Day 19

The Law of Perseverance


Creative evolutionary models show us that every life-form has its time, with a beginning and an end. Likewise, everything that you manifest has a start and a finish. If you don’t hold your vision and goals long enough, they’re unlikely to materialize—perseverance is one of the greatest keys to success.

I dreamed of being a professional speaker ever since I was a teenager, and I also wanted to be involved in healing. As an adult pursuing both of these simultaneously, I hired a financial consultant, and he told me, “You know, if you stick to your chiropractic practice, you’ll make the most money.”

“But I’m planning on taking my practice to the world, not just to a local area,” I insisted. “I’m planning on speaking to a much larger audience, bringing healing in a different form throughout the planet. I also plan on making a great income doing that.”

He was unconvinced. “Well, you’ll make your money in the practice. You’re not going to succeed financially with speaking.”

Undeterred, I countered, “I’m going to hold on to my dream. I’m not going to give up on it, because I know in my heart that this is where I’m going.” I knew!

If you trust your intuition and inspiration, hold on to your visions, and persevere toward your goals, your dreams come true sooner or later. I hired that financial consultant 20 years ago, but he worked with me for only 4 years. He didn’t last as my adviser, but I made it with my vision. Today I travel some 300 days a year, speaking around the world on healing and personal development in more than 50 countries, mainly because I held on to my dream and didn’t give up on my goal. I was unwilling to relinquish the ambitions I’d cherished since I was 17 years old.

Perseverance conquers all obstacles. Like the Law of Certainty, the Law of Perseverance is one of the grand secrets to making things happen. The person who’s willing to continue—no matter what—succeeds. Consider Michael Jordan, who continually shot baskets despite what seemed to stand in his way (like not making his high school team), and persevered. He once said, “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” This is the person who fulfills his or her dreams.

The Law of Perseverance involves the willingness to take action on your dreams every single day without stopping. Even if they’re baby steps, each day you take another one toward your goal. The Law of Perseverance means letting neither pain nor pleasure interfere with the pursuit of your purpose. You’ll be challenged in life, ridiculed, distracted, and told that you can’t succeed, but pay no attention. Focus on the vision you’re holding in your heart. Cling to your dream—don’t lose it! The Bible says that those who lose their vision perish; I’ve learned that those who hold it will flourish. It’s the Law of Perseverance that makes things possible and makes all your dreams come true. Never give up on yourself!


I trust my inspiration and intuition.
I hold on to my dreams and visions. I persevere.
I take action steps every day toward my dreams.
I let neither pain nor pleasure interfere with my pursuit of purpose.
I am a master of perseverance. I do what it takes.
It is impossible for me not to succeed, for it is my destiny.
I persevere with respect to whatever inspires me.
It is my unique and determined form of perseverance
that keeps enabling me to succeed




How can I use the Law of Perseverance today to fulfill my life’s
purpose, dreams, and objectives?

