Oh, how we love quotes and sayings—especially when they are about love.
We don’t mean strictly romantic love—the word encompasses so much more than that. Love can be found anywhere, from a neighbor’s friendly smile, to a sloppy kiss from a dear pet, to a hug from a family member, to being kind to yourself and others—everything grows with love.
Sometimes we want to share these feelings with those who have affected us most, but we can’t seem to find the right words. In this book, you’ll find page after page of musings on love—in all of its iterations—illustrated by our favorite artists. Naturally, we each have a favorite. Irene’s is: “Never give up on the things that make you smile.” This reminds her to always keep making time to do the things that make her happy with her loved ones, no matter how busy she may be. And Astrid’s favorite is: “Happiness isn’t a fixed point, it’s always in a flux,” because it’s a good reminder that, in love and in daily life, after a dark day there’s always a bright one on its way.
Savor the tiny moments, revel in the big ones, and appreciate the special people around you.