C H A P T E R 

With the guests straggling away and the catering staff packing up, Belinda sat by herself on the patio, trying to sort out what had happened in the last few hours. She’d gone from giving one of the best performances of her life to telling her director that she couldn’t stand working with him and finding that he had used her name without her permission to raise financing for his movie. Worried that she could be implicated in what her caretaker was doing on her property, she’d fired him with no plan for how she was going to replace him. What she had figured out from Remington’s copy of the script had to be dealt with as well. Plus, knowing that Langley was practically drooling to take over her role didn’t feel great either. It was too much to deal with at one time.

It had been a marathon of a day, and Belinda was exhausted. She would get a good sleep, and in the morning, she’d be better able to cope with everything. But there was one person she had to talk to right away.