I am grateful beyond measure to the many Holocaust survivors who have generously shared their testimonies, both orally and through their writing. My thanks go also to the many children of survivors whose stories have both reflected and illuminated my own.

Many books assisted me in the research for this novel, including The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Opera, The Penguin Dictionary of Science, Taking the Quantum Leap by Fred Alan Wolf, A Dictionary of Physics, edited by John Daintith, and Physical Thought from the Presocratics to the Quantum Physicists, edited by Shmuel Sambursky. I am especially indebted to Mark Danner, author of The Massacre at El Mozote, for his inspiring and courageous reporting.

Boundless gratitude to my agent, Joelle Delbourgo, whose enthusiasm and expertise created miracles; to my editor, Dan Smetanka, for his wisdom, sensitivity, encouragement, and insight; and to Gina Centrello, for her passionate commitment.

Finally, my heartfelt thanks to the family members and friends whose love and support sustained me through the years of writing this book.