Day 24

The Law of Alignment


Envision what would happen if the people you employ aligned their values with the mission of the company and with their job description. Imagine if the company you work for made its intentions clear and you felt personally invested in the mission statement instead of viewing it as just a bit of corporate bluster. I wonder what productivity, appreciation, and loyalty could emerge.…

What follows are instructions for helping you do just this using a productivity, motivation, and loyalty form. Employees and employers can fill this out to align their job descriptions with their actual work.

Begin by making five columns. The first will hold the job description, the second is blank, the middle one will give the value systems of the employee, the fourth is blank, and the fifth will have the employer’s or company’s mission statement.

In the first column, make a list of all the things that you do during the day, regardless of whether you like or dislike doing them. Then in the third column, put down all your values, dreams, and desires for life. In the fifth column, record your company’s or employer’s mission statement.

To evaluate the first column, ask yourself, How is doing each daily action on this job description going to help me fulfill my highest individual values? In the second column, write all the ways that the job description is assisting your fulfillment of your highest values and dreams. Keep going through every daily action on your job description, until suddenly you experience a revelation and realize, Oh! This job is actually getting me where I’d love to go in life.

Next, link your highest values, dreams, and goals to the company mission by asking, How is fulfilling the mission and supporting the company’s success going to help me fulfill my highest values and dreams in life? Fill that fourth column, and don’t stop until you have tears of inspiration in your eyes. When you’re through with this exercise (which may take two or even five pages with all these details), you’ll begin to feel grateful for the opportunity to work where you do.

You can also give this assignment to people who work for or with you. This may be its most powerful application: helping you build a team of people who’re all committed to the same mission for their own highly personal reasons.

One of the most effective ways to achieve productivity, motivation, and loyalty among employees is to align their job description to their innermost values and the company mission. This doesn’t mean that they sacrifice themselves for the employer, or that the business forfeits itself for the employee. It just means that their benefits overlap and align: This is the Law of Alignment. I’ve seen corporations literally triple their net return in less than a year from just doing this one process through all the ranks of the company. The Law of Alignment can expand your enterprise—or for that matter, if applied to your family, bring greater communication to your loved ones.


I look deeper until I can see how doing my daily job duties
helps me fulfill my dreams
There are no mistakes. Everything serves my purpose in life.
My vocation and avocation are related: I see that they are the same.
My job and my dreams are mutually aligned.
I do what I love, and I love what I do.
No matter what the pain or pleasure, I work toward my purpose.
I align my daily actions to my highest values and
dreams and become inspired




How can I use the Law of Alignment today to fulfill my life’s
purpose, dreams, and objectives?

