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adjusting yourself, 9, 19

aggressive driving, 38–40

airports, tipping at, 74


bar fights and, 113

at business social events, 214–15, 220

buying drinks of, 112, 113

driving and, 113

toasts and, 166

appearance, personal, 32–34, 102 see also hygiene

appointments, 80, 82, 85, 180

appreciativeness, 12, 67, 101, 188, 208

arm for support, offering, 12, 100, 166

asking directions, 10, 41–42

attentiveness, 101

in dating, 104–5

at weddings, 159–60


babysitters, tipping of, 73

bachelor parties, 162, 166

bad breath, 20

bad habits, 8–9

barbers, tipping of, 68

bars, 112–13

bartenders, tipping of, 72


cleaning of, 9, 23, 26–31, 124–25

personal-care items in, 27

privacy in, 31

sharing space in, 29

smells in, 29

toilet paper in, 31

toilet seat position in, 10, 27, 30, 142, 174

workplace restrooms, 174, 207

bathtub, cleaning of, 28–29

bedroom, 26, 124

behavior, changing someone else’s, 22

bellmen, tipping of, 74

bereavement notes, 54–55

best man, role of, 162, 165–66

blazers, 159, 211

body language:

in business relationships, 190

at business social events, 216

and job interviews, 182

in office communications, 194, 196

body odor, 20, 102 see also hygiene

borrowing, 85

bragging, 99, 103

bullying, 174

burping, 18–19, 116, 207

business cards, 215

business relationships, 43, 171–78, 186–92

bar conversations and, 113

body language in, 190

building relationships in, 176

bullying in, 174

chauvinist attitude in, 172–73

clothing in, 175

coarse language and, 187–88, 189

coercing in, 189

compliments in, 175

demeaning behavior in, 173–74

domineering behavior in, 174, 190

e-mail in, 174

false terms of endearment in, 174, 188–89

flirting in, 174

giving credit in, 175

hygiene and, 175

ignoring others in, 172, 191

inappropriate touching in, 188

interrupting others in, 172, 174, 191

introductions in, 173, 175, 176

lateness and, 173

layoffs and, 177–78

listening in, 173, 191, 192

in new jobs, 192

ogling in, 174, 190

opening doors in, 173

people skills and, 176–77, 186–92

rudeness in, 172, 177

saying “please” or “thank you” in, 175

shaking hands in, 182, 188

shouting in, 174, 189, 190

superior attitude in, 171, 172, 173–74, 177

table manners in, 174

team environment and, 175, 191, 192

telephone in, 174

business services, tipping for, 68–70

business social events, 213–20

alcohol and, 214–15, 220

business cards and, 215

conversing at, 215, 217

guests at, 219–20

holding chairs at, 108–9, 204–5

hosts of, 219

introductions at, 214, 219

meals at, 137, 205, 213, 218–20

monopolizers at, 217

prompt arrival at, 218

at restaurants, 217–20

social mixers at, 214–17

working the room at, 216–17


car behavior, 38–42

aggressive driving in, 38–40

alcohol and driving, 113

asking for directions in, 41–42

disgusting habits in, 41

opening car doors, 99, 106

the radio and, 40

road rage and, 38–39, 40

tailgating, 39, 40

texting/cell phone use in, 40

using blinkers in, 41

car services, tipping of, 70

carrying packages, 12, 100, 176

cell phones/smartphones, 18, 40, 51–52, 201–2

audible discussions on, 49, 51–52

at dinner parties, 121

driving and, 40

e-mail on, 51

lodging complaints about, 52

in movie theaters, 51, 52

in public conveyances, 52

in public places, 51–52, 201–2

restaurants and, 52

rude behavior and, 49

texting and, 40, 51, 202

turning off, 50, 51, 201, 219

use while driving, 40

on vibrate mode, 50, 51, 201

voice mail on, 48, 51

chairs, holding of, 12, 100

business function and, 108–9, 204–5

table manners and, 134

changing lightbulbs, 15

chauvinist attitude, 172–73

chewing gum, 33, 35, 199, 207, 208

chewing tobacco, 9

child care, 14, 92

children, 90–96

adults mimicked by, 90 91, 95

attending events of, 94

coaching your, 95

discipline of, 94

life changed by, 93

manners for, 4

preparing for arrival of, 92

and shaking hands, 4

sharing responsibility for, 93–94

sports events of, 96

swearing and, 36, 91, 94–95

talking with, 94

as wedding guests, 157

chivalrous behavior, 12, 100

chocolates, 120, 145

cigar smoke, 34

clarity, 194

of speech, 45, 182

cleaning up, 9, 13–14, 92

in bathrooms, 9, 23, 26-31

first impressions linked to, 124

for home entertaining, 123, 124–25

in kitchen, 6, 9, 23–25

of refrigerator, 15, 124

of sports venues, 86

clothing, 19, 102

dirty, 21–22, 26, 124

for job interviews, 175, 180, 181

for weddings, 158–59, 166

in workplace, 175, 195, 210–12

coarse language, 33, 103, 187–88, 189

see also swearing


helping with, 12, 99, 100, 107

tipping coatroom attendants, 70

coercing, 189

coffee, 6, 139, 176

communication, 11, 101, 102

online dating, 150–53

online gaming, 154

social networking, 148–50

see also listening; office communications; telephone, telephoning

communication, in-person, 43–47, 58

jokes in, 46

listening in, 11, 44–45, 46

nonverbal cues in, 46, 47

quality of voice in, 45

telephones and, 48

topics in, 46

word choice in, 47

see also written communication

company policies, 209, 212

compliments, 102, 105, 108, 175

concierges, tipping of, 75

condescending behavior, 10, 103, 172

confidence, 5

dating and, 104, 107

in job interviews, 180, 182

congratulations notes, 54

consideration, 8, 28, 39, 77, 86

Emily Post on, 7

by guests, 121–22

lack of, 4, 5, 10

in online dating, 150

and social success, 102

toward children, 91

workplace, 171, 175

contributions, guest, 118, 120, 128, 130, 146


about sex, 46

bar, 113

at business social events, 215, 217, 219

flirtatious, 110

gossip, 37, 206

inappropriate workplace, 209

swearing in business conversations, 36

table manners and, 134

word choice in, 47

workplace, 206–7, 209

cooking, 12, 14, 92, 105

coughing, 115–16, 199

courtesy, 81, 187, 192

cruise ships, tipping on, 74

cubicles, workplace, 174, 199, 206–7

cultures, workplace, 205, 206

cursing. see swearing


dancing, 160, 167

dating, 33, 35, 104–10

attentiveness in, 104–5

confidence and, 104, 107

flirting and, 109–10

flowers in, 105–6

holding chairs in, 108–9

home entertaining and, 123–24

online, 150–53

opening doors in, 106–7

paying for meals in, 109

special occasions and, 106–7

standing up and, 108–9

walking together in, 107–8

delivery persons, tipping of, 68

demeaning behavior, 173–74

deodorant, 209–10

diets, special, 125–26

dinner parties, 17–22

disrespectful behavior, 5–6

domineering behavior, 10, 11, 99, 174, 190

doormen, tipping of, 73, 74

drain, cleaning of, 28–29


for dinner parties, 120

sloppy, 9

tips for, 102

see also clothing

driving. see car behavior


elbows on table, 132–33

elevator operators, tipping of, 73

elevators, holding of, 100

e-mails, 43, 53–54, 56–58

on cell phones, 51

emoticons and textspeak in, 57–58, 203

font choices for, 202

formal vs. friendly, 58

grammar, word choice, and spelling in, 57

in office communications, 174, 193, 202–3

as public documents, 56, 202

salutations in, 58, 203

speed of sending, 56, 202

subject line in, 56–57

tone of voice in, 57

vs. snail mail, 183

Emily Post Institute, 174

empathy, 4

engagements, 161–62

etiquette, 3–6, 11, 13

leading by example in, 86

Etiquette (Post), 5, 157–58, 186

eye contact, 46, 60, 65, 182, 195, 196


Facebook, xviii, 148, 185

fist bump, 62

fitness centers, 76–82

class courtesy at, 81

grunting at, 78

hitting on women at, 79–80

impressing others at, 76, 77, 78

missing a class at, 80, 82

personal trainers at, 80

time limits of, 79

unwanted stares and, 77–78

wiping up your sweat at, 76–77


business relationships and, 174

dating and, 109–10

flowers, 6

dating and, 105–6

gifts of, 120, 145

food allergies, 125

food deliverers, tipping of, 68

formal dinners, 131, 134–39

forms of address, 60, 66, 174, 205


garages, tipping at, 69

garbage, taking out the, 14


house, 145, 146

wedding, 158, 163, 166

of wine, 120, 145

in workplace, 207–8

see also flowers

going Dutch, 109

golf, 83, 84, 86–87, 88

gossip, 37, 206

grammar, 57, 193, 194

greeting people, 59–66

eye contact in, 60, 65

forms of address in, 60, 66, 147, 205

smiling in, 60

speaking clearly in, 60, 182

standing up in, 60, 216

see also handshakes; introductions

grocery shopping, 12, 15

tipping grocery loaders, 69

grooming, 19, 32, 33–34, 102, 120

see also hygiene

group activities, 111–16

in bars, 112–13

group parties, 130

sharing expenses of, 112–15

small grossnesses at, 111, 115–16

see also restaurants

grunting, 78

guest etiquette, 117–22

be considerate, 121–22

bringing a guest, 119

changing your mind, 118–19

grooming for event, 120

guest contributions, 118, 120, 128, 130

the hostess gift, 120

the invitation, 117–20

lateness, 120–21

leaving with others, 122

reciprocating, 122

RSVP, 117–18

saying thank you, 122

tips for, 121


hair, in bathroom sink or tub, 28–29

handshake-hug combo, 63

handshakes, 4, 60–62

in business, 182, 188

types of, 61

when not to shake hands, 61

with women, 62

handwritten notes, 53–55

hats, removal of, 9, 10, 33

hockey, 84

holiday tipping, 72–73

home entertaining, 123–30

cleaning up for, 123, 124–25

dating and, 123–24

double dipping by guests and, 129

group parties in, 130

guests’ contributions to, 128, 130

K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid) school of, 125–27

last-minute details, 127

meal plan for, 125–27

perfect host of, 127–28

pets and, 125

separated and divorced friends and, 129

tips for, 128

home life, 23–31

bedroom and, 26

telephone in, 17–18

television viewing in, 16–17

see also bathrooms; household chores; kitchen

honesty, 4, 5, 86–87, 102, 150, 151, 175

hostess gifts, 120

hotels, tipping at, 74–75

houseguests, 140–47

guidelines for, 143–46

and smoking, 34

household chores, 12, 14–15, 21–22, 92

household help, holiday tipping of, 73

housekeeping staff, hotel, tipping of, 75

hugs and kisses, 63

hygiene, 20

in the bedroom, 26

at fitness centers, 81

in workplace, 175, 209–10


ignoring others, 5, 99, 103, 172, 191

“I’m sorry,” 12

inconsiderate behavior, 5-6, 111, 115–16

interruptions, 99, 103

telephone, 48, 197, 199

at work, 172, 174, 191

introductions, 62–66

in business relationships, 173, 175, 176

at business social events, 214, 219, 220

first names or titles, 66

at formal dinners, 135

making, 100

of oneself, 65

of parents, 147

remembering names, 64–65


guest, 117–20

wedding, 156–58

ironing, 14


jackets, 159, 195, 211

job interviews, 179–85

dressing appropriately for, 175, 180, 181

evaluating interviewer, 181

eye contact at, 182

personal skills used in, 180–81

preparation for, 180–81, 184

prompt arrival at, 179–80

questions in, 182, 184

smiling at, 182

social networking and, 185

speaking clearly at, 182

thanking interviewer for, 182–83

jokes, 37, 46, 103

Jumbotron, 162


kisses, hugs and, 63


cleaning refrigerator, 15, 124, 208–9

cleaning up in, 6, 9, 23–25, 124, 209

workplace, 208–9


lateness, 10

for business social events, 218

for job interviews, 179–80

for social events, 120–21

for sports appointments, 85

in workplace, 173

laundry, 14, 21–22, 26, 92

lawn care, tipping for, 69

layoffs, coping with, 177–78

letters, 43, 193, 203

see also thank-you notes

limousines, 70


in business relationships, 173, 191, 192

to children, 94

in face-to-face communication, 11, 44–45, 46, 102

living room, cleaning of, 124


macho men, 78, 173

maître d’s, tipping of, 71

making the bed(s), 6, 14, 124

manners, importance of, 3–4, 10–11, 59, 100

memos, 193, 203

motels, tipping at, 74–75

movers, tipping of, 67, 68

movie theaters, cell phones in, 51, 52

mowing the lawn, 14

musicians, tipping of, 72


names, 60, 64–65, 66, 147, 205

newspaper deliveries, tipping of, 72

noise, background:

telephoning and, 199

in workplace, 206

nose blowing, 10

at dinner table, 138

into telephones, 199

in workplace, 207

nose picking, 9, 41


office communications, 193–203

body language in, 194, 196

cell/smartphones in, 201–2

criteria for, 193–94

e-mails in, 174, 193, 202–3

effective presentations in, 194–96

face-to-face, 193, 194–96

letters and memos in, 193, 203

telephone in, 174, 193, 197–200

voice mail in, 200–201

ogling, 77–78, 174, 190

online dating, 150–53

online friendships, 149

online gaming, 154

opening doors, 10, 11, 12, 100

in business relationships, 173, 176

car doors, 99, 106

in dating, 106–7

revolving doors, 107


parents, 90–96, 147

parking attendants, tipping of, 69, 72

passing gas, 18–19, 33, 35–36, 99, 116

paying bills, 15

personal-care items, 27

personal habits, 9, 32–37

burping, 18–19

chewing gum, 33, 35

driving and, 41

gossiping, 37

passing gas, 18–19, 33, 35–36, 99, 116

smoking, 9, 33, 34

spitting, 9, 10, 33, 35

swearing, 9, 33, 36–37

personal trainers, 80

pets, 21, 125

photos, and social networking, 148–49

planning an evening out, 15

“please,” 10, 100, 175

Post, Emily, 3

on business relationships, 186, 187

on consideration, 7

on the perfect host, 127–28

on table manners, 131, 137

Post Survey, xvii–xix

bedroom behavior in, 26

car behavior in, 41

cleaning up in, 6, 9, 23–31

communication skills in, 44

daily life in, 8–12

dating in, 104, 106, 107, 108

fitness center behavior in, 77, 78

group issues in, 111

hot spots in, 13–15

houseguests in, 140–41

household chores in, 14–15

how actions affect other people, 13

hygiene in, 20

male child-care help in, 92

mowing the lawn in, 14

passing gas in, 18–19

personal habits in, 33–34, 36

planning an evening out in, 15

rude behavior in, 5, 6

scratching in, 19

shared spaces in, 23–31

social behavior in, 99–103

table manners in, 134, 137

telephone in, 17–18

television viewing in, 16–17

weddings in, 159–60

workplace in, 174–75, 204

posture, 196

potluck parties, 130

presentations, 194–96


bathroom, 31

workplace, 206

promises, making and keeping, 25

promptness, 179–80, 218

proposals of marriage, 161–62


radio, car, 40

refrigerators, 15, 124, 208–9

relationships, ending, 149

residential building employees, tipping of, 73

respect, 4, 5, 8, 11–12, 26, 86, 90, 91, 101, 102, 121, 150, 175

responsible, being, 11–12


business meals at, 217–20

cell phones and, 52

paying at, 109

taking hosts to dinner, 144

tipping at, 67, 70–72

revolving doors, 107

road rage, 38–39, 40

room service, tipping for, 75


meaning of, 157–58

responding to an, 117–18

rude behavior, 5–6

in business relationships, 172, 177

cell phones and, 49


salutations, in e-mails, 58

scents, 102, 210

scratching, 19

sexism, 172

sexting, 150

shared living spaces, 23–31

shared plates of food, 115

sharing expenses, 112–15

shaving, 27, 28, 41

shopping, 92

shouting, 17, 174, 189, 190, 195

shower, bathroom, cleaning of, 28

sink, bathroom, cleaning of, 27–28, 29

slouching, 196

slurping, 207

small grossnesses, 111, 115–16

smells, 29

smiling, 60, 182

smoking, 9, 33, 34, 122

snail mail, 183, 203

sneezing, 19

in group situation, 115–16

into the telephone, 199

snoring, 26

social media, 148–54

social mixers, 214–17

social networking, 148–50

friending, 149

job interviews and, 185

sexting, 150

special diets, 125–26

special occasions, remembering and celebrating, 105

spectator standards, 83, 88, 89, 96


accents, 45, 196

clarity of, 45, 182

rate of, 45, 196

volume of, 195

spitting, 9, 10, 33, 35

splitting the bill, 114–15

sports, 83–89, 224

betting on, 87, 88

borrowing and, 85

cheating at, 85, 86–87

cleaning up at, 86

coaching children, 95

following rules in, 85

friendships and breakups in, 87

Jumbotron, 162

lateness for, 85

missed appointments, 85

online gaming, 154

winning and, 83, 84–85

sports events:

abusive yelling at, 83, 84, 88, 89

children’s, 96

positive cheering at, 88, 89

referees of, 83, 84, 89

roles as spectator at, 88

standing up, 12, 60, 108–9, 216

stationery, 55–56

suits, 159, 211

superior attitude, 10, 99, 103, 171, 172, 173–74, 177

supermarket deliveries, tipping for, 68

swearing, 9, 36–37, 99, 103

business relationships and, 36, 189

children and, 36, 91, 94–95

see also coarse language

sympathy notes, 54–55


T-shirts, 102, 211, 212

table manners, 131–39, 220

American style, 132

arriving at table in, 134–35

beginning to eat in, 137

in business relationships, 174

coffee and, 139

continental style, 132

conversation in, 134

cutting meat in, 138

dessert and, 139

at dinner’s end, 139

elbows on the table in, 132–33

excusing yourself and, 138

glassware in, 135, 136

holding chairs in, 134

napkins and, 135, 139

passing food items in, 133

place setting and, 135

salt and pepper and, 137

sauce and, 138

soup course and, 136

tie flipping and, 136

utensils in, 132, 135, 138–39

wine and, 135, 136, 139

taxi drivers, tipping of, 69

telephone, telephoning, 43, 48–52

answering calls, 17, 48, 198

answering machines, 48, 50, 197

background noises and, 199

call waiting and, 50, 199

conference calls and, 200

Do Not Disturb feature on, 197

face-to-face vs., 197

gum chewing and, 208

identifying oneself, 197

interruptions by, 48, 197, 199

making calls oneself, 198

multitasking and, 199

not using, 17–18

in office communications, 174, 193, 197–200

online dating and, 152

placing someone on hold in, 197

speakerphones and, 198–99

taking control of, 48, 50

taking messages in, 18, 48, 198

video conferencing and, 43, 193, 200

voice level on, 49

voice mail of, 43, 48, 50, 200–201

see also cell phones/smartphones

television viewing, 16–17, 142

tennis, 83, 84, 85, 87

terms of endearment, 174, 188–89

texting, 40, 43, 51, 58, 201

“thank you,” 10, 12, 100, 143, 146, 175

thank-you notes, 54

for business social events, 220

for dinner parties, 122

for formal dinners, 139

of houseguests, 143, 146

for job interviews, 182–83

for wedding gifts, 164

to wedding hosts, 161

what to say in, 55

tie flipping, 136

ties, 158, 159, 211

tipping, 67–75

for business and professional services, 68–70

holiday, 72–73

poor service and, 67–68

at restaurants, 67, 70–72

tip jars, 67

when traveling, 74–75

Title market, The (Post), 127

toasts, 165, 166

toilet paper, 31, 125

toilet seat position, 10, 27, 30, 142, 174, 207

toothpaste, 26

touching, inappropriate, 188

trash collectors, tipping of, 69

travel, 74–75

tuxedos, 158–59

Twitter, xviii, 43, 148


uninvited guests, 119, 156–57

ushers, wedding, 166–67

usurping, 142


vacuuming, 14, 124

valet parking, tipping for, 72

vegetarians, 125–26

video conferencing, 43, 193, 200

voice level, 195

on telephone, 49

voice mail, 43, 48, 50, 200–201

voice, tone of:

in e-mails, 57

in face-to-face communication, 45, 194, 195

see also speech


waiters and waitresses, tipping of, 70–71

waiting together, 108

walking together, 5, 12, 99, 100, 108

washing hands, 20, 141

washroom attendants, tipping of, 70

weddings, 155–67

attentiveness at, 159–60

bachelor parties and, 162, 166

best man’s role in, 162, 165–66

children as guests at, 157

clothing for, 158–59, 166

dancing at, 160, 167

departure from, 160

and getting engaged, 161–62

gifts for, 158, 163, 166

the groom, 161–63

groom’s role in, 155, 163–65

groomsmen, role of, 162, 166–67

guests at, 156–61

invitations to, 156–58

paying for, 163

receiving line of, 164

rehearsal dinner and, 163

thanking the hosts of, 161

toasts at, 165, 166

tossing garter at, 164

uninvited guests at, 156–57

usher’s role in, 166–67

wedding cake, 160, 164


at business social events, 219, 220

gifts of, 120, 145

table manners and, 135, 136, 139

wine stewards, tipping of, 71

winning, sports and, 83, 84–85

workplace, 171–78, 204–12

background noise in, 206

burping in, 207

clothing in, 175, 195, 210–12

company policy and, 209, 212

conversations in, 206, 209

cubicles in, 174, 199, 206–7

cultures of, 205, 206

eavesdropping in, 207

forms of address in, 205

gifts in, 207–8

gossip in, 206

gum chewing in, 208

holiday gift-giving in, 207–8

hygiene in, 175, 209–10

inappropriate conversations in, 209

kitchen and food in, 208–9

“no-scent” policies in, 210

nose blowing in, 207

personal phone calls in, 207

restrooms in, 207

slurping in, 207

smacking chewing gum in, 207

taking breaks in, 209

telephone voice level in, 207

see also business relationships; office communications

written communication, 53–58

bereavement notes, 54–55

e-mail, 56–58

handwritten notes, 53–55

notes of congratulations, 54

stationery, 55–56

thank-you notes, 54, 55

what to say in, 55


yelling, 17

e-mail indicators of, 202

at sports events, 83, 84, 88, 89