Day 21

The Law of Power


Few of us get up in the morning and think, I wish I were weaker. Most people dream of being more powerful and would love to have more vitality to accomplish all they’d love to do and be in life.

There are seven primary human powers. Let’s explore what they are and how to unleash, increase, and develop them.

1. Spiritual: Having a mission—almost a sense that God and the universe are working on your team to assist you in fulfilling your personal cause or dream—brings a mystical force to everything you do. When one of my younger clients desired to take first place at her track meet, she asked, “Dr. Demartini, is there anything you can tell me that will help me become more of a winner in track?”

I replied, “Yes! Say to yourself, I am the vision, God is the power, and we are the team as you run.” She started repeating that affirmation to herself as she sped along the track, and she didn’t just come in first—she became first. She awakened her spiritual power and felt she was communicating and connected with a higher source. Individuals such as Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., for example, expressed this form of spiritual power.

2. Mental: Leonardo da Vinci is a prime example of this kind of brilliance. As people use the power of their minds, they study, learn, and develop. An expanded intellect is power in itself. Remember to use the affirmation, I am a genius, and I apply my wisdom.

3. Professional: By applying sound business principles (such as a clear vision, a strategic plan, prioritized actions, delegation of lower priorities, and feedback accountability) to your daily business life, you can garner the same prestige and influence as the heavy hitters of industry. Think of what Bill Gates has at his disposal. Whether you’re a fan of Microsoft or not, you have to admit that not only has Gates amassed a fortune, but his position as one of the most successful businesspeople in the U.S. also allows him to make meaningful contributions to causes he cares about, which inspires others to do the same. Through sheer grandness of scale, he improves both his own life and the lives of millions of others.

4. Financial: To acquire not just wealth, but also this true power, you must pay yourself first, develop and accumulate material abundance through persistent and methodical saving, and know how to manage your finances wisely.

5. Familial: You’ll build a dynasty through the strength of stable, supportive relationships at home. By mastering the skill of communicating your values in terms that other family members understand, you bring greater caring and respect to everybody’s life. Also, being truly present with loved ones when you’re home—and not being distracted by all the issues that go on in your career or the outside world—helps you remain loving and grateful.

6. Social: This is the power of people. The more individuals who know you and whom you know, and the more you meet and greet, the better you serve yourself. Just one example of a social powerhouse is the gentleman who owns Le Cirque restaurant in New York City: Hundreds of celebrities from around the world came to the special celebration of his restaurant’s 25m anniversary. But this power can also be demonstrated by those who are far less famous: Consider the incredibly large networks that can be built through a hobby, house of worship, and volunteer work. You don’t have to hobnob with the elite to amass social power; just get to know and appreciate the people around you.

7. Physical: You’re probably already aware of the incredible allure of health and vitality. Add to mat charisma and magnetism, and your physical power is enhanced exponentially. Anything you can do to heighten your attractiveness and boost your energy levels will awaken mis power.

You have all seven of these powers at your disposal on some level all the time. Ask yourself where you are now, and consider where you’d love to be. Is there an area you’ve neglected or one you could develop? Don’t just focus on a single power, or work on some to the exclusion of others, because each of mem has a tremendous impact on your quality of life. Remember: Any area of your life mat you don’t empower opens the possibility that someone else will overpower you in that arena.


I work at developing my seven powers of life daily.
I am spiritually, mentally, vocationally, financially, physically,
familially, and socially powerful!

I am thankful that I have empowered the seven areas of my life.
My seven powers of life help me fulfill my life’s mission.
I am powerful, enthusiastic, and present.
What else can I say: I am truly a power person.
I am a powerful VIP—Vitally Inspired and Purposeful!




How can I use the Law of Power today to fulfill my life’s
purpose, dreams, and objectives?

