Day 39

The Law of Equilibrium


Many centuries ago, a great philosopher said that the will of God is equilibrium. In ancient spiritual writings, it’s shown that those who are proud will be lowered, and the humble will be exalted—mountains will eventually be eroded and leveled, and valleys filled. This is the Law of Equilibrium, and it holds true in every aspect of your life.

Consider the most traumatic and terrible events you’ve experienced, perhaps when someone criticized you or when you had excruciating pain, and ask yourself, Exactly at that moment when someone was putting me down, who was lifting me up? At the precise time that someone was criticizing me, who was praising me? At the second something terrible was occurring, where was something terrific taking place? If you look carefully, you’ll see that the Law of Equilibrium held true, and that one-sided events are illusions of selective attention.

What’s the significance of this? Are you meant to be only neutral and not have any reaction at all in life—or are you possibly guided to love and embrace both sides of your reactions to life? Let me give you an example involving a famous musician: At one of his greatest performances, where he received the largest standing ovations of his life, his most tragic event simultaneously occurred. Another famous entertainer also had his greatest presentation just as he learned that his best friend was dying of cancer.

At the exact point when you have your peak experience, there’s also a trough, but this isn’t meant to discourage you, as you may first think. Rather, this law can inspire you and keep you centered and present within your heart. You’re not here to get elated, depressed, proud, humiliated, manic, depressed, infatuated, or resentful. Instead, it’s your purpose to live in equilibrium and be poised, gracious, loving, and grateful for life.

The Law of Equilibrium is another expression of the Law of Gratitude, for when you possess perfectly balanced emotions and perspective, it’s impossible not to be grateful and filled with true love as you see harmony and embrace both sides of life. The greatest discovery of the human experience is that no matter what happens, it will always even out, for all events come in pairs of opposites. You don’t—and can’t—cause or prevent this; it simply is: praise and reprimand, peace and war, positive and negative, support and challenge, attraction and repulsion.

Nature always provides experiences that reveal your heart and soul’s mission and purpose. Since the Law of Equilibrium is one of the greatest spiritual principles, make sure that you see it as part of your life. Rather than limiting yourself to a selectively exclusive attention to either the terrible or terrific, keep an eye open for both sides of every event, for all things are neutral until you judge them not to be—they’re simply messages of love.


All events in my life are balanced and simply messages of love.

I am not here to be happy or sad, only to understand and embrace the truth of love and equilibrium.

I am centered and poised, for I embrace the positives and negatives in equilibrium.

The balance of ups and downs in my life centers me in my heart of love.

Pain and pleasure, praise and reprimand, support and challenge—are all in equilibrium.

My will is in equilibrium, and therefore I am free.




How can I use the Law of Equilibrium today to fulfill my life’s
purpose, dreams, and objectives?

