Caroline hoped that Meg would be in the dressing room with Langley Tate when she arrived to interview Belinda’s understudy, but she wasn’t. Ever aware of the ticking clock, as soon as the crew signaled they were ready to record, Caroline got right to her questions.
“How are you feeling about filling in for Belinda Winthrop again tonight?”
“Of course, I would never want to get a role this way. These are difficult times, and I’m trying to do justice to Belinda and the role of Valerie.”
“When was the last time you saw Belinda, and how did she seem?”
“The last time I saw her was at the cast party at Curtains Up on opening night.” Langley shook her blond head with disbelief. “My, that was less than forty-eight hours ago. It seems like an eternity. Anyway, she seemed up and happy, for the most part.”
“What do you mean ‘for the most part’?” asked Caroline.
“At one point, I did see Belinda get pretty angry at her caretaker.”
“Do you know why?”
“I think it was because he was coming on to me.”
“Why would Belinda be angry about that?”
Langley shrugged. “Maybe she was a little jealous. Maybe Belinda wanted Gus to only pay attention to her.”
“Belinda didn’t seem to be running short on attention that night, Langley.”
Langley shrugged again. “You never know. Some people are never satisfied. They always want more.”
Caroline was surprised by how unself-conscious Langley was as she not-so-indirectly maligned Belinda. Wanting to wrap up the interview, she got back to the subject of Belinda’s disappearance.
“Do you have any thoughts on what could have happened to Belinda?” she asked.
“Not a one,” said Langley, her face serious.
“Okay then, a final question, Langley. What do you envision this unexpected turn of events will do for your own career?”
“Of course, it isn’t going to hurt it,” said Langley.” It wouldn’t be honest to say otherwise. But as I said at the beginning of the interview, I didn’t want to get the role this way.” Langley stood up. “Now, if we’re through, I have some things I have to take care of before tonight’s performance.”
As she and the crew left to get to the satellite truck, Caroline considered leaving Meg’s tote bag so it would be waiting for her when she arrived at the dressing room. But she thought better of it. Meg had entrusted the bag to her, and she would hand it back to Meg herself.
“What did you think of the interview?” asked Caroline as they got in the car.
“I’d hate to have that one breathing down my neck,” said Boomer. “Langley Tate has ambition written all over her.”