Day 23

The Law of Clearance


Many people walk through their lives dragging their emotional baggage and carrying heavy burdens because of a misperceived past—events they’ve never broken through, seen beyond, or appreciated and loved. Just in case you’re hauling around any unnecessary loads, I encourage you to do this one thing: Make a list of every single thing in your life that you resent or that you’ve never loved—anything that you think you made a mistake on or that you believe you could have done “better.” And then go through those items one by one and ask yourself, How did it serve me? How did it serve others? Respond to these two questions again and again until you discover the benefits of these actions and events, and see the balance, the order, and the gifts from them in your life—and in the lives of others.

There are no mistakes: Every experience is a gift and a lesson in how to love ourselves and others more deeply. It’s time to clear out the illusions you have about your past so that you can see how all events serve you—and how they help others. Keep writing about this until you can see the hidden order and blessing. Every time you reinterpret an apparently negative experience as a service—every time you can “clear” an event—you add fuel to your life rather than continuing to carry baggage and burden yourself. In other words, an attitude of gratitude determines your altitude in life.

If you go through life weighed down by resentful or guilt-filled illusions, you make yourself a victim instead of seeing and seeking your victories, so clear out the misconceptions of your past. Open yourself to the truth that no matter what you’ve done or neglected, you’ve served, and have also been ministered to.

I’ve been blessed to work with people for many, many years, and I’ve seen men and women with just about every kind of trauma, but not one event escapes this law. Look deeply and you’ll see its truth.

Most people perceive superficially, but you must get below the surface and then look even further. Keep asking how every event in your life has aided you and how it has assisted others. I assure you that there’s a blessing in each incident you previously thought of as a curse. There’s an opportunity in every challenge. Give yourself the gift of freedom by going back in your life and asking, How did it serve? And, above all, love yourself.


Every experience is a gift.
This, too, is a gift of love.
Thank You for everything that happens. All is a blessing.
I look at both sides of every event until I see its blessing.
Love is all there is. All else is illusion.
No matter what, I am worthy of love.
I have a clear consciousness, for I have been enlightened by the truth.




How can I use the Law of Clearance today to fulfill my life’s
purpose, dreams, and objectives?

