Day 37

The Law of Refinement


Some of the earliest mediums of economic exchange were heads of cattle; in fact, the word capital comes from that—capita: “heads of cattle.” However, if you were out of fair exchange in those early days and you owed “money” to someone, the animals were large and difficult to divide and use as pay. To offer a reasonable barter, using half a cow, or a quarter (unless you were a butcher in the meat market) posed a significant challenge and was cumbersome, to say the least. Little by little, economic exchange became refined, evolving into coins, paper, plastic, and eventually an electronic medium. Now money exchange has become expressed in the most efficient form yet, and sophisticated economic transactions are completed at the speed of light.

Likewise, your individual personal development and financial management go through refinement as you mature, so if you have a dream and a mission for life that’s boiling inside and that you’d love to fulfill, it’s wise to write it down. You’ll begin with a general written mission statement, but after you reread, review, and rewrite it periodically—just as in economics—you’ll finally refine your statement of purpose into a masterpiece.

I encourage you to take time every day to look at your dreams, mission statement, and values, and constantly refine them so that you can become enlightened. With this process, you make a commitment to yourself: I am here to become a master of refinement. Every day, in every way, I am becoming more refined.

Through this alchemy, the raw metal of your being becomes the refined gold of achievement and mastery. Follow the Law of Refinement and watch the transformation begin.


I write what I would love to accomplish, and I refine it daily.

I look at my dreams, my mission statement, and my values, and I keep refining them.

I am a refined being building a refined life as I become enlightened.

I am evolving my raw minerals into refined precious gems.

I am a masterpiece of refined art, sculpted by my inspired soul.




How can I use the Law of Refinement today to fulfill my life’s
purpose, dreams, and objectives?

