Day 7

Law of Appreciation


Have you ever been to a dull social gathering where the host had obviously made an effort, but that bored you so thoroughly you vowed never to go to a “party” there again? And then when you got home, you thought, Even if it wasn’t so great, I still ought to write the host a thank-you note. Feeling obligated, you sat down and wrote a blah-sounding letter, which then required editing, rewriting, and still more editing. It was a chore you just had to do, and since it wasn’t something you were really inspired about, the process became tedious and draining.

What would happen if you went to another event and found it absolutely exhilarating? Perhaps you met fascinating people and learned some incredible ideas, and you thought, Wow! What a great experience! You talked about it all the way home and realized, I’m inspired. You sat down, and almost faster than you could move your pen, there flowed forth enthusiastic words of appreciation.

When you’re in a state of gratitude, there’s less editing, less rewriting, less redoing in your life. Likewise, an organization filled with appreciative and grateful people doesn’t have as much hiring and firing, training and refining—or as much overhead—as one that isn’t. You’re on top of the world when you’re appreciative.

This attitude has the power to integrate your body, spirit, mind, and heart. It brings out the truth of your magnificence and allows you to be present, poised, and certain. It’s one of the key laws.

To appreciate life is to have fulfillment in it. Stop and think about this: When real estate prices go up, they “appreciate” in value—that is, their worth rises. The Law of Appreciation teaches you how to raise your own value and helps you grow. It’s not only the secret of fulfillment, but it’s also the secret to decreasing the need to edit or rewrite life. You have more vitality when you have appreciation than you do at any other time, so stop, reflect, and think about what you could give thanks for. Make it your aim to be appreciative of your life and acknowledge the amazing journey you experience.

The philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz taught me the significance of appreciation through his book Discourse on Metaphysics, which I first read when I was 18 years old. Now I pass the torch to you: Follow the Law of Appreciation in your life, and watch how much less self-editing you require and how amazingly refined your life becomes.


I appreciate my life.
My life appreciates in value as I learn to appreciate life.
My spirit and soul, my mind and heart, and my brain and
body are all one when I’m appreciative
Regardless of the pleasure or pain, I appreciate the blessings of my life.
I am fulfilled because I appreciate my life.
I take time every day to think of all that I am grateful for.
Thank you for all that is—as it is.




How can I use the Law of Appreciation today to fulfill my life’s
purpose, dreams, and objectives?

