Chapter 5
With the Endeavour gone, the busy harbour seemed empty. Eric dragged an old fish crate to a sheltered corner of the harbour wall: there was an edge to the wind, which spoke of the northern autumn coming. From this wooden throne, he could keep an eye on both sea-bound traffic and the bustling quays beneath the town.
Despite being retired for a year, he hated being left behind. Even if it was by his own choice, because he’d had his day, and now it was up to his sons to make a living from the sea. He reached into his pocket for his tobacco tin.
On the wall behind him, a young seagull was mewling – chased away by its mother and left until hunger forced it to fend for itself. The sound of birds had filled every day of Eric’s life. He barely heard them yet was so attuned to the noise they made that, if it varied, he instantly checked for a reason. As he would for a change in the beat of the engine which had driven his boat.
Like any skipper, he had watched for gulls hovering above the sea, to tell him where the fish were shoaling. Now, even seagulls were struggling in their search for herring. He crumbled the tobacco in his hand, then filled his pipe. This was starting to feel like the seven lean years in Egypt, he thought wryly. The whole town, not just its fishermen, were discovering what it was like to tighten their belts.
His pipe unlit, he rested his hand on his knee. There was a rhythm to life – years of plenty, and the years between. For as long as there had been fishing, it was always thus. You learned to put savings to the side when there was cash to spare: just as you helped others out who were less fortunate than yourself. Widows of fishermen long dead but not forgotten. Or men too old, or ill, to make their own living from the sea. The fishing community made sure that no one was neglected, or went hungry. You looked after each other. It was a way of life.
Eric scrubbed his free hand across his chin. This was changing; he could sense it. The war had stolen a generation of young men, and sent home restless women who had done men’s work in the cities, and were reluctant to go back to the role they had always known.
Once you see life’s alternatives, it can give you itchy feet. For himself, the sea and his family had been enough: he had never bothered to search out alternatives. But the war had forced change – and it wasn’t finished yet. Would the sea heal, then hold, men like Neil? Would the Mary Cowies of the world make a home, settle down to raising a family? Renewing the old place?
Or would too many drift back to the brighter and easier life they had seen, taking away the very people on whom the future of Buckie rested?
What if the herring went too? Once he had thought there were fish in the sea for everyone. Now, he was less sure. Had the war against U-boats destroyed fishing stocks? Had the shoals simply swum elsewhere? Or had he and his kind already emptied the sea, as they tried to keep their boats out of debt, and their families in clothes?
Eric stirred restlessly on the wooden crate, not liking where his thoughts were taking him. If the lean years continued, and the herring stocks failed, then not even those who wanted to stay would find enough work to keep them. What then of his beloved community, and its way of life?
It was the young who would leave, to find work. Taking away themselves, and their children – both born, and still to be born. The community would get older and greyer: less able to look after its own frail and struggling members. A town of old men and women. While the seagulls called and the waves crashed in spray against the harbour, as they had always done.
‘A penny for your thoughts.’
He looked up. It was Chrissie, with Aggie’s little lad in tow.
‘A penny? They’re not worth even half of that,’ he muttered.
‘They were deep enough to make you forget your pipe.’
‘Aye,’ Eric said. His hand went straight to his left pocket for his box of matches. ‘Will things ever get back to how they were, Chrissie? Will the town get back to what it was before the war? Will Andy and Neil ever settle down, and bring up their families here? Like you and me once did. Or is it all going to change?’
‘Michtie me!’ she said wryly. ‘These are black thoughts for any man.’
He struck his match, held it over the bowl of his pipe, and puffed. ‘Aye, but it’s happening, isn’t it? Everything we knew is under threat. If the fishing industry dies, there’s not a store in town that doesn’t live on ships’ orders for ropes, and coal, and provisions. And there’s not another shop in town that doesn’t draw its living from the families of the lads out fishing. If fishing goes, what will happen to the town? To folk, looking after weaker folk, as they did before us and as we do now? Can you tell me that, Chrissie?’
She studied him. There’s a danger, when you have known someone all your life, that you see him as he was in his prime. Not as he is. But Eric was still a fit and able man. Having left the sea to make way for his sons, rather than because he couldn’t cope with it any more. Now restless in his new-found idleness. A man who had stopped working too soon.
‘Of course everything’s changing, Eric,’ she said. ‘Nothing stands still. If it did, we would all turn into stone.’
‘Is it changing for the better?’
‘The young think it is. It’s only old folk like us who look back to the past.’
‘Mmphm.’ He took the pipe from his mouth. It had gone out again. Almost as if he had lost the heart to puff at it.
Chrissie read his mind. ‘It’s a poultice you’re needing to put on the back of your neck, to draw that pipe,’ she scolded. ‘But I have the very cure for you.’
‘What’s that?’ he asked.
‘Come back, and I’ll make you a cup of tea,’ she said. ‘Have you had your breakfast yet?’
Eric shook his head. ‘No, I forgot. I came down to help the loons cast off.’
‘Well, there you are!’ she said triumphantly. ‘I never knew a man yet who could talk sense on an empty stomach.’
‘It’s my turn to clean the hut and cook,’ Aggie said.
‘I’ll help,’ Mary offered.
‘No need. Go up to the town with the others. It’s the weekend.’
All of this without eye contact. This was not the Aggie she had known and worked with for years. Something was badly wrong, but Mary was unsure how to tackle it. Clearly, her company wasn’t wanted – but there were other priorities. Like trying to get to the bottom of Aggie’s problem, and put things right.
She picked up the brush, and began to sweep the floor.
‘I can do that!’ Aggie said crossly. ‘I told you, it’s my turn.’
‘I heard you.’
Mary kept on sweeping. She felt her friend’s irritation rise, then ebb. Now. If there was a time to strike, this was it.
She stopped working. ‘What’s up, Aggie? What’s the problem between us?’
‘Nothing’s up. There isn’t a problem.’
Aggie banged the dirty pots and pans around, as she cleared the area round the well-chipped kitchen sink.
‘These last three days, you’ve scarcely said a word.’
‘You’re imagining things.’
The dirty pots took another beating.
‘Even Gus has asked what’s wrong.’ Mary turned, to see Aggie leaning on closed fists at the kitchen sink, her head bowed. Quietly, she set the brush aside, then walked over to her friend.
Aggie turned her face away.
‘You’re the best friend I’ve got,’ said Mary. ‘What’s wrong?’
Aggie blindly shook her head.
‘There must be something.’ Gently, Mary pulled her friend round. Aggie’s face was wet with tears. ‘Oh, Aggie! Tell me what’s wrong.’
Somehow, they had their arms round each other, Aggie’s shoulders shaking like a child who thinks the whole world has turned against her. Mary held her tight, until the sobbing eased. Then Aggie pushed her away, but gently.
‘It’s my own fault,’ she said, her voice choked.
‘What is?’
‘A widow woman – thinking about another man. I feel guilty … I feel angry … I don’t know what I feel.’
‘What other man? And why not? You have your whole life in front of you … you’re young, yet. You can’t just lock yourself away. Tom wouldn’t have wanted you to do that.’
‘It’s just …’ Aggie started. ‘He’s been so good with wee Tommy. So patient, so easy with him.’
Jonathon! Who else? Mary had guessed right when she sensed that something had gone wrong between the two of them at the railway station.
‘I took a friendship,’ Aggie said. ‘And tried to turn it into something else … something it was never meant to be. I got ahead of myself, that’s all. Now I’ve probably messed up everything.’
‘With Jonathon? Never. I doubt he even knows what’s gone on.’
Aggie shook her head. ‘Not him,’ she said. ‘He’s too decent a man. It was all me. Adding two and two and getting twenty-five.’
Mary frowned. ‘Why not Jonathon?’ she demanded. ‘The two of you have been as thick as thieves for years.’
Aggie stared at her. Let silence build.
‘Well, you have,’ Mary said, defiantly.
‘Maybe,’ said Aggie. ‘But now, all he can talk about is you. “Mary did this, Mary said that, Mary dropped in and saved the world …”’
Mary stood stricken. ‘But I didn’t know,’ she finally said. ‘All I was trying to do was help him out when he was short of a nurse. When he offered me the job, I was as surprised as you.’
Wind moaned round the corners and found the cracks in the ancient wooden hut. Cracks which other quines in other years had stuffed with newspapers, now stained and faded into unreadable print.
‘So that’s what was wrong?’ Mary asked quietly.
Aggie nodded.
Mary reached out and took a firm grasp of her friend. ‘But, Aggie. I don’t want your Jonathon. Right now, I don’t want any man. I’m in as big an emotional mess as you. I don’t know what to do with my life. I don’t know whether I want to stay here and settle down. Or go back to nursing. I’m so confused.’
Aggie screwed up her handkerchief into a tiny, sodden ball, her eyes on the floor. They came slowly up to meet Mary’s.
Mary shook her gently. ‘Whatever happens, I don’t want to lose our friendship.’ Then she blinked. ‘I know. When we get back home, why don’t you come up to the hospital with me? Help out with the nursing work. I’ll show you how to make the beds, lift the patients. Most of nursing is only doing what you do already with wee Tommy. Common sense. Being a mother to everybody.’
‘I couldn’t,’ Aggie started.
‘Why not?’
‘The Wee Man. The only time I’ve got with him is when we’re in Buckie.’
‘Then work part time. Look, if you want to show Jonathon that you can do more than hold a gutting knife, here’s your chance. He’s desperately short of nurses. I can teach you within days to be a better nurse than the lazy lump he has there. What do you say? Are you willing to try?’
A glint came back into Aggie’s reddened eyes. ‘And you can show me?’
‘Like other nurses once showed me.’
Aggie pushed her away. ‘Right, quine,’ she said. ‘Get on with that sweeping. I’ll run the pots and dishes through. If we put our backs into it, we can nip up and have a look at the Union Street shops, before I start the dinner. Come on!’
‘It’s a deal,’ said Mary, reaching for the brush.
The paraffin lantern swung on its hook, and the ship’s timbers creaked. The net had been shot and the crew were grabbing some sleep before hauling it. The engine was silent, only the small stern sail working, giving the ship enough steerage way to control the rate and direction of her drift.
Neil hunched over the school jotter, his pencil busy. Sketching Andy’s face, relaxed in sleep. The burden of command had already etched some lines on it, and there was a small frown beneath the tumble of dark hair over his brow.
The brown rat appeared silently and suddenly on the table top. These fishing boats were full of vermin, no matter how many the crews caught and killed. With all the fish guts scattered and rotting around the harbours, docklands were Rat City and their inhabitants adept at climbing mooring ropes and colonizing boats.
The rat’s nose twitched, its beady eyes on Neil. The nose assessing the half-eaten sandwich on the table. No mathematician could have done a quicker or more accurate sum on the balance of risk.
Neil saw the beast from the corner of his eye. Watched quietly, and with a touch of humour. The rat eased towards the sandwich, flowing smoothly and silently in the shadows cast by the lantern above. It reached its goal, and paused, checking again. Neil kept up the steady scratching of his pencil.
The rat sniffed the bread, then the uneaten cheese which filled it. It looked sharply at Neil, ready to flee at the slightest movement. Rat and man watched each other stealthily. The rat put its paws on the edge of protruding cheese, and began to nibble.
As Neil began to sketch, on a corner of his page. Barely moving his eyes to take in his subject, which was making inroads into the cheese, while watching him throughout. It was Neil’s sandwich. Left lying there because he wasn’t hungry, and dared not go to sleep. He was glad to see it find a properly appreciative home.
On the page, the rat’s head and shoulders emerged, the almost human tiny hands. The whole image vibrating with the electric tension of the real rat.
His pencil scratched on. Live, and let live, Neil thought. Out in the trenches, he had got used to the rats running over his sleeping – or sleepless – face. This, in the quiet creaking and gentle movement of the boat, was better.
Infinitely better.
Mary smiled. He was sitting on a rusting bollard in the harbour, head tilted back, watching white clouds scamper across the sky. Wondering how to draw them and show their movement, she was prepared to bet.
‘Are bollards all you can afford?’ she asked his back.
‘Mary Cowie,’ he said, and there was a smile in his voice. He spun on the bollard and rose smoothly to his feet. ‘I would know that voice anywhere.’
The sea had tanned his face, she thought. Given him back his confidence.
‘You were watching the sky,’ she accused, ‘and wondering how to draw these clouds with the sun behind them.’
‘Guilty as charged. Why aren’t you up in the town, laughing at the new Chaplin film with the other quines?’
‘I didn’t feel much like laughing,’ Mary said.
The good-humoured grey/green eyes sharpened. For a second, she felt they were looking deep inside her. She shivered, turning her head away, to stare over the forest of masts, where half the drifters in the world were moored. Only Yarmouth would have more boats in harbour.
‘When did you leave Peterhead?’ she asked.
‘We got here this morning. You have a problem that’s bothering you?’
His directness should have disconcerted her. It didn’t.
‘I have,’ she admitted.
‘Something you thought was settled, and is anything but?’
She stared at him. ‘Is it that obvious?’
He smiled. ‘It wasn’t hard to guess. All the ones who went to war are restless. The homes they were wearying to see again turned out to be nothing like they remembered. The jobs that were theirs, for life, felt more like a cage. Because, for each and every one of them, they brought their war back in their hearts.’
‘That’s about it,’ Mary admitted frankly.
‘You’re not alone; there are thousands like you. You’re no longer the schoolgirl who gutted herrings and hadn’t a care in the world. She’s gone. Now you are a woman, who has seen things and done things which have changed your life forever. Turned you into a square peg. Is that what it feels like, now?’
Mary didn’t answer.
‘The whole town was full of how you went into the hospital and helped the doctor with the worst emergency we’ve seen in years – taking over when young Elspeth fainted.’ The steady eyes, so like the colour of the sea, crinkled. ‘I’m guessing that, when you left the war, you thought your nursing days were over – and now, you aren’t sure.’
Mary sighed. ‘What did you say earlier about guilty as charged?’
‘So, are you going back to nursing?’
Strange how she could talk openly to this man, when she was walking on thin ice with Aggie. It was almost a relief to air the problem. ‘I can’t think straight,’ she said. ‘The more I try to make up my mind, the worse I go round in circles.’
‘Go on. I’m listening.’
‘When I came north, all I wanted to do was reach home and live like a normal person. Stop seeing people with horrendous injuries. Stop trying to cheer up men who will never do another day’s work in their life – not even selling matches at the street corner, because they have been left without arms or legs.’
‘We were a pretty disgusting-looking bunch,’ he agreed quietly.
‘You were still humans! With your hopes and plans destroyed! I felt so much pain for you. Wanted to magic you better, but there was no book to tell me how …’
‘Because there is no magic cure for war,’ he said. ‘Our power to kill and maim people grew faster than our skill at sticking them together again. For German lads, as well as us.’
‘I know,’ she said. ‘I nursed them too.’
He studied her quietly. ‘War scarred you. Left you wanting nothing more than to crawl home, get your job back from Gus. Settle down one day, and raise a family.’
Mary shrugged. ‘I just want to be normal.’
‘But you’re not normal, Mary Cowie. You stand head and shoulders above the normal. The war has made, as well as destroyed you. It has taught you how to help people through dark nights. Give courage back to men who are afraid. To hold their hands, and cry for them. Stand in for the mother, the wife, the girlfriend, the sister they had left behind – who is too scared to see them now. It taught you to be the vital difference in people’s lives. To be a nurse, where others are afraid.’
‘How do you know all this?’ she demanded.
‘Because I was there. I was one of them. Not in your hospital, but in one exactly like it.’
Mary had a strange sense of being totally equal, almost at one, with this man. No barrier between them. ‘There’s something else,’ she said. ‘Something that a man could never understand.’
‘Try me.’
She fought to gather her thoughts: to make the clearest possible sense.
‘In these Scottish Women’s Hospitals, there was more at stake than nursing dying men. We nurses felt we were helping other women who were braver than ourselves. The ones who were pioneering being women doctors in a profession that was exclusively male. Breaking down the barriers. Proving that women doctors and surgeons were every bit as good. Almost fighting a war, behind the war. A war that’s still going on today … will go on for years.’
‘I know. It was an Elsie Inglis hospital that channelled me to convalescence. They were doctors first, and warriors for their cause second.’
Mary laughed. ‘Most of them would put it the other way round.’
‘I was being polite.’ There was wry humour in his voice.
‘Jonathon’s offered me the chance to be his nurse,’ she blurted out.
‘And you’re taking it? After the herring season?’
‘I don’t know. My head’s spinning. I can’t decide.’
He nodded. ‘Have you ever climbed a mountain?’
‘There’s not many mountains near Buckie.’
‘You’d be surprised,’ he said. ‘There’s a trick to it. I discovered it while I was healing, and found mountains I had to climb inside my head. When you start out, don’t look at the summit. That way you trip and fall. Take it one step at a time, and watch where you’re putting your feet.’
‘I don’t follow you,’ Mary said.
‘Help your doctor friend out. Stop fretting. Take it a day at a time, and see how you feel, when the season ends. By December, the decision may make itself.’
‘And if it doesn’t?’ Mary asked.
‘Follow your heart, not your head,’ he said simply. ‘Because your head will always find twenty different reasons for not doing something that scares you.’
Mary had never met a man to whom she could talk so freely. Someone who listened, and understood. Saw her more clearly than she saw herself.
She turned away. ‘You’re a dangerous man, Neil Findlay. You see straight into a person’s soul … then hold up a mirror.’
He watched her go, then called: ‘Mary Cowie?’
She turned. ‘Yes?’
‘While I’m holding your mirror, think about this. Why just be a nurse? It takes brains and courage to be a woman doctor. You have both to spare. Why not train to join these women warriors of yours? Be a pioneer, fighting for women’s place in the medical profession?’
She stared at him. ‘Me?’ she said. ‘Never!’
‘Why not?’
The sea-green eyes were level, steady.
She couldn’t answer him.
The news reached the gutting tables, long before Gus came to tell his teams. It passed like a ripple of water through the hundreds of quines on the quays of what was one of the biggest and busiest fishing harbours. A disaster touching everyone, but hitting hardest the teams from Buckie.
All work stopped, and the Buckie quines clustered round Gus when he plodded up, his head drooping. ‘So, ye’ve heard?’ he asked bleakly.
A murmur of agreement. Duncan Farquhar was well known, the youngest son of one of the main fishing families in the town.
‘What happened, Gus?’ Aggie asked.
He shrugged. ‘It was black night, now that we’re in August. Nobody knows what happened – or when. Maybe a wave took him from the deck … maybe his feet got caught in a rope, or the net they were shooting. One minute he was there, doing his job. The next time they looked, he had gone.’
‘Didn’t they turn back and search?’ one of the other women asked. Knowing that the worst time to fall overboard was when the boat was shooting net, and miles of rope and net stretched behind the stern, waiting to foul the propeller and leave the ship drifting helplessly.
‘They did a wide sweep,’ Gus said. ‘Then they put the stern lifeboat into the water. Half the crew rowed back and forwards where they’d been, while the other half hauled the net in. There was no trace of him.’
‘So, when did they find the body?’ Mary asked quietly.
‘An hour after dawn. They must have passed him a dozen times, in the dark.’
There was a heavy silence. Behind them, you could have heard a pin drop, as the other women listened. Accident and death were no strangers to any fishing community. That didn’t stop it from hurting, when it happened.
Gus scuffed his feet on the quay. ‘The loon had two brothers on that boat …’ he said, then couldn’t speak.
Aggie patted his back. ‘There now,’ she said. Tears in her own eyes.
Mary scrubbed her face with the sleeve of a fish-stained jersey. ‘What are the Buckie men doing?’ she asked.
‘Going home. To wait for the boy’s funeral.’ Gus shrugged. ‘I knew the boy. I know his family. I’d like to be there myself … but …’
‘But what?’ asked Aggie.
‘There’s you quines to think about. If I’m not here to buy, then there’s no fish to gut. And wages lost, when I pay you at the end of the fishing.’ The girls were paid for the total fish gutted, cured and packed, over each fishing. It had always been so: no work, no pay. Everything pivoting on the amount of herring landed.
Aggie planted her hands on her hips. ‘Well, I knew the loon, and his family too,’ she said fiercely.
‘And me,’ said Mary. ‘We want to go to the funeral, just like the men.’
‘Duncan was my half-cousin,’ Elsie said, in a small voice.
‘That’s right. On your father’s side,’ Gus said. These old families were so interlinked through marriage that it wasn’t easy to keep track.
‘We’re all going back,’ another Buckie woman declared, to a murmur of general agreement. ‘We want to be there, to support his family.’
Gus blew out his cheeks. ‘I knew you would, my quines,’ he said, with pride in his voice. ‘But I couldn’t ask you. Right, we finish tonight. Those of you who can, get a lift from the boats going back. The rest of you … I’ll pay half your rail fare home.’ He paused. These women were giving up wages, to pay their respects. His heart ahead of his head, he added: ‘No, I’ll pay your train fares home myself.’
He winced. ‘Just nobody travel first class, that’s all.’
His weak joke for once didn’t draw a single smile.
Nobody felt like smiling.
Elsie tugged at Mary’s arm. ‘I’ll be right back,’ she said.
‘Where are you going?’ asked Mary.
Elsie was halfway down to the boats already. ‘I’m going to see if Andy will take us home,’ she shouted over her shoulder.
‘Mmmm. Yes. I suppose so,’ Jonathon said absently. Frowning as he studied the case notes in his hand.
‘That means either he doesn’t know, or he wasn’t listening,’ Aggie translated.
‘What?’ Jonathon’s head came up, and he laughed. ‘Sorry,’ he said. ‘What were you asking, Mary?’
‘Where did you learn to sniff a diabetic’s breath?’
‘Experience – no, the first time I heard it was from an old doctor I worked with in the Glasgow slums. The apple-sweet smell, he told me. “That’s the surest way of knowing you have a diabetic on your hands, boy”.’
‘He called you “boy”?’ asked Aggie. ‘When was this? A hundred years ago?’
‘No. It was when we were chiselling out the Hippocratic oath on stone.’
‘You should have had better things to do, than carve out a swearie word,’ Aggie scolded. She handed over some letters and small packages. ‘Here’s your post.’
‘Thanks.’ Jonathon glanced at the case notes again. ‘The temperature is coming down nicely, the pulse rate’s entering normal range. We keep up the treatment, I think. Plenty fluids … it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t feel like eating. If she does, only something light.’
‘Right,’ Mary said. She turned to Aggie. ‘Now that she’s recovering, I’ll show you how to give a bed bath. That’s a simple way of making her feel better.’
Jonathon turned away, idly flicking through the mail. He’d deal with it later, after the Farquhar boy’s funeral. He lifted out a crisp, white envelope with its neatly typed address. More official-looking than the rest. He hesitated, then laid down the others and eased open the envelope’s flap.
A lawyer’s firm, from Inverness? What were they wanting?
His frown deepening, he skimmed through the first paragraph. Then stopped: went back and read it again, slowly. Then a third time, shaking his head, as he finished the rest of the letter.
‘What’s up?’ Aggie asked.
‘Johnnie Meldrum is dead.’
‘The man who gave us the cottage hospital – or at least this building, to be used as a cottage hospital.’
‘And?’ Aggie asked blankly.
‘This is from the legal firm winding up his estate. The heirs to the estate have instructed them to sell the property – it looks as if they’re wanting cash.’
‘Sell our hospital?’ Mary asked.
He nodded, too shocked to think clearly.
‘But they can’t do that! Not if the man himself gave it to you. There must be a contract, somewhere?’
‘That’s just it,’ said Jonathon. ‘The house was gifted for the benefit of the community, and the deal was sealed with a simple handshake. Like you and your fishing contracts, Johnnie’s word was his bond.’
‘But he must have left some instruction?’
‘No mention of that here. I’m wondering if he never got round to it. He was always such a fit and busy man – death might have caught him out. He probably thought it would be years before he needed to write his will.’
‘But, something so important …’ Aggie protested.
‘I can ask them to check,’ Jonathon said. ‘But I have a feeling that the only man who could confirm the gift is no longer with us. And I don’t know where that leaves us – unless it’s without a leg to stand on.’ He stared at them. ‘He must have made a note of it, somewhere … told his bank, his lawyer.’
Aggie shook her head. ‘What will happen to the town, without the hospital?’
‘I’m going to Inverness, to see them,’ Jonathon decided.
‘What if he didn’t leave a note?’ Mary asked.
‘The property will be sold from under us,’ Jonathon said heavily. ‘They have given us until the 3rd of January. Then that’s exactly what they intend to do.’