Mixed Vine

This charming vine wreath is a combination of lush, dark emerald ivy, angel vine with its wiry stems and round foliage, and the delicate variegated white-and-green-leafed creeping fig. The refined appeal of this wreath evokes thoughts of quaint cottages with climbing vines underneath wooden eaves and along rustic garden gates.

15-inch wreath base
6 (3-inch) solid green ivy plants
6 (3-inch) angel vine plants
6 (3-inch) variegated creeping fig plants
Photo of Mixed Vine.

Planning Your Design

The three varieties I chose for my wreath look amazing together, each one complementing the other in different ways. However, you can just as successfully use one single type of plant for a more simplistic wreath. A solid angel vine wreath would be absolutely delightful!

Prepping the Plants

  1. Carefully release the plants from their plastic pots.

  2. Using forceps, scrape off excess loose soil to expose the roots. One potted ivy plant is made up of smaller ivy shoots massed together, which allows for easily dividing the entire plant into smaller sections. Smaller ivy shoots are much easier to plant into your wreath than a large ivy plant. The fig and the angel vine can’t be separated like the ivy, so simply add in the entire plant.

Photo of Mixed Vine.
Photo of Mixed Vine.
Photo of Mixed Vine.


  1. Start with a dampened wreath base.

  2. With forceps or a screwdriver, make a hole through the moss into the core of the wreath-base soil.

  3. Grasp the base of the plants with forceps and gently place them into the holes, tucking the delicate stems inside. Stagger and space plants every 2 to 3 inches around the entire wreath, and be sure to add plants on the outer sides. I planted alternating with the fig, ivy, and angel vine and then repeated that same pattern for a uniform design.

  4. This wreath should remain flat for two weeks before hanging.

Photo of Mixed Vine.
Photo of Mixed Vine.
Photo of Mixed Vine.
Photo of Mixed Vine.

Pinning New Growth

As the vines grow and fill in, pin down the new length using some U-shaped pins. Prune unruly leaves to keep a neat topiary-like wreath.


This mixed vine living wreath needs to be kept evenly moist and prefers filtered light, and will be happy outdoors or inside. The variegated creeping fig can be a bit of a high-maintenance specimen and will tend to develop brown crispy edges if not maintained properly. The variegated color of the small, irregular petal-shaped leaves is worth the extra care. If you choose, switch out the fig for more ivy or angel vine, or even find another vining beauty to add. Water your wreath by fully submerging it for two to three minutes one to two times a week or give it a long and gentle soak with water from a garden hose.

Photo of Mixed Vine.