Day 4

The Law of Blessings


Anumber of years ago when I was visiting my dad, he asked, “Son, how are things going?”

I replied, “Well, I’ve expanded my office, so I had to pay the build-out costs and taxes, and right now I’m short of capital. I bought diamond rings for my wife and me, plus the new car, and we just went on a vacation to Hawaii and got a new house.

“A whole bunch of things are going on, and it seems as if it’s all happening at once. With all this spending, we don’t have as much cash as usual, I’m totally overwhelmed, my gums are bleeding, and my eyes are itchy—every part of me is stressed.”

He looked at me and chuckled, “Son, that’s not stress. That’s blessings!”

“What do you mean?” I answered.

He explained, “John, what you’ve accomplished in a short period of time is more than I’ve done in 30 years. Your mother and I have never gone to Hawaii. We still haven’t got diamond rings—we just have simple gold bands. You’ve got more diamonds than we do. And by the way, the idea of expanding your office is incredible. The extra taxes and things—just consider that a blessing because it means you’ve earned some money.”

He took every single thing I thought was a “stressing,” and he made them all blessings. I ended up with tears in my eyes because of his wisdom: I saw it one way, but he helped me to view everything in an entirely different light.

I grew up hearing my mother talk about this law, but I’d gotten so caught up in my daily affairs that I’d forgotten it. From the time I was nearly four years old, as she was putting me to bed, she’d remind me, “Son, count your blessings tonight, for those who do will have more to be grateful for, and more opportunities in their lives, than those who don’t.”

This simple teaching is so powerful that I wrote about it in detail in my book Count Your Blessings. I can say without a doubt that if you take the time to notice and be grateful for what you have—no matter what it feels like right now—your life will certainly change.

Pause every single day to just stop and think of what you can give thanks for, and then record it in an ongoing list. I have an entire book containing only a long inventory of such wonders. Whenever I feel a little stressed, I open that volume, and it changes my perspective.

The Law of Blessings is one of the most powerful forces you’ll ever have in your life. So be grateful, and count your blessings every day!


I count my blessings daily.
My life is a constant stream of blessings.
The more I am grateful, the more I have to be grateful for.
The more blessings I count, the more obstacles I mount.
I am blessed, and my blessings are infinite.
Everything is a gift. Thank you.




How can I use the Law of Blessings today to fulfill my life’s
purpose, dreams, and objectives?

