I put the card for the admissions counselor at the University of Missouri on the library table and started my email.

Just wanted to let you know that I am super motivated and please ignore my grades from the fall because none of that was my fault basically everyone hated me for no reason, but it’s all good…

I deleted it.

Just wanted to check in to see if you had a full ride available since I will be needing a mother lode of that sweet, sweet cash…

Deleted it.

I’ll be in summer school this year, not because I have to, but because I love learning so much…

Deleted it.

I make a kick-ass sangria, so if that’s something you’re looking for in potential students…

Elijah wrapped me up from behind, his thin, strong arms pulling me backward. After the spectacle of Nationals, he had gotten the University of Minnesota to reconsider his scholarship. They’d reinstated it almost immediately.

“I like the sangria part,” he said.

“What’s the best way to explain nearly failing out to a college admissions officer?”

He kissed the side of my head.

“The truth.”

I stared at the monitor. This was going to be hard, but it couldn’t be harder than talking about it in front of a thousand strangers.

“And you’re probably going to want to stress an extracurricular activity,” he said. “Colleges love that.”

I smiled, kissed him, then started writing.

The End