
Key Highlights


The very first thing to understand here is the meaning of the LAW of Attraction. As we read in the first chapter, positive affirmations will work towards helping you increase your wealth potential. You have to try and incorporate the affirmations in your day-to-day life. The more faith you showcase in your affirmations, the faster you see the results. It is hard to explain as to how the LOA works. There cannot be a scientific explanation for it and you can only understand its functioning by studying its aspects.

There are many uses of LOA including using it to improve your intelligence, improving your physique, improving your outlook towards life etc. But the most important use is to increase your wealth. That is only possible if you say these positive affirmations out loud on a day-to-day basis. The affirmations are meant to help you increase your wealth potential and will definitely do their job if you invest faith in it.

We looked at the 20 most powerful positive affirmations that you can make use of to increase your wealth potential. You have to recite them on a regular basis if you wish the results to stay with you for long. The affirmations are not limited to just these 20 and there are many more. You have to come up with some of your own and recite them on a regular basis. If you are unable to come up with some of your own then you can turn to the internet where you will find many ready affirmations that you can start reciting on a regular basis.

You have to develop a positive mindset in order to help the different affirmations work for you. We looked at the different things that you can do to prepare your mind and it is important that you stick with them if you wish to increase your wealth potential. It will seem like a daunting task at the beginning but it is something that needs to be done if you wish to embrace this concept. Remember that preparing your mind will be a bit tough as opposed to going about the actual process. You will be able to do more with a clear mindset than with a cloudy one.

You have to turn reciting the positive affirmations into a lifetime choice. You cannot take it lightly and must think of it as a way to increase your wealth potential for life. What is the point in taking something up just for the heck of it and abandoning it once it has been put to good use? You have to keep the practice going for as long as possible in order to keep the wealth flowing in.

You have to try and teach your children the importance of LOA. They will have the chance to develop the habit of reciting the positive affirmations on a regular basis. You can encourage them to join in when you are doing it yourself, as it will help them get started on the right note. But remember to let them have fun. You cannot force them to take it up and they should be willing to join in. You can also teach them to meditate, which will help increase their concentration and they will sit in one place to recite the positive affirmations.

You have to develop patience in order to help the recitation stick. There is no point in hurrying the process and trying to seek fast results. Results will come about in their own time and not when you want them to. Remain positive and carry out the process with faith invested in it. Once you start seeing the results, you will feel motivates to continue with the process. With time, you will know to remain patient with it and get it to work in your favor.

You have to have reasonable expectations when you are using positive affirmations to your advantage. If you have unreasonable expectations then it will not work in your favor. Imagine expecting to turn rich overnight, is that a possibility? Similarly, you have to not have too much expectation in terms of the results. When they come through, you have to appreciate them and look forward for more such results.

Staying put is extremely important. We looked at the different things that you can take up to remain invested in reciting positive affirmations. You can go through the list once again if you wish. You can also do other things to help you remain invested.