’.
‘the turf . . . the heart good’: Ford Return to Yesterday p. 416.
‘There won’t be . . . declare war’: from B&B pp. 62–3.
162 ‘It appeared . . . belonged’: Blast War Number p. 95.
163 ‘I am supposed . . . German subjects’: n.d. (Cornell).
163–64 ‘I am not surprised . . . Dunkie’: n.d. (Trust).
164 ‘he had . . . three days’: Aldington to Herbert Read 12/3/57 quoted Meyers The Enemy p. 71.
‘Just now I’m sick . . . or talk to’: n.d. (Cornell).
165 ‘Any violent . . . saved my life’: B&B p. 91.
‘a bottle . . . celebrated marks’: ibid.
‘some wine . . . came on again’: ‘Cantleman-Crowdmaster’ EN 35, Winter 1992.
‘cursing together . . . all its works’: B&B p. 91.
166 ‘Think of all . . . septic ghosts!’: Tarr p. 32.
‘I have admitted . . . with my self’: n.d. (Trust).
166–67 ‘you must know . . . about kiddies?’: n.d. (Trust).
167 ‘I am doing . . . Lectures, etc.’: n.d. P/L p. 8.
168 ‘complete set . . . the present’: Turner to PWL 10 Aug. (Cornell).
‘People ought . . . to see them’: 31/12/14 (Cornell).
‘excellent . . . ribaldry’: n.d. P/L p. 8.
‘For Christ’s sake . . . your ass’: Inventions of the March Hare p. 307.
‘Put on your rough . . . House Ball!’: ibid. p. 311.
‘to have no . . . -Unt and -Ugger” ’: n.d. P/L p. 8.
169 ‘never saw . . . does it want to’: 11/3/15.
‘in our desire . . . enjoy it’: 10/3/15.
‘that to call . . . actionable’: Blast War Number p. 78.
169–70 ‘should disarm . . . the present’: 4/7/15.
170 ‘Every penny . . . my hospital’: 30 May (Cornell).
‘do you really . . . no effect’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘very extraordinary letter . . . service to you’: 23 June (Cornell).
171 ‘that Miss Lechmere . . . the war’: 13/1/20 (Cornell).
‘the poor artist . . . answer the letter’: n.d. (Cornell).
172 ‘Oh! Here’s dear . . . to visit us!’: Wadsworth Edward Wadsworth p. 67.
‘I am getting . . . colour blocks’: n.d. (Huntington).
173 ‘I vould do anyting for Mr Lewis’: William Roberts ‘Wyndham Lewis the Vorticist’ Listener 21/3/57.
‘very violent and explosive’: quoted Cork Art Beyond the Gallery p. 209.
‘too strong a book’: PWL to Guy Baker 4/1/16 (Cornell).
173–74 ‘God damn . . . the novel’: n.d. P/L pp. 18–19.
174 ‘dealt entirely . . . antipathy’: pmk 27/12/15 ibid. p. 20.
‘I read her . . . Weaver business’: Dec 31st ibid. p. 21.
174–75 ‘I should class . . . portions added’: 11/1/16 (Cornell).
175 ‘£50 now . . . a volume’: n.d. P/L p. 19.
‘the upkeep . . . pocket’: n.d. ibid. p. 16.
‘that THIS IS . . . Mr W.L.’: n.d. ibid. p. 18.
176 ‘two dependents . . . School Education’: 18/1/16 (BL).
177 ‘evidently . . . Kermesse’: n.d. P/L p. 25.
‘Quinn is concentrated . . . the matter’: pmk 6/3/16 ibid. p. 24.
‘What! GARRISON . . . a church’: n.d. ibid. p. 46.
‘antediluvian . . . and the siege ones’: pmk 29/3/16 ibid. p. 28.
‘I [ate] six . . . on the piano’: pmk 9/4/16 ibid. pp. 29–30.
178 ‘altered . . . improved’: 25/10/13.
‘primitive . . . paid out’: pmk 12/4/16 P/L pp. 30–1.
‘had about cleared . . . Lewis drawings’: 9/9/16 (Cornell).
179 ‘The Colonel . . . of my squad’: 22/6/16 P/L p. 38.
‘might ripen . . . interpretations’: 25/6/16 ibid. p. 43.
‘half-cracked . . . well-disposed’: 22/6/16 ibid. p. 38.
‘that he took . . . “blasting” ’: pmk 16/5/16 ibid. p. 36.
‘more positive marks . . . elusive thing’: 22/6/16 ibid. p. 37.
180 ‘I should be . . . pedestrination’: n.d. ibid. pp. 80–1.
‘ “the Ranks” are a trap’: 22/6/16 ibid. p. 37.
‘I should have waited . . . done that’: 22/6/16 (Cornell).
‘If he’s any . . . promotion anyhow’: n.d. P/L p. 46.
181 ‘a pleasant . . . battery’: pmk 16/7/16 ibid. p. 48.
‘the well-known Vorticist . . . original’: 18/7/16.
‘Bdr. Lewis . . . the chapter’: 23/7/16 P/L p. 54.
181–82 ‘The R.G.A. . . . where I am’: 4/8/16 (Cornell).
182 ‘count the money . . . buttons’: PWL to Schepeler n.d. (Huntington).
‘I am progressing . . . his place’: pmk 20/8/16 P/L p. 56.
182–83 ‘I nearly lost . . . British Warm’: B&B pp. 103–4.
184 ‘Our advance party . . . unsatisfactory’: P/L p. 59.
‘Going to war . . . interests’: 23/5/17 (NYPL).
‘quite unfit . . . things’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘sketches . . . the Front’: ‘Writings’ EN 10, May 1979.
185 ‘a pleasant life in tents’: pmk 27/5/17 P/L p. 71.
‘Whizzing . . . unfortunate conflict’: 6/6/17 P/L p. 73.
‘Many more people . . . question’: 6/6/17 (Cornell).
186 ‘an immense and smoky . . . more calm’: 8/6/17 P/L pp. 73–4.
187 ‘the best of jolliest . . . provided with!’: P/L p. 82.
‘My balls . . . as a book’: 7/7/17 P/L p. 85.
‘to execute . . . a will’: 9/7/17 P/L p. 87.
‘I would rather . . . children’: n.d. P/L p. 92.
188 ‘Now, here . . . dealt with’: 9/7/17 P/L p. 87.
‘oxide . . . aniseed’: Tarr p. 269.
‘Un Officier, Armée . . . convalescent, sick’: (Cornell).
‘The food . . . Hotel like’: n.d. (Cornell).
‘disease . . . rays of the sun’: PWL to Schepeler n.d. (Huntington).
‘I have come . . . summer’: n.d. P/L p. 93.
189 ‘You’ve come . . . from hell’: B&B p. 147.
‘I have got Tarr . . . expressions’: 17/8/17 P/L p. 94.
189–90 ‘pitch-dark, dank . . . their souls’: pmk 20/8/17 P/L p. 95.
190 ‘As I left . . . gun positions’: n.d. P/L p. 97.
191 ‘a little extra . . humdrum’: 26/8/17 P/L p. 100.
‘I did not see . . . my back’: B&B p. 105.
‘Before going . . . pleasant country’: n.d. P/L p. 103.
192 ‘Should I ever . . . flesh creep’: 8/9/17 (Huntington).
‘the ways . . . Sunday School’: n.d. P/L p. 103.
192–93 ‘We sit . . . much sense’: pmk 22/9/17 P/L pp. 105–6.
193–94 ‘is Tarr complete? . . . Butcher’: 29/9/17 Letters p. 95.
194 ‘I have lost . . . poisonous refuse’: pmk 8/10/17 P/L p. 107.
‘They are perfectly . . . official task’: pmk 12/10/17 P/L p. 108.
‘like trying . . . a cloud’: pmk 18/10/17 P/L p. 109.
‘a melancholy . . . mutilated insect’: pmk 12/10/17 P/L p. 108.
‘a bulging figure . . . with mud’: 18/10/17 P/L p. 109.
195 ‘It’s hell isn’t it? . . . retorted Orpen’: from B&B p. 180.
‘Damn Orpen anyhow’: 22/10/17 P/L p. 111.
‘I want . . . existence’: 7/7/17 P/L p. 86.
196 ‘Railway Transport . . . Office jobs’: pmk 18/10/17 P/L p. 110.
197 ‘That night . . . melted together’: version reprinted B&B 2nd edn. pp. 304–11.
199 ‘his life . . . might have been’: 18/1/18 (NYPL).