appendix d

Transcript to use with students

Timeline Journey
Imagine yourself floating up above your timeline and travelling into the future to that moment of brilliant success. See yourself now, look at the delight on your face as you realise for the first time how well you have done – listen to what you say to yourself, congratulating yourself on how well you have done, knowing now that all that you wish for your future is now not just a possibility but a reality! Make this image big and bright so you can study every detail. Who are you with? Are you alone or with others? What are the sounds around you? Are you telling yourself how clever you are? Our imagination is a wonderful thing - the more we imagine your success, the more vividly you see your future the more you can manifest those things in our lives. Step into your body now and notice the good feelings in your body, I don’t know if you have a sense of satisfaction, or excitement, joy, or some other wonderful feeling. As you step into your body just begin to notice those feelings begin to spin through your body so you feel it in every cell of your body. Spread that good feeling all the way to the top of your head and down to the tips of your toes. It’s good that you can do this easily now.

Imagine now that you can turn around and look back at all the things that you have successfully achieved to get to this moment in time. See yourself planning and preparing to revise, watch yourself being determined and tenacious in your revision and review. Notice how you easily remember the facts and information as you discover new ways to use your brain to recall, review and learn, really learn easily. Enjoy the sense of satisfaction as you begin to drive your own brain in the direction you want it to go. Focus your attention on two points just beneath your eyes on your cheekbones, as you do this you can become aware of how determined you are to succeed. Feel that determination as you realise how easy this is once you make the decision to just go for it now. So take a moment now to run through the time you have for revision. Making the most of every moment, engaging with your learning, using your brain to maximum potential and really enjoying the discoveries you are making. See yourself taking the time out you deserve and being able to really relax in the knowledge that you have used each session really well and returning refreshed to the next session

See yourself on the day of the tests, relaxed and alert, arriving in good time, well prepared and ready to do your best. Notice yourself focusing on the questions and answering them easily with enthusiasm. Relaxed and alert, concentrating and calm, saying useful helpful things to yourself to encourage yourself to do your absolute best. Using each day as an unprecedented opportunity to show how good you are. See yourself relaxing after the test and preparing for any others. Letting go of any feelings about the last one and focusing your attention on the next one just imagining the time available to you as flowing smoothly and easily right up to the day you receive the results.

That’s right. Now in a moment imagine I am going to ask you to float back out up above your timeline once more and begin to travel back to the time and place of this room. And now as you float gently and easily out above your timeline begin to gather all the learnings and experiences that you have noticed yourself doing in this time before your exams and bring together all the insights and useful thoughts and ideas, helpful behaviours and feelings and bring them back with you to the time and place of this room. Because as you imagine yourself successfully completing your revision it’s almost as if you have done the work once before and it’s always easier to do something for a second time isn’t it?

This eBook is licensed to Dominic Luzi, on 10/18/2018