Day 45

The Law of Speech


Do you know that if you master the art of speaking in front of a group (which is one of the most common fears in the world), great things await you? If you can conquer that dread and proclaim the message lying deep within your heart, you can move to the top 20 percent of the world’s achievers. Expressing your ideas with clear and concise diction and articulation moves you to the top 4 percent, and the ability to convey information that moves others can propel you to the top one percent. Those who have the courage to stand up and speak out undeniably have an impact on this planet.

You may wonder, How do I learn to speak? I’m afraid to get up in front of a group of people because I might be rejected! I had to overcome this very fear myself, and I was blessed by breaking through it when a gentleman taught me a long time ago that you learn best by doing. He’d tell me, “You learn to play the flute by playing the flute.” The same thing is true when it comes to speaking: You learn to speak by simply getting up and presenting your ideas in front of people.

When I started this process, I sometimes stood in front of mirrors and just talked to imaginary audiences. Today, I’ve finally overcome my fear and can speak to real people, and I do so many times every year. The secret is just getting up and doing it—conquer the fear by taking action.

There’s also a very encouraging aspect of the Law of Speaking: You’re never in front of an audience you can’t handle. As long as you can say, “You know, I don’t know the answer to that, but I’ll do my best to find out,” you’re covered.

Cultivate the ability to speak out and share what’s deep inside your heart. One of the very earliest speeches I ever made was telling my own story: the tale of how I almost died, how that turned my life around, and how I suddenly discovered my mission for life. I related the way I became dedicated to the study of universal laws as they relate to mind, body, and spirit (particularly in relation to healing). I simply got up and described my experience and my inner feelings, and this was the perfect starting point.

You can begin the same way: Just share your heartfelt story with people you love, and you’ll begin to move into the higher percentages of life achievers. Forbes magazine once presented a story about people around the world and their levels of wealth. As I was reading it, I realized that my wife and I are right up there with the best of them. I got a tear in my eye, and the thought flashed through my mind: This is due to the power of speaking and the ability to stand up with a message.

Motivational great Zig Ziglar once observed, “You can have everything in life you want if you just help enough other people get what they want.” I believe that one of the most powerful ways of inspiring others and helping them get where they want to in life is by sharing a message and a story that inspires them. The power of speech is one of the most effective ways you can accomplish whatever you’d love in life. Every day, make it a point (whether to an invisible audience or a real one) to practice the Law of Speech.


I share my message and my story from my heart.

I am inspired, and I inspire others.

I learn to speak by getting up, speaking, and sharing my story with others.

I am never in front of an audience I cannot handle.

I am grateful for the gift of speech.

I share my love through my speech.

I practice and perfect my speech.

My voice is the instrument upon which I play the symphony of my life.




How can I use the Law of Speech today to fulfill my life’s
purpose, dreams, and objectives?

