Chapter 93

Piper tapped in just the first two letters of every term she could think of that related to the murders.

“D-A.” Up came “DAMBALLAH” at the very top of the recent-searches menu.

“L-O.” Up came “LOKO.”


Leaning back in her chair, Piper was shocked and in disbelief. Maybe she was overreacting. There had to be another explanation. The one that was running through her mind was too horrible to be real.

Only Bertrand and Marguerite used the computer. Bertrand was dead. That left Marguerite. Had she killed her husband? Had Marguerite killed Muffuletta Mike and Ellinore Duchamps as well?

Should she call the police? Maybe she was wrong about Marguerite. But shouldn’t the police be informed of what Piper had come across on the computer? She was determined to follow Jack’s and her father’s advice and let the pros figure it out.

As Piper reached for the telephone, she heard the back door to the kitchen open. She turned to see Marguerite standing behind her. Piper tried but failed to keep the fear from her facial expression.

“Put down that phone,” commanded Marguerite. “Now.”