What things I have cast into the sea I have done this in order to forget my child if not for this you would curse your fathers their names their fists smother my every cry I have done this in order to forget my child the villagers tell me this is for the best their names their fists smother my every cry our medicine woman’s hands and tongue severed the villagers tell me this is for the best both age and fire have blinded her our medicine woman’s hands and tongue severed the air is rank with the fragrance of death both age and fire have blinded her my own mother has cast me away the air is rank with the fragrance of death I have bled and so I am impure my own mother has cast me away oh Holy Mary oh Mother of God I have bled and so I am impure pray for us sinners take me into your folds oh Holy Mary oh Mother of God the priests tell me I may yet be saved pray for us sinners take me into your folds under night’s cover they creep into my bed the priests tell me I may yet be saved they say in God’s name this is for the best under night’s cover they creep into my bed they teach me to pray force me onto my knees they say in God’s name this is for the best they tell me I am going to heaven they teach me to pray force me onto my knees I want to believe them I want to be saved they tell me I am going to heaven if not for this you would curse your fathers I want to believe them I want to be saved what things I have cast into the sea