Day 6

The Law of Genius


Did you know that a genius lives deep inside you? When I was 17, a wise 93-year-old man shared a personal affirmation with me. He told me to say it every single day, without fail, for the rest of my life: I am a genius, and I apply my wisdom.

At first, some people laughed at me when I said that out loud. I was living in Hawaii at the time, and the surfing buddies who lived with me in my tent howled hysterically. They made up my first so-called support group, so I learned to keep such inspiring words to myself until they began to manifest. More important, I realized that it doesn’t matter what other people think—it’s what you think about yourself that forms your life. That affirmation changed everything for me, just as my wise mentor knew it would.

I’ve since come to believe that everyone has brilliance inside. My teacher’s words changed the course of my destiny, and now when I present a seminar called “Awakening Your Genius!” I watch people rouse their innermost potential with simple tools such as the ones I’m about to share with you.

First, make a list of all the individuals you consider to be geniuses in life, no matter what their chosen fields are. Whether they’re in music, art, poetry, dance, science, or spirituality, write down their names, and then find and read their biographies. One time I actually made a list of all the Nobel Prize winners in every category since the award’s inception. I read each Nobel Laureate’s work, devouring every text I could find and scouring his or her life story.

By reading the biographies of these great people, you’ll discover what I did: They’re just like you and me. You have more in common with them than you may have ever imagined, and by realizing this, you’ll begin to wake up a part of yourself that can more consistently inspire you.

If you put your hand into a pot of glue, some of it will stick; so, too, if you put your mind into the great works of the masters, some of their mastery will stay with you. You have brilliance inside. All that’s required is associating with other geniuses by reading about their lives, and starting to apply the Law of Genius by repeating my mentor’s statement of truth. This will help you begin acknowledging the inner presence of your own mastery, which is just waiting to unfold.

Tell yourself, I am a genius, and I apply my wisdom. Say these Words of Power to yourself every single day for the rest of your life. While stating these magic words inwardly, outward miracles begin to happen. You’ll uncover your inner magnificence and begin to let yourself shine.

You see, if you say to yourself that you’re a genius—if you repeat it every single day—it will start to become real for you. Two years after I began doing this, I was sitting in a library at Wharton County Junior College when a group of students began to gather around me. They asked me to tutor them in calculus, and I heard one of the young gentlemen sitting behind me whisper in awe to his friend, “That John—he’s a genius!” At that moment, I remembered with gratitude what my 93-year-old teacher had said to me.

Simply repeat this statement to yourself every single day, and when all the parts of your body begin to believe it, so will the world. You are a genius. You’re magnificent! Start to associate with giants, follow the Law of Genius, and watch what brilliant actions come out of your life.


I am a genius, and I apply my wisdom.

I am a genius who hears the messages of my soul and obeys.

I am a genius who sees the inner vision of my soul and follows.

I associate with geniuses and read their works, and their genius sticks to me!

I am a genius, and I apply my wisdom!

I am a genius, and I apply my wisdom!

I am a genius, and I apply my wisdom!




How can I use the Law of Genius today to fulfill my life’s
purpose, dreams, and objectives?

