Focus Your Dream

A dream needs a powerful push to move into manifestation. You give it that power by making your dream as clear as possible in your mind, turning it into a specific goal or goals, putting the goals into a time line, and knowing what the culmination of that dream looks like. For example, you wish you could leave your indoor office job and find some kind of work in nature, possibly landscaping, or overseeing the care and security of a park. Get more specific. Working at a wildlife rescue center is quite different than that of caring for the horses at an equine therapy center. Clipping spent flowers from rose bushes at a community garden is different from enforcing the rules governing the use of a local park. St. Augustine, in the fifth century, offered the following sage advice, “Pray as if everything depended upon God and act as if everything depended upon you.” Ignatius Loyola changed the word “act” to “work.” The point is that belief, actions, and work are all necessary to push forth a dream from the idea realm into manifestation.