

Right now you're probably in a bookstore, coffee shop, library, or conference room—or perhaps you're in a comfortable chair or bed at home—while previewing this unique and life-changing book. As familiar as your surroundings may be, you're about to experience an incredible shift and awaken to a brand-new you. Get ready to embark on a journey that could not only transform you, but also prompt others to exclaim, “Wow, you truly live an amazing life!”

How do I know that this journey awaits you? As I've traveled the world, I've heard the above comment from all kinds of people. And if I'm blessed to receive such words simply by living the laws I present in this special book, then there's no reason why you can't experience exactly the same thing.

Within these pages, I'll reveal 60 inspiring laws that anyone can follow. They're the very ones that have enabled me to live a truly fulfilling life. You see, since the age of 17, I've dedicated myself to studying and sharing universal truths, especially as they apply to personal growth and healing. This has taken me from living as a surf bum and high school dropout to the life of my dreams—with abundant wealth in all areas: spiritual, mental, professional, financial, familial, social, and physical.

What you're about to read is the result of more than three decades of research and 20-plus years of clinical experience as a chiropractor, healer, and teacher. My road to mese professions has hardly been traditional, and it's certainly been bumpy. Born with several physical deformities, I was later told that I'd never read or write very well. By then, I'd overcome my body's limitations and fallen in love with sports, and I dreamed of being a world-class surfer.

As an adolescent, I was moved to a new school when my family relocated from Houston to Richmond, Texas. Although I'd gained a reputation among my old classmates for being an athlete, at this new place I became known as a punching bag for the local bullies. Disheartened by my academic prospects and frightened by the violence at school, I sought the support of my parents to let me go to California to surf. At 14, I hitchhiked west and stayed in beach towns up and down the coast, living hand to mouth and meeting other surfers who helped me get by.

I rode some of the biggest waves in California before moving on to an island paradise on the north shore of Oahu, Hawaii, where I surfed from sunrise to sunset, lived in a tent, and ate whatever hung low on the tropical trees. It was very “back to nature,” and I was quite content, but there was one problem: Unknowingly, I consumed a poison in the form of the toxic seeds of the woodrose plant. In time, the strychnine accumulated in my system and caused me to become seriously ill. After I'd spent nearly four days unconscious in my tent, a woman from the jungle happened by and helped me walk to the local health-food store. I was 17.

Slowly, I began to recover. But one thing weighed on my mind: At the health-food store, I'd seen a poster for Dr. Paul C. Bragg, a naturopath, longevitist, physical therapist, and health consultant to movie stars, as well as Jack La Lanne's teacher. I became determined to see Dr. Bragg speak when he came to Hawaii just a couple weeks after my ordeal.

When the day arrived, I hitchhiked to the presentation. With great power and precision, then-93-year-old Dr. Bragg delivered a truly profound message. I was transfixed by how wise and physically vibrant he was—at one point, he even leaned over into a handstand and continued his presentation upside down without missing a beat. Near the end of his talk, he announced that it was time for everyone to determine their purpose and vision. What special mission would we dedicate the rest of our lives to?

I was stunned. How was I supposed to know this? But Dr. Bragg helped by guiding us in something he called the Alpha Meditation. During this experience, I cemented my desires: I wanted to research the laws of the universe as they related to the body, mind, and soul, particularly as they could lead me to healing and traveling. I'd share my findings with people and get paid for it. At the end of the meditation, I was teary-eyed, inspired, and on fire: I would be a teacher, healer, and philosopher.

Big dreams, right? They seemed especially grandiose for a high school dropout/surfer who'd just walked away from death's door and was still living in a tent, not to mention having some serious learning disabilities. So I approached Dr. Bragg later and shared my predicament. He told me that I could overcome all this if I just did one thing (which you'll discover on Day 6 of this book).

His advice certainly bore fruit. At 18, I returned home to Texas, took and passed my high school equivalency exam, then attended college in pursuit of my dream of becoming a healer.

Years later, it humbles me to reflect on my journey from the difficult classrooms of my youth, to the beaches of Oahu, to the crisp clinical office I ran for years, to the stages all over the world where I now deliver a message that still stirs my soul. What moved me then, and what keeps going me today, are the laws you'll be reading about and applying in this book.

You can have the life of your dreams, too, simply by being the already amazing individual you are right now! Yes, you have what it takes to transform wherever you are to the place you'd love to be.

Just imagine for a moment… you're living a magnificent, fruitful, wonderful life! Envisioning this is the first step. If you then read the laws of life in this book and let them sink in, allowing yourself to gradually incorporate their essence into your daily actions, their wisdom will awaken your spirit to the wonderful power within, and you'll shine. Your magnificence is about to surface and become even more evident in the actions, presence, and outcomes of your new life.

It inspires me to think about the difference you could make for yourself—as well as for others—simply by applying these laws on a daily basis, and it excites me to think what could happen to you in just two short months if you began concentrating on a single law each day.

Among the thousands of people I've been privileged to counsel and help guide to the center of their being, I've found that every one of them is filled with tremendous power. Let's now work together and begin to awaken your amazing life.

How to Use This Book

Although this guide is designed to take you through a powerful, 60-day process for creating your new life, it would be wise to read it once—straight through from cover to cover—then sit down and contemplate what you've just encountered. Give yourself a day's breather and then begin again, rereading each of the laws in order, one per day for the next 60 days. You'll notice that each new principle contributes to the others—that is, they're interdependent and overlap, which increases their power in your life, adding strength with each variation. Don't feel that you must memorize this process, since it's all been constructed with the idea of constant reinforcement and building on what you've already integrated.

At the close of each law of life, you'll see a section called “Words of Power.” These are meant as meaningful and inspiring statements that you can say to yourself, inwardly or outwardly, and hold as true from the center of your being. They're powerful statements that you'll know at a deep level are speaking about your destiny, and which will assist you in embodying the laws to the fullest.

Rather than lopsided affirmations or negations, these are balanced and inspiring statements by which you can live a fulfilling life—simple truths calling you to live more profoundly in their presence—so be ready to watch your life change and your dreams become more realized as time goes by.

At the end of each day's reading, repeat that law's Words of Power seven times, and then use them as examples and ideas to create personalized statements—known as “My Words of Power.” (There's space for you to write them down near the end of each chapter.) Use words and phrases you'd love to say to yourself every day, and make sure that they're in the present tense: I am, I do, I see, I live—now! Try pulling some powerful, truthful words from each of the laws of life, and as they resonate within you, they'll transform your day and help you enjoy a more amazing journey … the life of your dreams.

Finally, sit silently and reflect on the law of the day and note any intuitive insights that arise in the closing section of each chapter, “My Reflections.” This will also help you incorporate the law and its wise actions into your daily life.

Let's review this process from the beginning: After you've read the entire book straight through in order to just let the laws wash over you, please begin it again so that you can integrate the individual principles more deeply. Then, each day for 60 days:

•   Read one law. (Be sure to read them in order; don't skip around.)

•   Read the law's Words of Power and repeat them seven times.

•   Create “My Words of Power” using your own language and any phrases that inspire you from that day, then repeat them seven times.

•   Take a few moments to reflect on the day's reading and record any insights that come to you.


You can begin using the laws today to fulfill your life's purpose, dreams, and objectives by simply putting yourself in a state of gratitude and writing whatever your heart and soul whisper to you. Think about everything you're thankful for, which makes you inspired, gives you fulfillment, and brings tears to your eyes. Then quiet your mind, see what comes to you, and record it in the space provided (“My Reflections”). As you write, you'll discover more about who you are and what you'd truly love to become, do, and have. By acting upon such inspired messages, you can begin to live the fulfilling life of your dreams.

This time will often be transformational because it clarifies and crystallizes your desires and awakens purposefulness. During the 60 days that you spend with this book, you'll receive messages and visions, and you'll find yourself thinking of ways to fulfill your destiny. Write them on the lines provided in this book, reflect on your inner wisdom, and review these pages often, refining them as needed while you watch your visions unfold.

Your Words of Power, reflections, insights, dreams, and visions will come alive through this practice because the power of manifestation begins in writing about what truly inspires you. Bring your mind down from your head into your heart, and begin from that place. This is your book, written for you, so make it your own.

You're amazing! You're here to live your life magnificently, and this book will show you how to dream effectively—and how to live the life you dream. So let's get started.
