
Chapter 8: Feng Shui for Wealth and Prosperity


You can make use of Feng Shui to increase your wealth and prosperity. Feng Shui is an ancient art that helps in bringing about a balance in life. It helps in cutting down on the negative and increasing the positive.

Feng Shui brings together many elements and helps in restoring balance. This balance can be restored in a room or also in the entire house or office. Many things can contribute towards negative energy including bad vibrations from people, negative thoughts generated by your mind etc.

In this chapter, we will look at the different Feng Shui elements that you can use to restore balance and help increase the effect of positive affirmations in your life.

Chi refers to bringing about a balance in the area.


THE VERY FIRST THING to do is to get rid of all the clutter in your room, house or office. Clutter means that you are extremely disorganized and will cause an interruption in the flow of chi in your house. You have to learn to de-clutter on a daily basis so that you can maintain a clean and organized space. It is not only about getting rid of the unwanted things but also organizing the things that you want.


THE FRONT DOOR IS CONSIDERED as the mouth of chi. You have to make sure that you have a strong and impressive front door when you wish to invite prosperity into your life. A strong door can refer to one that is painted red or something that is made up of strong wood. The door should also be as clear and clean as possible.


YOU HAVE TO INCORPORATE the right colors in your money storing area. Some people make use of the color green as that is the color of money. They will get their office or the insides of their locker colored green as that will help in increasing the wealth potential. Red and blue are also associated with money and you can use these colors in your room or your locker.


SYMBOLISM REFERS TO making use of symbols. These are symbols that you use to signify the presence of wealth and money in your life. You can make use of symbols such as bars of gold, gold coins, currency notes etc. You can either place these in the room or use their posters and pictures in your room. You can also pace make believe items in your room.

Flowing water

YOU HAVE TO MAKE USE of flowing water to increase wealth. It is a good idea to make use of a picture of waterfalls and stick it in your room.


YOU CAN ALSO MAKE USE of crystals to improve your wealth potential. These crystals have the capacity to instantly cleanse your chi. You will have to ask around to find out which crystals are good to use and which ones need to be avoided. The Feng Shui expert will have a look at your room and tell you what can be used to improve the chi.


IT IS SAID THAT GOLD fishes are quite lucky and will help in increasing your wealth potential. You can have a bowl of gold fish in your room or office to help you increase your wealth potential. You can also use koi fish for the same purpose. But koi will need a pond, which you can try to incorporate outside your house.


YOU CAN ALSO MAKE USE of plants to increase the good energy in your room. There are many plants to choose from and you can place them all over your room. Remember to water them and take good care of them. Choosing indoor plants is the best option and can be placed on your desk.


THE LAUGHING BUDDHA is a popular lucky charm. You can place one on your desk. But there is one golden rule to follow here, you have to have it gifted to you and cannot buy it yourself. You can accept a gift from someone or ask someone to specifically buy it for you.

Open spaces

YOU WILL HAVE TO REDUCE the number of open spaces in your house or might also have to increase it. Both are said to be good and will depend on the layout of your house. You have to ask a Feng Shui expert to help you out. They will have a look at your space and advice you what you should be doing with it.

No sell policy

MANY PROSPEROUS MILLIONAIRES do not sell their spaces and hold on to it for a long time. They will think of it as a very auspicious and lucky space and not dispose it. You should try and hold on to your lucky charms as well.

These form the different things that you can do to increase the flow of good energy in your office or room. You can try all or just one of these depending on the budget that you allot for it. Remember that it will be a life-long investment and you should not think of it as a big expense. You can either consult a bona fide Feng Shui expert or use information from Feng Shui books and implement the changes.