Zoo Rules

Don’t insult an elephant

by saying, “You look nosy.”

It might reach out with its trunk

to turn you topsy toesy.


Never pet a grizzly bear

and by its cage don’t linger.

If you wave your arms about

you’re apt to lose a finger.


And if you see some lion cubs,

don’t let them out to play.

If their mother catches you,

she just might ruin your day.

When you feed the walruses

be careful not to slip.

If you fall in the walrus pond,

it might be your last dip.

Even though you look like one,

don’t make friends with a monkey.

If you pal around with apes,

you’ll wind up smelling funky.


Don’t fill up on candy floss.

or gobble caramel corn.

When the dentist checks your teeth,

you’ll wish you’d not been born.

Don’t chatter like a chimpanzee

or hop like a kangaroo.

Your folks might think that you’re a beast,

and leave you at the zoo.

Bruce Lansky