Day 32

The law of Pride and Humility


Imagine that you’re at work, having what at first appears to be an extraordinary day. You’re elated and excited about it, almost to the point of becoming manic, thinking, Wow! I made this. I accomplished that! Then you suddenly attract some tragedy, challenge, or humbling circumstance that takes you off track and has you working only on low priorities. You wonder, What on earth is going on? I was having a great day—what happened?

There’s actually a law that governs this equalizing scenario. If you allow yourself to get cocky and begin to think that you’re better or more successful than you really are, then you automatically draw forces to bring you back into equilibrium. When you get overconfident, you attract challenges, humbling circumstances, and low priorities. In a sense, the universe is designed to keep you in balance and rooted in your heart. Anytime you become overexcited or manic, something arrives to calm you down.

On the other side of the coin, if you get blue, depressed, or frustrated; beat yourself up; or think that you’re less than you truly are, then someone usually comes along and supports you. They make you laugh and build you up with pride, saying, “Hey! You’re better than that!” They bring you back to equilibrium and get you realigned with high priorities.

In other words, when you’re down and out, you attract assisting forces to build you up and in. When you’re cocky and up and think you’re greater than you are, you attract resistant forces that humble you down. You’re here to be true to yourself in balance. Nature works on your behalf with positive and negative feedback to help you hone in on—and keep your heart open to—love. The world ever pushes you to do what you love and love what you do.

Maybe you’ve tried to (or wished that you could) stay positive and be “up” all the time. I spent years attempting this—to be a one-sided magnet—but I didn’t find that approach to be most productive in the long run, as I discovered how well the Law of Pride and Humility really works.

Public optimists often become private pessimists, downloading their negativity onto the people they love most in order to look good out in public. The secret is not to get elated or depressed, because if you allow yourself to become too high up, you’ll find yourself too far down. Eminent psychologist Abraham Maslow said that self-actualization is a synthesis, a perfect blend of both pride and humility.

Those who are self-actualized—who are masters, going places, and doing what they love and loving what they do—are the ones who know how to bring these two sides of themselves together and don’t permit themselves to get too high or too low. Financial wizard Warren Buffett warns that you’ll never manage your wealth until you manage your emotions. I can add to that: You won’t manage your life until you manage your emotions. Stay focused and centered in your journey, and follow the Law of Pride and Humility all the way to your heart and dreams.


Thank you for all that brings my life to perfect balance.

Thank you, nature, for forever pushing me to do what I love and love what I do.

My life is a combination of pride and humility joined together.

I bring my highs and lows into balance with gratitude.

I balance my elation and depression. I look for the other side until I see and feel the truth of love.

I let neither an up nor a down interfere with my dreams.

I take neither credit nor blame. I just stay focused on my aim.




How can I use the Law of Pride and Humility today to fulfill my life’s
purpose, dreams, and objectives?

