HIS tongue seemed incapable of movement. What was he doing here?
Gaby didn’t need him. She was the picture of serenity and confidence. All his noble thoughts of rescuing her seeped away. But then, if he acknowledged the truth to himself, he’d have to admit that his reason for coming tonight was more than a little selfish.
He just hadn’t been able to stand the thought of being away from her for almost a day. Rushing in as her knight in shining armour was just a thin excuse to be with her. Away from the Old Boathouse—away from labels like employer and employee— they could just be Luke and Gaby. Man and woman. The temptation to grab hold of that opportunity had been too great.
Gaby started to work her way through the guests. This time he didn’t follow, he just watched. She paused to greet relatives and family friends as she moved through the throng of people, but he could see where she was headed. He recognised the dark, slicked-back hair of her ex-husband at the far side of the room and his fingers flexed and curled in an involuntary reaction.
She was so brave. Not many women in her position would have the guts to face down their ex in such a public place. If only he were a little closer, so he could enjoy her victory. He shuffled further into the room. Gaby stopped to chat to a crowd of men surrounding her brother. They were so tall and broad, he guessed they were rugby players. From this position he could scarcely see past them.
He stopped edging forward. Gaby only came up to his shoulder, normally. Even in heels she wouldn’t be able to see past the wall of muscled men in front of her. She had no idea she was heading straight for her ex. His heart lurched in sympathy. At least David hadn’t spotted her yet, either.
At that moment, one of the rugby players, who was probably recounting some hard-fought pitch battle, ducked and lunged to one side. Gaby must have got a glimpse of what was waiting for her if she carried on her path because, just for a second, she faltered. And then, almost seamlessly, she veered away from David and his new love, their backs still towards her, and headed for the little bar in the corner of the room.
It was only a slight hesitation—no one else had seen it—but it gave him courage. She needed him more than he’d thought. He made his way through the crowd and was only ten feet from her, when he saw she had company. The ex was closing in. He must have spotted her after all. But instead of the smug smile Luke had expected, he seemed a little taken aback.
David stood close behind her as she leant on the bar, and breathed her name.
She stopped trying to attract the bartender’s attention and went very still. Luke could see her profile from where he stood. She took in a little breath, then arranged her face into a polite smile before she turned to face her ex-husband.
‘You look…’
She raised an eyebrow.
‘…well, fantastic.’
‘Thank you.’ Her smile didn’t change, or grow even a little. Luke knew it was a fake one, designed to throw David off the scent, so he wouldn’t realise how uncomfortable she felt.
The rat leaned in to kiss her cheek. Luke had to stop himself launching forward. Every muscle in his body tensed as David’s lips lingered just a little too long and he brushed his hand down the top of her bare arm.
He didn’t want Gaby. That was plain from the remarks Luke had overheard in the lobby earlier that evening. But David seemed to think that Gaby still wanted him and he was using the knowledge to keep her off balance, at a disadvantage. Of course, he could be attempting to have his cake and eat it too. Either way, he was a rat.
‘How’s Cara?’ Gaby asked.
The rat’s smile flicked as he pulled away from her. Luke felt a sense of triumph. Good for her. She was reminding him what was what. And David didn’t like it one bit. He was a smart guy and he’d seen she wasn’t about to fall into a heap at his feet.
‘Fantastic as always. You know Cara.’
‘Not really, David. If you remember, I didn’t even know of her existence until you were packing your bags to move out. It hardly gave us time to bond, you know.’
Luke grinned. A couple of months ago, he’d have bet that Gaby would have shrunk back and said something bland in response to that remark. She seemed to be getting the hang of standing her ground these days. With him to practice on, it was hardly surprising.
David changed tack and pasted on a look of concern. ‘I wanted to come and speak to you, before word got round this evening, Gaby. I think you should know that…’
Gaby looked at him as if to say, Now what?
David continued. ‘You should know that Cara and I are expecting a baby.’
The smile slid straight off Gaby’s face, but David ploughed on. ‘As I said, I thought I should let you know quietly, just in case someone else dropped the bombshell.’
Slime, pure slime. He wasn’t protecting Gaby; he was rubbing it in.
‘But…but you always said you didn’t want children.’
David shrugged. ‘What can I say, Gabs? People change. Perhaps it’s got something to do with meeting the right person.’ He rubbed her arm again. Patronising jerk! ‘You’ll find someone one day, just you see.’
The look of pure hopelessness on Gaby’s face tore at Luke’s heart.
David looked around the room. His smile said he already knew the answer to his question. ‘Are you here with anyone, Gabs?’
Gaby began to shake her head and Luke knew this was his moment. He closed the distance between them and curled a protective arm round Gaby’s waist.
‘Yes, she is.’
If the situation had been any different, Luke would have howled with laughter at the look on the other man’s face. Instead he thrust his spare hand out for a handshake.
‘Luke Armstrong. And you are?’
‘I’m…David Harvey. I’m Gaby’s—’
‘Well, David. It was a pleasure to meet you, but I’m sure you understand we can’t let a lady as delicious as this hide away in the corner. Come on, Gaby. It’s time you let me have that dance you promised me.’
And with that, he whisked her away, leaving David with his mouth flapping.
Luke’s arm around her waist was propelling her forward. He was marching so quickly that she had to trot to keep up.
‘Luke? What on earth are you doing here?’
He slowed and spun her ever so gently so that, without quite working out how she’d got there, she was in his arms and they were dancing. The jazz band Hattie had raved about played a mellow number and Luke drew her close so that one of her hands lay on his chest and her head rested against his jaw.
‘I thought you could do with a friend here tonight,’ he whispered into her hair.
‘What about Heather?’
He spun her round and her stomach went giddy. How could the man with feet of iron dance so beautifully?
‘She’s being spoiled rotten at Granny and Grandpa’s.’
He was making his presence at her brother’s party seem so reasonable. Sane even. How could he know she’d come to this blasted party to escape the barrage of feelings and sensations every time he was near? And how was she supposed to resist him when one of his hands was burning at the small of her back and the fingers of the other hand were tangled with hers? To top it off, the smell of clean shirt laced with spicy aftershave was making it really, really hard to think.
It seemed as if Luke could read her mind.
‘Don’t worry. Just dance,’ he said and pulled her closer.
She let out a breath and sank against him. She didn’t care what his reasons were for coming here. All that mattered was that, right now, everything seemed perfect. All her life she’d been chasing after perfection and it had always been out of reach.
She was reminded of the bag of flour that had sat on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard when she’d been married to David. One time she’d practically dislocated her shoulder reaching for it. Her fingertips had even brushed the paper wrapping. But, try as she might, she hadn’t been able to wiggle it forward so her cramping fingers could grab it. And then David had walked in, reached over the top of her and handed it to her. It had been so easy for him.
No, perfection wasn’t for mere mortals like her. It was reserved for those more clever and more beautiful. But someone had been careless. Someone had left a little piece of perfection lying around and she’d stumbled upon it. And now she had it in her grasp, she wasn’t going to let it go until the clock chimed midnight, or the fairy godmother waved her wand, or whatever it was that happened when fairy tales turned to dust.
The song drew to a close and their feet stopped moving. It was too soon. She wanted to stretch the moment to make it last a little longer. Luke started to move away and she knew the magic had died.
‘I think you’re safe now,’ he said, looking round the room.
Of course. It was all part of the show to fool David and Cara, and anyone else who might come along to gawp or take pity.
She looked up at him and her stomach bottomed out. Wow! He was wearing a really nice suit. His hair was combed and even the stubble was gone. Her fingers lifted from where they rested on his chest and reached for the smooth skin of his cheek. It was only at the last second she remembered she really ought not to, and diverted her hand to an imaginary piece of fluff on his shoulder.
‘Thanks.’ One corner of his mouth lifted.
Her stomach had deserted her and now her breathing was having second thoughts as well. This freshly scrubbed Luke was seriously yummy. Not that he hadn’t been attractive before. It was just that, along with the stubble, all the crustiness seemed to have vanished, and she suspected she was getting a glimpse of what he must have been like before…everything.
Her fingertips made contact with the smooth skin of his face. How they’d got there after the diversionary tactics, she wasn’t sure, but she couldn’t stop herself. And suddenly he wasn’t smiling any more, he was just looking at her and she was looking back at him, and everything had gone very, very still.
All except for the fingers still stroking his cheek.
He let out a sigh, closed his eyes and leaned into the palm of her hand. And then her eyes were shut too and their faces were so close there was only one possible thing to do next…
Her eyes shot open and suddenly there was a clear foot between her and Luke.
‘Mum! How lovely to…I didn’t see you there.’
Her mother gave Luke an appraising glance. ‘So I noticed.’
Luke stepped forward and offered his hand. ‘Good evening, Mrs Michaels. Luke Armstrong. I believe we met earlier.’
I believe we met earlier? Who said that? Not the Luke she knew, that was for certain. Perhaps she’d been wrong. Perhaps there was still magic in the air tonight after all.
Her mother looked wary, but it would be rude not to shake hands, and if there was one thing Sylvia Michaels prided herself on, it was her manners. But both women watched in astonishment as, instead of shaking her hand, Luke raised it to his lips and kissed it gently. Was her mother blushing?
‘Well, it’s nice to see you again too, Mr Armstrong.’
‘Please call me Luke.’
Her mother forgot entirely to do her queen bee act and gave him a really genuine smile. Gaby almost gasped out loud.
‘And you must call me Sylvia.’
Luke let go of her hand and his returned to Gaby’s waist. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by her mother.
‘What do you do, Luke?’ It was an innocent enough question on the surface. Luke had no idea he was on the slippery slope to a full KGB style interrogation.
‘I’m a doctor.’
‘A doctor? Well, that’s wonderful.’ The look she gave Gaby showed she was clearly both impressed and amazed at her daughter’s ability to turn up with a suitable man. ‘And how did you two meet? Was it—’
‘Well, Sylvia, I think the band is starting up again. I’m sure you’ll excuse us. We can have our chat later.’
Her mother actually smiled. ‘Of course. I’ll look forward to talking with you again.’
You bet she would! In a darkened room with a bare light bulb and guards at the door.
Luke had swung Gaby back into his arms and they were moving again. She looked back at her mother over Luke’s shoulder. Mum gave her a knowing, don’t-mess-it-up-with-this-one look, and then Luke turned her again and her mother vanished.
‘So that’s what they teach you at medical school these days, is it? Mind control.’
He laughed. ‘It’s just a game, Gaby. I was pre-warned and she was taken by surprise. We had the advantage’
‘We make a good team, don’t we? I presume getting your mother off your back was on your wish-list for this evening?’
‘Yes, it was, but—’
‘Well, mission accomplished.’
They danced in silence for a few seconds. ‘Luke? You don’t have to, you know.’
A little crease appeared between his brows. ‘Don’t have to what?’
‘You don’t have to stay here and bail me out. They’re my family and I ought to be able to handle them on my own.’
‘Are you cross I came?’
She shook her head. ‘I just don’t want you to feel you have to—’
‘Gaby, I’m here because I want to be here. I wanted to do something for you. You’ve been such a big help to me and Heather.’
Oh. It was just tit for tat, then? I help you with your family, you help with mine?
‘Luke, you pay me to help you with Heather.’
‘I know. Look, I didn’t mean…You’ve helped me change too, Gaby, not just Heather. We’re more than employer and employee, aren’t we? I thought we were friends too?’
She nodded, then laid her head on his shoulder. So that was how it was. Friends—playing a game to fool the world into thinking she was all right. Well, she might as well play along. Otherwise the irony of the fact that the man who was breaking her heart was trying to mend it for her might just get to her.
She forced herself to sound brighter. ‘Come on, then. I’m thirsty. What’s a girl got to do to get a drink around here?’
Luke manoeuvred them to the edge of the dance floor and they wandered over to the bar. ‘What are you having?’ he asked.
‘Champagne, of course.’ If they were going to play charades, they might as well do it in style.
‘Of course.’
It was just a game, she reminded herself as they sipped their drinks. Luke was only helping her out. It was just that, for a moment there earlier on, she really had thought he was going to…Oh, never mind.
This is no time for fantasies, girl. Remember that. Now, stop slouching, smile, sparkle and pretend you’re having the time of your life.
And, as the evening wore on, she realised they were doing a really good job. She and Luke danced and talked and laughed, and not once did she get anything but a look of approval as she saw their reflection in other people’s eyes.
That was what she’d wanted, wasn’t it? To avoid the Poor Gaby looks. Well, it had worked. Then why did the ache in her chest keep growing? Why did her smile feel as if it were contorting her face?
Because you want it for real. And that makes you Poor, Stupid Gaby.
And all of a sudden she needed to get away from him, needed some air. ‘I’m just going to…powder my nose,’ she said, with a smile that was far too wide.
Luke didn’t smile back. ‘Okay. I’ll see you in a minute.’
She walked away and realised that feeling the distance between them stretch no longer made her ache, but gave her a sense of freedom. She bypassed the ladies room and slipped though a door that led on to the long terrace that flanked the rear of the hotel.
It was practically empty. The night air was chilly enough to deter most people in thin party clothes. She rested her hands on the stone balustrade and stared out over the gardens.
‘What are you doing lurking about here?’
She’d know that voice anywhere. She didn’t bother looking round. ‘Go away, David.’
‘You’re looking a bit low, Gabs.’ He sidled up to her.
‘I’m fine,’ she said, finally looking at him. ‘And it’s none of your business, is it? You gave up the right to stick your nose into my life the moment you slept with Cara.’ Thank goodness.
‘Just because we’re divorced, it doesn’t mean I don’t still care about you.’
‘I’m fine, David. I’m just tired. It was a long journey up from Devon and my shoes are killing me.’
‘Is that where he’s from? Devon?’
‘So how do you know each other?’
‘What part of “none of your damn business” do you not understand, David?’
‘You didn’t say “damn” business.’
‘Well, I’m saying it now.’ She pulled herself up to her full height, ignoring the fact that she only just reached his chin. ‘If it will make you go away, I’ll tell you. I met him through work.’
‘Work? As a nanny? I bet you don’t get to meet too many eligible—’ David started to laugh, then covered his mouth with his hand. ‘Oh, that’s too sad, Gabs!’
She narrowed her eyes and suddenly wished she had Heather’s laser vision so she could evaporate him and leave Cara with a puff of smoke for a fiancé.
‘Tell me it’s not true! You work for him, don’t you?’
‘Don’t bother denying it. It’s written all over your face. It’s becoming a pattern, isn’t it?’
She was getting really tired of this! ‘What is?’
‘Falling for men who are way out of your league.’
She leant back on the balustrade. Her voice was totally expressionless. ‘I said, “Go away, David.”’
‘Whatever you say, Gabs.’
That man made her want to scream! She could practically feel the smugness emanating from him as he disappeared back inside. Well, let him go back to his pregnant fiancée! She hoped he went prematurely bald and Cara got stretch marks.
She shook her head. What was wrong with her? She wasn’t normally plagued with vindictive thoughts like that. It was all to do with Luke. She wanted him so badly it was actually starting to hurt to be around him. Tonight was like a very cruel joke in that respect.
It was time to move on—move out of the Old Boathouse and find another job. She couldn’t keep doing this to herself.
The sound of footsteps on the paving stones behind her made her jump, but she refused to let David have the satisfaction of seeing her rattled. ‘I thought I told you to clear off,’ she said, without turning round.
The footsteps stopped. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t realise—’
She swung round. ‘Luke! I didn’t mean…’
He folded his arms in front of his chest and looked at her. ‘What’s up, Gaby?’
‘Nothing. Just tired. I’m fine, really.’
That almost made her crack a smile. She was rather relieved to have the old Luke back. ‘Okay, you’re right.’
‘You seemed to be fine at first this evening, but for the last hour or so you’ve been a bit…I don’t know. Is it me? Have I done something to upset you?’
‘No, Luke. You’ve done your bit beautifully.’
‘Is it anything to do with your ex? I just passed him on the way out here. Did he say something?’
She studied a spiky plant in a pot. ‘No, not really.’
‘Are you sure? I could go and mess him up a little for you.’
She met his gaze. ‘Tempting, but no.’ The twinkle in his eye was more than she could resist and she let out a reluctant chuckle that ended with a little shiver.
‘You must be freezing!’ He stepped forwards and gently rubbed the skin of her upper arms. In her already tense state, it was more than she could handle.
‘Don’t, Luke. Please?’
It was too much. On top of everything else, it was too much. She couldn’t take him being caring and sweet—and touching her.
He dropped his hands and just stood there looking at her. His head was tilted slightly to one side, his hazel eyes warm and searching. And if anything the look was worse than the touching had been. She couldn’t bear it, so she closed her eyes.
She heard rustling. He was taking his jacket off. And then she felt the warm satin of its lining around her shoulders and a tug on the lapels as he pulled it tight around her. It was like being surrounded with him, his warmth, his scent, his touch.
Opening her eyes was not an option. He was so close now, their bodies only inches apart, and his fingers were smoothing the lapels of the jacket across her collarbone. Any second now he’d move away and she’d be able to breathe again.
But he didn’t move away, and she didn’t know what to do. Her eyelids fluttered open.
To hell with breathing.
Luke was looking at her with unmasked longing in his eyes. No man had ever looked at her like that before, not even David. The way Luke was looking at her was more than just plain old physical attraction.
It was as if he could see through all the layers she’d painted on to the real woman underneath. And, much to her surprise, he liked what he saw.
When he tugged the front of the jacket to pull her just that little bit closer, her breathing kick-started again. Then he bent his head and brushed his lips softly across hers.
This was what she’d been waiting for. All these weeks since they’d had that screaming row, and now it was happening she couldn’t hold back any longer. Her upper arms were still pinned against her sides by his jacket, but she managed to free them enough to circle her arms round his waist and pull herself to him.
And then she kissed him back, pouring all the love and longing she’d been bottling up into every second of it. This was Luke, her Luke. And she wasn’t going to waste one moment by being hesitant or frightened or shy. For once in her life she was going to do what she felt like doing, and to hell with the consequences.
Luke’s hands moved to explore the contours of her face and every touch, every stroke seemed to be filled with the same exquisite mixture of adoration and craving that was torturing her. Finally, he pulled away, his hands still cradling her face.
She looked up at him in wide-eyed wonder as the tiniest of smiles flickered on his lips.
‘I’ve been wanting to do that all night.’
‘Really? All night?’ Her voice was barely registering.
His smile grew. ‘Oh, yes.’
‘I thought you said it was just pretend.’
The smile dimmed. ‘I never said that. Why would you think I was just playing with you, Gaby?’
‘It was supposed to be a game, wasn’t it?’
He shook his head. ‘Back in there, I thought we were giving them what they wanted to see—what you wanted them to see—but out here it’s just us. No more pretending. I just can’t do it any more.’
Me neither, she wanted to shout, but the words were lodged in her throat.
‘This one definitely isn’t pretend,’ he said, planting the sweetest, softest kiss on her lips. ‘Nor this one.’ The next was on her jaw. ‘Or this one.’ Now his lips were on her neck. Oh, yes, it was all feeling pretty real to her, no doubt about it.
‘For heaven’s sake!’
They froze. She could hear her mother’s sling-backs clopping on the flagstones.
‘The woman must have some kind of radar,’ Luke muttered in her ear, still hugging her close to him as they turned to face her mother.
‘Is it true?’ She was nearly upon them now and she was definitely in a stew about something.
‘Is what true, Mum?’
‘That…that…man…is your boss?’
Gaby swallowed. ‘I don’t see it’s any of your business—’
‘My daughter is cavorting around with a married man and you think it’s none of my business?’
Gaby’s teeth began to squeeze together as she held back her anger. ‘Mum, how dare you? I don’t know who’s been…’
Oh, yes, she did. David, that was who.
One look from her mother told them that, without a shadow of a doubt, Luke had been demoted to using Mrs Michaels again.
‘My wife is dead.’ At least her mother had the decency to drop her jaw at Luke’s announcement. ‘And has been for more than five years.’
‘Well, how was I supposed to know that? For all I knew, Gaby was working for a normal family—’
‘Mum! I don’t know how you can be so rude. Just because Luke’s wife died, it doesn’t mean he hasn’t got a normal…’ She was so cross she could hardly see straight. ‘You know what, Mum? At this very moment, I’m thinking Luke’s family is a hell of a lot more normal than mine is.’
‘Well, I’m sorry you feel that way, Gabrielle.’
Gaby pulled away from Luke slightly, unable to stay still any longer, but he gripped on to her waist and wouldn’t let her go. ‘How do you expect me to feel, Mum? You accuse me of having an affair, when you know nothing about it. In fact, I’d say you don’t know anything about me either, if you think I’m capable of such a thing.’
‘Well, of course I didn’t…’
‘Yes, you did! Otherwise you wouldn’t have marched out here, all guns blazing. I think you owe Luke an apology.’
Her mother blinked and Gaby watched her shoulder muscles tighten. Then she swallowed and took a deep breath. ‘I’m sorry if I may have given the impression that I thought you were up to no good, Mr Armstrong.’
Luke gave one small nod of his head. Gaby guessed that was all he could manage without losing it completely.
Then her mother turned back to face her and she knew the apology had a sting in its tail. ‘But, to be honest, Gabrielle, the fact you are…’ she made a gesture with her hand ‘…with your employer is hardly proper conduct.’
That was it. Thirty-one years of never answering back came rushing to the surface at once. She was fed up with it. No more. Suddenly it didn’t matter what her parents thought, or what David thought, or even what Luke thought.
She’d spent her whole life covering up how she really felt to please other people and it hadn’t given her a moment’s real happiness. Only the fake kind, where she was always terrified something would come along to capsize it if she didn’t do or say exactly the right thing.
To hell with the lot of it.
From this moment on she was going to tell the truth. It couldn’t make things any worse than they were now.
She gave her mother a tight smile.
‘Too bad if you don’t like it, Mum. It’s none of your business what I do. You can keep your opinions to yourself. If I want to, I will stand out here and kiss Luke. If I really want to, I will drag him upstairs and have my wicked way with him.’ The look on her mother’s face this very second was worth every bit of self-recrimination she might have tomorrow at this outburst.
Suddenly, she felt amazing, she felt triumphant, she felt…free. It was fantastic.
And since she was on a roll, she might as well finish with a bang.
‘No one is going to stop me from being with the man I—’
Her mother’s eyebrows shot up. Luke’s hand gripped her waist even tighter.
‘With the man you…?’ he asked, his voice hoarse.
She turned to face him and looked him straight in the eye. No pretending, they’d said. It was too late to go back now. Her voice broke slightly as she spoke.
‘With the man I love.’