ACA Objectives Covered

Domain Objectives



Domain 1.0 Working in the Visual Effects and Motion Graphics Industry

1.1 Identify the purpose, audience, and audience needs for preparing visual effects and motion graphics projects.

Ch 1 Identifying Job Requirements, 13

1.3 Introduction to the Baxter Barn Project

1.2 Communicate with colleagues and clients about project plans.

Ch 1 Identifying Job Requirements, 13

Ch 2 Identifying Job Requirements, 59

1.3 Introduction to the Baxter Barn Project

2.1 Ruby’s Diner Intro

1.3 Determine the type of copyright, permissions, and licensing required to use specific content.

Ch 4 Copyright and Permissions, 160

Ch 7 Respecting Intellectual Property Rights, 290

4.5 Importing an Image Sequence

7.4 Respecting Individual Property Rights

1.4 Demonstrate an understanding of key terminology and tools related to digital audio and video.

Ch 2 Adding Audio to a Composition, 102

Ch 3 Exporting the Composition, 139

Ch 5 Applying an Effect to the Background, 214

2.19 Syncing Your Animations to Audio

3.13 Exporting Your Composition

5.16 Applying an Effect to the Background

1.5 Demonstrate knowledge of basic motion graphics, video effects (VFX), and design principles.

Ch 5 Using the Keylight Effect, 209

Ch 5 Reviewing Photographic Composition Terms, 223

Ch 7 Studying the Principles of Design and Animation, 275

5.5 Using the Keylight Effect

5.10 Reviewing Photographic Composition Terms

7.1 Studying the Principles of Animation and Design

Domain 2.0 Project Setup and Interface

2.1 Create and edit a project with the appropriate settings for video.

Ch 1 Locating a Project and Editing Its Settings, 17

Ch 1 Editing Composition Settings, 32

Ch 1 Exploring the Preview and Timeline Panels, 49

Ch 2 Starting a New Project, 60

Ch 2 Creating a New Composition 67

Ch 3 Starting the Project, 113

Ch 3 Using Lumetri Color, 132

Ch 4 Setting Up a Composition for Social Media, 161

Ch 4 Creating the Rally Car Intro Composition, 174

Ch 4 Creating the Snowboard Intro Composition, 181

Ch 4 Creating the Paddleboard Intro Composition, 186

Ch 5 Starting the Compositing Project, 202

Ch 5 Creating the Green Screen Composition, 204

Ch 5 Starting the Talking Dog Composition, 225

Ch 5 Starting the Track Matte Composition, 231

Ch 6 Starting the Ad Project, 252

1.6 Editing Composition Settings

1.11 Previewing and Managing the Timeline

2.2 Starting a New Project

2.3 Importing Your Media

2.5 Creating a New Composition

3.1 Applying and Adjusting Visual Effects

3.2 Starting the Project

3.11 Using Lumetri Color

4.7 Choosing Settings for a New Composition

4.11 Creating the Rally Car Intro Composition

4.15 Adjusting Composition Settings

4.19 Creating the Paddleboard Intro

5.1 Introducing the Compositing Project

5.2 Starting the Compositing Project

5.3 Creating the Green Screen Composition

5.11 Starting the Talking Dog Composition

5.15 Starting the Track Matte Composition

6.1 Starting the Ad Project

2.2 Navigate, organize, and customize the application workspace.

Ch 1 Starting After Effects, 13

Ch 1 Exploring Panels, 18

Ch 1 Exploring the Composition Panel, 26

Ch 1 Exploring the Timeline Panel, 35

Ch 1 Exploring the Preview and Timeline Panels, 49

Ch 1 Exploring Key After Effects Preferences, 54

Ch 2 Exploring the Project Panel, 64

Ch 3 Diving Deeper into Workspaces, 141

Ch 6 Reviewing Timeline Panel Switches, 271

1.4 Interface Overview

1.5 Working in the Composition Panel

1.7 Exploring the Timeline Panel

1.11 Previewing and Managing the Timeline

1.13 Setting Preferences

1.14 Differences Between After Effects and Premiere Pro

2.4 Organizing Your Files

3.14 Panels and Workspaces

6.7 Reviewing Timeline Panel Switches

2.3 Use non-visible design tools in the interface to aid in video workflow.

Ch 1 Using After Effects on a PC or Mac, 11

Ch 2 Aligning Layers, 88

Ch 2 Using Markers, 99

2.11 Aligning Layers

2.17 Working with Markers

2.4 Import assets into a project.

Ch 2 Managing Files for Video Production, 7

Ch 2 Organizing Media into Project Panel Folders, 65

Ch 4 Starting the Action Sports Logo Project, 145

Ch 4 Relinking to Missing Files, 148

Ch 4 Working Faster Using Proxies, 150

Ch 4 Importing an Image Sequence, 159

4.1 Learning Time Remapping and Motion Tracking

4.2 Setting Up the Action Sports Logo Project

4.3 Relinking to Missing Files

4.4 Using a Proxy Workflow

4.5 Importing an Image Sequence

Domain 3.0 Organizing Video Projects

3.1 Use the Timeline panel.

Ch 1 Exploring the Timeline Panel, 35

Ch 2 Turning Off the Lights, 81

Ch 2 Putting the Lights in Their Own Composition, 82

Ch 2 Nesting One Composition in Another, 96

Ch 2 Parenting to Coordinate Two Layers, 101

Ch 2 Adding Audio to a Composition, 102

Ch 2 Reviewing Symbols in the Project and Composition Panels, 103

2.9 Trimming a Layer

2.14 Nesting Compositions

2.18 Animating Multiple Layers at Once with Parenting

2.19 Syncing Your Animations to Audio

2.20 Reviewing What You’ve Learned So Far

3.2 Modify layer visibility using opacity, blending modes, and masks.

Ch 2 Applying a Blending Mode, 75

Ch 2 Drawing a Mask with a Shape Tool, 76

Ch 4 Applying Multiple Effects to a Layer, 178

Ch 4 Creating a Null Object as a Motion Tracking Parent, 190

Ch 5 Drawing a Layer Mask, 206

Ch 5 Creating and Animating an Elliptical Mask, 226

Ch 5 Starting the Track Matte Composition, 231

Ch 5 Creating a Track Matte, 232

Ch 5 Starting the Drive-In Composition, 235

Ch 5 Copying and Pasting Masks to a Text Layer, 240

4.13 Stacking Multiple Effects on a Layer

4.21 Adding a Motion Tracking Parent

5.4 Drawing a Layer Mask

5.12 Creating an Elliptical Mask

5.13 Animating an Elliptical Mask

5.14 Practicing Basic Mask Creation

5.16 Creating a Track Matte

5.18 Starting the Drive-In Composition

5.21 Copying and Pasting Masks to a Text Layer

Domain 4.0 Creating and Modifying Visual Elements

4.1 Use core tools and features to create compositions.

Ch 1 Adding a Gradient to a Shape, 45

Ch 2 Creating a Solid, 72

Ch 2 Using Illustrator Graphics in a Composition, 97

Ch 3 Using Shape Presets, 130

Ch 5 Creating the Green Screen Composition, 204

Ch 6 Adding the Ad Elements, 255

1.10 Animating a Gradient

2.7 Creating a Solid in the Default Workspace

2.15 Working with Illustrator Graphics

3.10 Working with Shape Presets

5.3 Creating the Green Screen Composition

6.2 Adding the Ad Elements

4.2 Add, manipulate, and animate text.

Ch 2 Adding Text, 83

Ch 2 Using a Text Animator, 92

Ch 3 Animating Text, 117

Ch 3 Animating Text Along a Path, 124

Ch 4 Creating an Animated Shape for a Logo, 165

Ch 4 Adding Text to the Action Sports Logo, 167

Ch 4 Finishing the Rally Car Video, 180

Ch 4 Finishing the Snowboard Logo, 185

Ch 5 Starting the Track Matte Composition, 231

Ch 5 Applying a Layer Style and Animation, 234

Ch 6 Animating Text Along a Path from Illustrator, 271

2.10 Working with Text

3.4 Working with Solids

3.9 Animating Text Along a Path

4.8 Creating an Animated Shape for a Logo

4.9 Editing Text for the Action Sports Logo

4.14 Adding and Animating Text

4.18 Adding the Logo Animation

5.15 Starting the Track Matte Composition

5.17 Applying a Layer Style and Animation

6.8 Animating Text Along a Path from Illustrator

4.3 Trim footage for use in compositions.

Ch 2 Turning Off the Lights, 81

Ch 3 Trimming Footage, 121

Ch 5 Using Adjustment Layers and Splitting a Layer, 243

2.9 Trimming a Layer

3.7 Trimming Footage

5.22 Using Adjustment Layers and Splitting a Layer

4.4 Modify digital media within a project.

Ch 2 Adding Footage to a Composition, 69

Ch 2 Applying a Effect to a Layer, 72

Ch 2 Customizing Transformations, 94

Ch 2 Applying Advanced Rotation, 99

Ch 4 Time Remapping the Rally Car Layer, 177

Ch 4 Playing a Layer Backward and Forward, 183

Ch 5 Creating and Animating an Elliptical Mask, 226

Ch 5 Practicing Basic Mask Creation, 231

2.6 Adding Media to a Composition

2.13 Customizing Layer Transformations

2.16 Rotating Layers

4.12 Working with Time Remapping

4.17 Playing a Layer Backward and Forward

5.12 Creating an Elliptical Mask

5.13 Animating an Elliptical Mask

5.14 Practicing Basic Mask Creation

4.5 Use basic reconstructing and editing techniques to manipulate digital audio and video.

Ch 3 Drawing a Path with the Pen Tool, 126

Ch 3 Using Shape Presets, 130

Ch 4 Editing a Pre-Comp and Animating More Text, 171

Ch 4 Applying Automatic Effects, 181

Ch 5 Using Adjustment Layers and Splitting a Layer, 243

Ch 6 Animating the Dog with Puppet Animation, 257

Ch 6 Creating a Custom Shape to Animate, 261

4.10 Editing a Pre-Comp

4.16 Applying Automatic Effects

5.22 Using Adjustment Layers and Splitting a Layer

6.3 Animating the Dog with Puppet Animation

6.4 Creating a Custom Shape to Animate

4.6 Add and modify effects and presets.

Ch 2 Applying an Effect to a Layer, 72

Ch 2 Using Motion Blur, 90

Ch 3 Previewing and Applying an Effects Preset, 114

Ch 3 Animating Text, 117

Ch 3 Practicing with Effects Presents, 122

Ch 3 Applying a Lightning Animation Preset, 136

Ch 4 Creating an Animated Shape for a Logo, 165

Ch 4 Adding Text to the Action Sports Logo, 167

Ch 4 Creating the Rally Car Intro Composition, 174

Ch 4 Applying Multiple Effects to a Layer, 178

Ch 4 Motion Tracking a Layer, 187

Ch 4 Setting Up Text as a Track Matte, 193

Ch 5 Using the Keylight Effect, 209

Ch 5 Applying an Effect to the Background, 214

Ch 5 Applying Luma Key to the Foreground, 217

Ch 5 Applying a Layer Style and Animation, 234

Ch 5 Revealing a Video in Parts by Using Masks, 236

Ch 6 Starting the Ad Project, 252

Ch 6 Rotating a Layer in 3D Space, 263

Ch 6 Using 3D Camera Views, 265

2.12 Simple Text Animation

3.3 Previewing Effects Presets with Adobe Bridge

3.4 Working with Solids

3.5 Working with Text Presets

3.6 Using Text Animation Presets

3.8 Applying Effects Presets to a Video Layer

3.12 Applying a Lightning Animation Preset

4.8 Creating an Animated Shape for a Logo

4.9 Editing Text for the Action Sports Logo

4.11 Creating the Rally Car Intro Composition

4.13 Stacking Multiple Effects on a Later

4.20 Motion Tracking a Layer

4.22 Setting Up Text as a Track Matte

5.5 Using the Keylight Effect

5.6 Applying an Effect to the Background

5.7 Applying Luma Key to the Foreground

5.8 Duplicating Layers

5.17 Applying a Layer Style and Animation

5.19 Revealing a Video in Parts by Using Masks

6.1 Starting the Ad Project

6.5 Rotating a Layer in 3D Space

6.6 Using 3D Camera Views

4.7 Create and modify keyframes for motion graphics.

Ch 1 Animating a Layer, 40

Ch 1 Adding a Gradient to a Shape, 45

Ch 2 Resizing a Layer, 71

Ch 2 Animating Flashing Lights, 78

Ch 2 Using Motion Blur, 90

Ch 2 Using a Text Animator, 92

Ch 2 Customizing Transformations, 94

Ch 2 Applying Advanced Rotation, 99

Ch 2 Parenting to Coordinate Two Layers, 101

Ch 5 Adding a Gradient Overlay to Text, 239

Ch 6 Animating Text Along a Path from Illustrator, 271

Ch 7 Refining Animation with Interpolation, 283

1.9 Working with Keyframes

1.10 Animating a Gradient

2.8 Animating Solids

2.12 Simple Text Animation

2.13 Customizing Layer Transformations

2.16 Rotating Layers

2.18 Animating Multiple Layers at Once with Parenting

5.20 Adding a Gradient Overlay to Text

6.8 Animating Text Along a Path from Illustrator

7.2 Enhancing Animation with Interpolation

Domain 5.0 Publishing Digital Media

5.1 Prepare a composition for publishing to web, screen, and other digital devices.

Ch 1 Exporting a Composition, 51

Ch 2 Proofing and Exporting a Composition, 104

Ch 3 Exporting the Composition, 139

1.12 Checking and Exporting Your Composition

2.21 Proofing the Project

3.13 Exporting Your Composition

5.2 Export digital video to various file formats.

Ch 1 Exporting a Composition, 51

Ch 2 Proofing and Exporting a Composition, 104

Ch 3 Exporting the Composition, 139

Ch 4 Archiving a Project, 195

Ch 4 Exporting Multiple Items at Once, 196

Ch 5 Exporting a Photoshop Document, 222

Ch 5 Connecting Premiere Pro and After Effects with Dynamic Link, 246

2.21 Proofing the Project

3.13 Exporting Your Composition

4.23 Archiving a Project

4.24 Exporting Multiple Compositions

5.9 Exporting a Photoshop Document

5.23 Connecting Premiere Pro and After Effects with Dynamic Link