Stomach Ache Supreme

If Mother asks you to make supper,

Don’t protest, pout or scream.

You can use my favourite recipe

Called “Stomach Ache Supreme.”


Get ice cream from the freezer,

Put it in a baking dish,

Pour some chocolate syrup on it

With a can of tuna fish.

Sprinkle it with chocolate chips,

Some salt and pepper too.

Dump a blob of honey on the top,

Now there’s a “treat” for you!

Spread peanut butter on it,

Add cinnamon to taste.

Garnish it with spinach

And a jar of almond paste.

Place it in the oven

And bake it for awhile

Then serve it to your family,

But don’t forget to smile!

Give them heaping helpings,

Expect some stomach pain.

They’ll never, never want you

To ever cook again!

Geraldine Nicholas