4chan: /b/, 129
terminology of, 129
A16 (2000): participants in, 125
Aaviksoo, Jaak: Estonian Minister of Defense, 30
Adobe: targeted in Operation Aurora (2010), 149
Adobe Flash Player: zero-day exploit in, 92
Afghanistan: 102
Soviet Invasion of (1979–89), 141
Agnoli, Johannes: 138
background of, 119
theories of subversion, 119–20, 134
Alexander, Keith: 38
Alperovitch, Dmitri: 157
Vice President for Threat Research at McAfee, Inc., 90–1
American Superconductor Corp.
(AMSC): legal damages sought by, 104
personnel of, 104
Windtec Solutions, 105
Anonymous: activities of, 128
use of DDoS attacks by, 129–31
use of IRC by, 130
Ansip, Andrus: Estonian Prime Minister, 7
Apple, Inc.: iPhone, 70, 92, 95, 146
Egyptian Revolution (2011), 22, 116, 132–3
Libyan Civil War (2011), 35, 132
Tunisian Revolution (2010–11), 132
Yemeni Uprising (2011–12), 132
Arendt, Hannah: 24
Arquilla, John: xiii
al-Assad, Bashar: regime of, 34
Assange, Julian: 130
Australia: Queensland, 74
Austria: 105
Vienna, 32
Ayyash, Yahya Abd-al-Latif:
assassination of (1999), 47
Bacon, Kenneth: 48
Bahrain: 55
Bangladesh: 142
Barbados: 142
Battle of Seattle (1999): 124, 127
Belgium: Brussels, 142
Benjamin, Walter: Critique of Violence (1921), 24
Beresford, Dillon: discovery of vulnerability in Siemens S7 PLC, 71
Bhutan: 142
Bluetooth: exploitation by Flame virus, 94
Boden, Vitek: role in Maroochy incident (2000), 74
Bosnian War (1992–5): Srebrenica Massacre (1995), 29
Brazil: Porto Alegre, 125
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC): 129
British Columbia Institute of Technology: Industrial Security Incident Database, 76
Brunei: 142
Brusnitsin, Lt. Gen. Nikolai:
Openness and Espionage (1990), 5
Bryant, Janelle: 75
Bulletin de la bourse du travail de
Montpellier (1900): political impact of, 59–60
Bundestrojaner: 100
Burke, Edmund: Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), 117
Burleson, Donald Gene: conviction of for Burleson case (1985), 147
Burleson case (1985): 146–8, 156
perpetrators in, 147
significance of, 156
Bush, George H.W.: administration of, 170
Bush, George W.: administration of, xiv, 139
Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), 125
government of, 91
Ontario, 85
Carnival Against Capital (J18) (1999): 124
Carter, Jimmy: signing of FISA (1978), 112
Changchun, Li: role in Operation Aurora (2010), 150
Chaos Computer Club (CCC): Bundestrojaner report (2011), 100
China: 35, 84, 92, 114, 148, 154, 161, 170–1
Baidu, 150
Beijing, 19, 91, 144, 153, 157, 160
government of, 108, 142, 144, 154
Lanxinag Vocational School, 149–50
Lingshui Air Base, 144
Olympic Games (2008), 91
Politburo Standing Committee, 150
Shanghai Jiatong University, 149
State Council Information Office, 150
suspected use of cyber espionage by, 85–7, 108, 160
China Huiyuan Juice Group: attempted acquisition of (2009), 85, 154
China Telecom: supply of high-speed fiber-optic line to Unit 61398 facilities, 154–5
Church of Scientology: opposition to, 129–30
Citibank: 97
Citizen Lab: personnel of, 142
Clarke, Justin: discovery of vulnerability in RuggedCom products, 71
Clarke, Richard: xiii
Cyber War, 174
von Clausewitz, Carl: 10
Coca-Cola Corporation: Comment Group hacking incident (2009), 85, 154
cyber attack on DigitNotar (2011), 27, 29, 31
Cruise, Tom: 129
Cutting Sword of Justice: claim of responsibility for Saudi Aramco Shamoon attack (2012), 63–4, 159
cyber espionage: 103, 109, 113, 142, 167, 171
attribution issue of, 142, 144, 156–7
economic impact of, 85
cyber warfare: 26, 30, 52, 56, 79
concept of, 3
political, 161
use in sabotage, 56–7, 82, 113, 171–2
use in subversion, 113, 123, 167, 170–3
violence in context of, 12–14, 17
cyber weaponry: 36, 38–9, 161, 169
targeting of, 51
Dalai Lama: escape to Tibet (1959), 142
targeted during GhostNet incident (2008), 142–3
Deibert, Ron: head of Citizen Lab, 142
denial of service (DoS) attacks: 155
concept of, 6
shortcomings of, 40
DigiNotar: bankruptcy of (2011), 28, 30, 32
Comodo Hacker attack on (2011), 27, 29, 31
Digitial Bond: S4 Conference, 70, 72
Distributed Control Systems (DCS): concept of, 66–7
use in Industrial Control Systems, 67
distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks: 6, 40
examples of, 6–8, 30–2, 40, 129–30
Dow Chemical: targeted in Operation Aurora (2010), 149
drones: potential hijacking of, 14–15
Dupont: 84
Duqu: 83
code of, 66
customisation potential of, 93–4
Earth Liberation Front (ELF): 128
launch of (1992), 121
organisational model of, 121–3
‘The Family’, 122
Egypt: Alexandria, 132
Revolution (2011), 22, 116, 132–3
Emerson Electric Company: 71
Ergma, Ene: Speaker of Estonian Parliament, 31
Estonia: 8
DDoS attacks (2007), 6–7, 31–2, 40
internet usage figures for, 6
Reform Party, 6
European Commission: 7
European Union (EU): 170
founding of, 127
Farewell Dossier: contents of, 5–6
Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany): Berlin, 119
Grundgesetz (basic law), 137–8
US military presence in, 172
Finland: 33
FirstEnergy: personnel of, 49
targeting of business network of (2003), 48–9
First World War (1914–18): 61
Flame: 33, 83, 96, 99–100, 144
development and potential
deployment of (2006), 95
discovery of (2012), 94
significance of, 168
suicide functionality of, 95
systems targeted by, 95
Flynn, Elizabeth Gurly: 59
Ford, Gerald: administration of, 170
Direction Générale de la Sécurité ExtSérieure (DGSE), 99
Revolution (1789–99), 116–17, 119
F-Secure: 29
personnel of, 44
Galula, David: 123
Gauss: 99
purpose of, 97
significance of, 156
Gazprom: insider breach (2000), 74
SCADA systems of, 74
significance of, 152
George III, King: 117
‘Dr. WEB’, 151
military of, 7
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 8
Ministry of Justice, 152
National Bank, 8
German (language): 24
Germany: 22
Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND), 99, 106
Cologne, 124
Fall of Berlin Wall (1989), 138
government of, 100
background of, 132
Revolution 2.0., 132
GhostNet: significance of, 160
use of spear phishing, 143
Gibson, William: Burning Chrome (1982), 163
role in origin of term ‘cyberspace’ 163–4
Giovannitti, Arturo: 60
Giraudoux, Jean: background of, xiii
La guerre de Troie n’aura pas lieu (The Trojan War Will Not Take Place) (1914), xiii, 174
globalization: economic, 124
opposition to, 113, 115–16, 123–7
personnel of, 148
software configuration management system (SCM), 148
targeted in Operation Aurora (2010), 148–9
use of ‘public key pinning’ by, 28
Gostev, Alex: Chief Security Expert for Kaspersky Lab, 91
Greece: 157
Greenpeace: presence at A16 (2000), 125
Guoqiang, He: family of, 150
De Guzman, Onel: programmer of ILOVEYOU worm, 48
Hamas: 47
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: 120
Henshaw-Plath, Evan: interview with (2001), 126
listed as Foreign Terrorist Organizations by US State Department, 99
supporters of, 141
use of cyber espionage by, 103
Hitler, Adolf: 8
Hobbes, Thomas: Leviathan, 15–16
Honeywell International, Inc.: 71
Hotmail: 102
human intelligence (HUMINT): 81, 83, 110
human machine interface (HMI): concept of, 67
Hungary: 93
Idaho National Laboratory: 164
test of ‘Aurora’ vulnerability (2006), 46
Illinois Statewide Terrorism and Intelligence Center: 76
ILOVEYOU worm: damage inflicted by, 48, 53
use of (2000), 48
India: Calcutta, 106
Delhi, viii
Dharamsala, 142
government of, 91
Indonesia: 142
Industrial Control Systems: 57
as example of master devices, 67
software written for, 43
use of DCS systems by, 67
use of SCADA systems by, 56, 67
Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT): 70–1, 158
Industrial Workers of the World: members of, 59, 61
Inkster, Nigel: 108
International Atomic Energy Agency: 32
International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation: 147
sponsorship of Battle of the Brains (1997), 149
System/38, 146
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC): 14
personnel of, 165
International Institute for Strategic Studies: 108
International Monetary Fund (IMF): 124
internet protocols (IPs): 63, 70, 76–8, 90, 92, 143–5, 154, 157
random generation of, 49
use in SCADAs, 69
Internet Relay Chat (IRC): 130
internet service providers (ISPs): 30, 146
use of log files by, 145
Interstate Natural Gas of America: personnel of, 158
Iran: xiv, 27–9, 64–5, 101, 114, 141–2
Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), 33
Green Movement, 29
Kashmar, 15
military of, 96
nuclear enrichment program of, 44, 172
seizure of CIA drone in (2011), 15
Stuxnet attacks (2009–10), 32–4, 42–5, 106
Iraq: Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003–11), 34, 156
Ireland: Irish Rebellion (1798), 116
Islam: concept of Mahdi, 101
Eid ul-Fitr, 55
Ramadan, 55
Shia, 101
Islamic Jihad: 47
Israel: 34, 41, 54, 98, 102, 161
economy of, 102
Operation Orchard, 11, 34, 41–2
popularity of Facebook in, 102–3
Sami Shamoon College of Engineering, 62
Shin Bet, 47
Tel Aviv, 47
Israeli Defence Force (IDF): digital training regimen of, 103
Facebook security breach (2010), 103–4
Jackson, Rosemary: Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion (1981), 136–7
Jalali, Gholam Reza: 96
James, Major Charles: 117
Japan: 91
Osaka, 84
JavaScript: 148
Jellenc, Eli: 156
Jiabao, Wen: Chinese Prime Minister, 150
Jintao, Hu: President of China, 150
JMicron: 94
Judaism: 24
Kahn, Herman: 170
Karabasevic, Dejan: cracked AMSC software, 105
Kaspersky Lab: discovery of Gauss (2012), 96–8
research into Mahdi incident, 102
Kaufmann, Bill: 170
Kennedy, Ted: FISA Bill introduced by, 112
Kenya: Mau Mau Uprising (1952–60), 118
Kerchkoffs, Auguste: Kerchoffs’s Principle, 73–4
Kelsen, Hans: Pure Theory of Law, The, 24
Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali: 29
Kitson, Frank: military career of, 118
theories of subversion, 118–20, 134
Kosovo War (1998–9): 17
Operation Allied Force (1999), 18
Kraus, Jürgen: ‘Reproduktion bei Programmen’ (1980), 14
Kremslehner, Florian: 105
Kubrick, Stanley: 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), vii
Kuhn, Thomas: concept of ‘paradigm shifts’ 136
Laboratory of Cryptography and System Security (CrySys Lab): discovery of Duqu (2011), 93–4, 97
‘Flame’ Report (2012), 94
Lake, Eli: ‘Israel’s Secret Iran Attack Plan: Electronic Warfare’ (2011), 101
Latvia: 142
Lau, Hon: 91
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory: cyber attack on (2007), 92
Lebanon: 98
Beirut, 18
Israeli Invasion of (2006), 17–18
legacy systems: concept of, 51
Leverett, Éireann: use of Shodanhq.com by (2010), 70
Libicki, Martin: 156
Libya: Civil War (2011), 35, 132
LinkedIn: data harvested from, 87
Lobban, Iain: head of GCHQ, 111
Locke, John: 23
timed, 73
Lord, Major General William: 86
Los Alamos National Laboratory: cyber attack on (2007), 92
Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC): hive option, 131
use of, 131
Lynn, William: US Deputy Secretary of Defense, 35, 173
Makaryk, Irene Rima: Encyclopaedia of Contemporary Literary Theory, 137
Malayan Emergency (1948–50): 118
examples of, 94, 97, 101–2, 143, 147
De Man, Paul: 137
Mandiant: APT1 report (2013), 155–6
Maroochy incident (2000): 74–5
significance of, 74
Marx, Karl: 24
Mason, Thorn: Director of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 92
master devices: examples of, 67
Matherley, John: creator of Shodanhq, com, 69–70, 78–9
Matsushita Electrical Company: personnel of, 84
McAfee, Inc.: 99
discovery of ShadyRAT by (2011), 87, 90–1
research on Night Dragon (2011), 154
McCain, John: 173
McConnell, Admiral Mike: 141
US Director of National Intelligence, xiv, 139–40
McCown, Davis: Tarrant County District Attorney, 147
McGraw, Jesse William: role in W.B. Carrell Memorial Clinic incident (2009), 75–6
McKinley, William: assassination of (1901), 118
McVeigh, Timothy: role in Oklahoma City Bombing (1995), 141–2
Microsoft Corporation: 28
SQL Server, 49
vulnerabilities in security of, 88, 95
Microsoft Internet Explorer: zero-day exploit in, 92, 148–9
Microsoft Office: Excel, 88
PowerPoint, 101
Microsoft Windows: 43, 48, 55–6, 99
kernel vulnerabilities of, 93–4
registry hives of, 65
rootkit, 45
Mitsubishi: 71
Moonlight Maze (1999): 85
events of use of, 9
Mubarak, Hosni: 133
Ministry of Interior, 30
Rijksdienst voor het Wegverkeer (DigiD), 27
Tax and Customs Administration, 27
Niagara AX framework: 78
Night Dragon (2011): systems targeted by, 157
Nietzsche, Friedrich: 137
Nikzad, Alireza: spokesman for Iranian Ministry of Oil, 64
Nixon, Richard: Watergate Scandal (1972), 112
Knowledge Creating Company, The (1995), 83
Nortel Networks Corp: liquidation of (2009), 85
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): 151
Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre for Excellence, 6, 8
Northern Ireland: The Troubles (1966–98), 118
Northrop Grumman: targeted in Operation Aurora (2010), 149
NSS Labs: personnel of, 71
Oak Ridge National Laboratory: cyber attack on (2007), 92
personnel of, 92
Obama, Barack: 32
administration of, 45
Occupy Wall Street movement: 113
significance of, 136
Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP): 28
Operation Aurora (2010): 150, 156–7
individuals involved in, 150
Osaka International Hotel: 84
packet: concept of, 163
Paet, Urmas: Estonian Foreign Minister, 31
paintball pistol effect: concept of, 40
Palestinian Territories: 98
Director of CIA, xiv
Passerin, d’Entrèves, Alexander: Notion of the State, The, 22–3
PayPal: 130
collective DDoS attack against (2010), 131
Pchelintsev, Vasily: 4
Penland, Barbara: Deputy Director of Communications at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 92
Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET), 86–7
targeted by ILOVEYOU virus (2000, 48
targeted by Titan Rain (2003), 86
unclassified network (NIPRNET), 86–7
use of Niagara AX framework by, 78
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China: 108
Comment Group/Advanced Persistent Threat 1 (APT1), 69, 85, 155–6
General Staff Department (GSD), 154
National Defense University, 153
Third Technical Department, 144
Persian (language): 102
Persian Gulf War (1990–1): 17
Peters, Ralph: 31
Peterson, Dale: 72
classification of attack on industrial control system variants, 51–2
Manila, 48
Plunkett, Debora: Director of Information Assurance Directorate of NSA, 100
Polanyi, Michael: influence of, 83
Pope, Carl: Executive Director of Sierra Club, 124–5
Pouget, Émile: 59
Sabotage, 60
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC): 43, 52, 72, 106
as example of master devices, 67
rootkit, 45
al-Qaeda: 113
claim of responsibility for Egyptian power blackout (2003), 156
Qatar: RasGas, 64
RAND Corporation: personnel of, xiii, 159
Reed, Thomas: 4
Register, The: 77
Remote Access Tool (RAT): 87
remote shell: concept of, 90
Remote Terminal/Telemetry Units (RTUs): 67
as example of slave devices, 68
Rockwell Automation: 71
Rolls Royce: 108
Ronfeldt, David: xiii
Roosevelt, Theodore: 118
rootkit: concept of, 45
Round Robin Domain Name Service: concept of, 98
RuggedCom: 71
Russia-Georgia War (2008): 151
causes of, 7
Russian Federation: 35, 76, 114, 145, 151, 170
Federal Security Service (FSB), 151
government of, 7
Institute of Space Research, 31
Ministry of Inetrior, 74
Shushenskaya dam attack (2009), 38
Victory Day, 6
al-Saadan, Abdullah: Saudi Aramco Vice President for Corporate Planning, 66
Saakashvili, Mikheil: President of Georgia, 8
use in cyber warfare, 56–7, 82, 113, 171–2
Sader, Makram: Secretary-General of Associated Banks of Lebanon, 99
Saint John, Vincent: 61
Santamarta, Rubén: discovery of flaw in firmware of NOE 771 module (2011), 70–1
Saudi Arabia: 102
Dhahran, 55
oil reserves of, 55
Saudi Aramco: personnel of, 66
Shamoon attack (2012), 55–6, 61–4, 66, 159
Schmitt, Carl: 24
Schneider Electric: 71
NOE 771 module, 71
subsidiaries of, 69
Schweitzer: 70
Scowcroft, Brent: 166
Second World War (1939–45): 6, 9, 140
Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945), xiv, 174
belligerents of, 58
Blitz (1940–1), 18
Bombing of Dresden (1945), 18
Holocaust, 107
Pearl Harbor attack (1941), 31, 174
secure sockets layer (SSL): 28, 95
Serbia: Belgrade, 18
Shady RAT: 83
discovered by McAfee, Inc. (2011), 87, 90–1
networks targeted by, 91
processes used by attackers, 87–90
suspected creator of, 87
shortcomings of, 66
Shannon, Claude: 74
Shell Oil: 108
Shriky, Clay: 127
Siemens AG: 106
hardware manufactured by, 33, 43–4
Indo-European telegraph line, 106
Simatic HMI software, 77
Simatic PCS 7 software, 72
vulnerabilities in products of, 71–2
Sierra Club: members of, 124–5
signal intelligence (SIGINT): 109–10
requirement of specialists for, 81
Sinovel: use of cracked AMSC software, 104
Slammer Worm (SQL Slammer): 52
code of, 49
damage inflicted by, 50
targeting of Davis-Besse nuclear power plant (2003), 48–50, 53
slave devices: examples of, 68
social media: growth of, 116, 127
political use of, 116
Sofsky, Wolfgang: 18
Trakat über die Gewalt (Pamphlet on Violence), 16–17
South Korea: 91
Seoul, 93
South Ossetia: 7
Soviet Union (USSR): 41, 116, 172
Committee for State Security (KGB), 4
cyber attack targeting Urengoy-Surgut-Chelyabinsk pipeline (1982), 4–5, 41
Invasion of Afghanistan (1979–89), 141
State Technical Commission, 5
Tobolsk, 4
spear phishing: examples of, 87–8, 143
Stuxnet: 32, 45–6, 50, 96, 99–100, 105–6
PLC used in, 43
political impact of, 9, 79, 161, 168, 172
subversion: 128, 136–7, 138–40, 155
language of, 136
use in cyber warfare, 113, 123, 163, 166–7
Sun Tzu: Art of War, The, 1, 13
Switzerland: Davos, 125
Geneva, 97
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) software: 4, 51, 73–4, 76
attacks targeting, 66
fieldbus protocol-based, 68
potential vulnerabilities of, 68–70
urban legends regarding attacks on, 76
use in Industrial Control Systems, 56
use of communication infrastructure by, 68
use of IPs in, 69
observations of ShadyRAT events, 88
observations of W32.Stuxnet Dossier, 44, 46
targeted in Operation Aurora (2010), 149
Syria: borders of, 11
Israeli bombing of Dayr ez-Zor reactor (2007), 11, 34, 41–2
Tarakanov, Dmitry: 64
Telvent: OASyS, 69
Third Position: presence at A16 (2000), 125
Titan Rain (2003): networks targeted by, 85–6
Tunisia: Revolution (2010–11), 132
founding of, 127
use in Arab Spring, 132
use in coordination of subversive activities, 131
United Arab Emirates (UAE): 102
United Kingdom (UK): 22, 35, 48, 54, 85
Brighton, 121
Centre for the Protection of the National Infrastructure, 108
Government Communication Headquarters (GCHQ), 99, 111–12
legal system of, 153
Lockerbie Bombing (1988), 141
military of, 117
Scotland Yard, 145
Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), 27
Security Services (MI5), 85, 108
Virgin Media, 145
United Nations (UN): 32
personnel of, 170
United States of America (USA): 34, 54, 116, 118, 135, 151, 157
9/11 attacks, xiii–xiv, 77, 113
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), xiv, 4–5, 15, 27, 41, 48, 53, 58, 96, 110, 151
Constitution of, 26
Cyber Command, 38
Department of Defense (DoD), 9, 20, 31, 35, 37, 48, 86
Department of Energy, 9, 86, 91–2
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 70–1, 76–7, 86, 92, 158
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 9, 75–8, 85, 96
Federal Trade Commission, 92
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), 112
government of, 42–3, 62, 71, 85, 91, 96, 108, 140, 173
Grabow Riot (1912), 61
Internal Revenue Service, 78
legal system of, 153
military of, 86
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 9
National Nuclear Safety Administration, 86
National Security Agency (NSA), 4, 9, 38, 42, 96, 100, 110–11, 139, 149, 161
National Security Council, 4
navy of, 140
Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive (NCIX), 109
Oklahoma City Bombing (1995), 141–2
Operation Olympic Games, 156
Washington DC, ix, 35, 46, 86, 109, 159
US Cyber Emergency Response Team (US-CERT): 92
US Office of Strategic Services: Simple Sabotage Field Manual (1963), 57–8, 73
US Planning Association: Independent Research Agency for Life Insurance, 146
offices of, 146
VASCO: owner of DigiNotar, 28
Verisign: 150
personnel of, 160
Vietnam War (1955–75): 17
violence: containment of, 61
in context of cyber warfare, 12–14, 17
indiscriminate, 25
instruments of, 18
virtual private network (VPN): 33
voice over internet protocols (VoIP): 70, 100
Wang, Jack: alias of ‘UglyGorilla’ 153–5
background of, 153
W.B. Carrell Memorial Clinic incident (2009): 75–6
Web Intellects: 100
Web 2.0.: 116
Weber, Max: 24
Weiss, Joe: ‘Water System Hack—The System Is Broken’ (2011), 76
Wightman, Reid: 72
WikiLeaks: 131
publication of diplomatic cables by (2010), 130
Wiper: purpose of, 65
shortcomings of, 66
Wohlstetter, Albert: 174
Words of Estimative Probability: concept of, 156
World Anti-Doping Agency: targeted by ShadyRAT, 91
World Bank: 124
World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) (2012): 171
World Economic Forum: Davos Conference, 125
World Social Forum: charter of principles, 125–6
Porto Alegre Conference (2001), 125
World Trade Organization: protests against, 124
worm virus: examples of, 94
Worshipful Company of Security Professionals: 108, 110
Wynne, Michael: US Secretary of the Air Force, xiii
Yahoo! Inc.: 30
targeted in Operation Aurora (2010), 149
Yemen: cultural weaponry of, 19
Uprising (2011–12), 132
Yokogawa Electric Corporation: 71
Yongkang, Zhou: role in Operation Aurora (2010), 150
Zappa, Frank: ‘Cheepnis’, 31
Network Warfare, 153