Nicole was almost home when the beige BMW pulled close to the sidewalk beside her. “Hey, you good-looking actress, would you like a ride?”
She laughed. “Connor, what are you doing here? I thought Elsie had you cornered in the office.”
“As soon as she saw you walk out, she roared off. I waited a few minutes to make sure she wasn’t coming back then decided I owed you a ride home.”
“But I’m almost home now.”
“I know. Come on. I’ll take you the rest of the way.”
She moved to the passenger side. “It’s about a block and a half on the left.”
“I know. I brought you home before, remember?”
“I remember.”
Before they could say anything else, he was pulling into Lita’s driveway beside a blue Ford Sedan. “Looks like an unmarked police car.”
“Oh, I hope not,” she whispered.
“Don’t you like the police?”
“I don’t know any police officers, so I have no feeling about them one way or the other. I’m just afraid something has happened to Dora.”
“I didn’t think of that.” He glanced at her. “Want me to come in with you?”
She started to tell him not to bother, but decided maybe it would be a good idea to have him along. “I would appreciate it, if you don’t mind.”
He turned off the motor and hopped out of the car. He was on her side before she could get the door open.
“Thanks,” she mumbled when he took her arm. She hoped the little twinge running down her spine wasn’t noticeable.
She opened the front door and he followed her inside. She called out, “Lita, I’m home.”
“In the living room, dear.”
“Connor is with me,” she said as they entered the room.
“Why, Connor, it’s so good to see you.” Lita held out her hand.
“Hello, Mrs. Mancini.” Connor nodded to the two police officers.
“These are Officers Collins and Milo.” She looked at the detectives. “And this is my boarder, Nicole Lynch and her boss, Mr. Connor Cottingham.”
“Yes.” Trudy Collins nodded. “We’ve met Ms. Lynch at her office.”
“I remember you from the drunk driving case a couple of years ago, Mr. Cottingham.” William Milo stared at Connor. “You’re not the man we met at the office the other day. I thought he was her boss.”
“That was Paul Cottingham,” Nicole explained. “I actually have three bosses. Mr. Martin Cottingham and his two sons, Paul and Connor.”
“I might add Ms. Lynch is a valuable asset to our company. She’s the one who actually runs things there and in a way, we all work for her.”
The officer lifted his eyebrow without comment.
Nicole looked at Lita. “Is Mrs. Hildebrand okay?”
“Her condition hasn’t changed. Janice called me today to report on her mother.”
Nicole wanted to tell Lita about Janice’s call to the office, but she decided to wait until they were alone. “I’m glad. It frightened me when I saw the car outside.”
“Actually, Ms. Lynch, we came by to ask you a few questions, if you don’t mind.” Trudy Collins looked directly at Nicole.
“Of course I don’t mind. May I sit down?”
The officer motioned Nicole toward the sofa. Connor followed her without speaking and sat beside her.
“Now, what did you want to ask me?” Nicole put her purse on the floor at her feet and sat back.
“Would you prefer that we interview you in private?” William Milo asked.
“No. I’d like Mr. Cottingham and Lita to be here.” She glanced at Connor. “Do you mind staying?”
“I’ll be glad to.”
“Very well then,” Milo said and looked at his partner.
“Ms. Lynch, where were you last Thursday morning?” Ms. Collins asked.
Without missing a beat she said, “I was at work.”
“Can you vouch for her, Mr. Cottingham?”
Nicole didn’t give him time to answer. “Mr. Cottingham was out of the office that morning, but his brother, Paul Cottingham was there.”
“Did you see anyone else that day?”
“We had a few people come in to pay their insurance and Paul’s wife and daughter came in at lunch time and picked him up. I think she said they were going to the club.”
“Do you remember who came in to pay their bills?’
Connor butted in. “We can get the names. Ms. Lynch always gives the person a receipt and fastens the carbon to the check or money. We have a record of all the names and addresses.”
“Would that receipt have the time and date on it?”
“It has the date, but I’m not sure about the time.”
“No, it doesn’t have the time,” Nicole said.
“I see.”
Officer Milo said, “And when did you go to lunch, Ms. Lynch?”
“Right after Mr. Cottingham and his family left.”
“Did you come home to eat?”
“Did you eat alone?”
“Yes. Lita wasn’t here.”
“Did anything happen while you were having lunch?”
“What do you mean?” Nicole frowned at him.
“Did the phone ring? Did you see anyone? What did you eat?”
Nicole shrugged. “I think I had a cheese and turkey sandwich.”
“Was that all?”
“No. I wasn’t full after the sandwich so I made a bowl of the leftover soup we’d had the night before.” She smiled slightly. “I actually made two bowls. The first one ended up all over me and the floor. I cleaned up the mess and then got a second one. I didn’t drop it.”
“I told you all of this when you were here before.” Lita butted in.
“Please, Mrs. Mancini. We want to hear what Ms. Lynch has to say,” Officer Collins said quietly.
Officer Milo went on. “What were you wearing, Ms. Lynch?”
“I had on my printed silk blouse. I remember because it has a white background and I was afraid the tomato stain wouldn’t come out. It’s one of my favorite blouses.”
“What did you do with the blouse after you soiled it?”
“I was afraid I was going to be late getting back to work, so I ran up and changed quickly. I didn’t have time to wash the blouse so I put it in the sink to soak, hoping this would keep it from staining.” She smiled at Lita. “When I got home, Lita had found it and laundered it for me.”
“Have you worn the blouse since that day, Ms. Lynch?”
She thought a minute. “I don’t think so.”
“Would you permit us to see the blouse?”
She frowned. “Why in the world would you want to see my blouse?”
“Do you not want us to see it?”
“I don’t care. I just think it’s strange that you want to.”
“I’ll come with you to get the blouse.” Trudy Collins stood. “That is if you don’t mind us seeing your room.”
“Why should I mind?”
Connor stood. “Why would you want to see her room? Is Ms. Lynch suspected of something?”
William Milo looked at him. “No, Mr. Cottingham, she isn’t. We’re only checking some things we were told.”
Connor didn’t answer him, but looked down at Nicole. “Want me to come with you to get the blouse?”
“Please do.”
“I’ve kept my mouth shut and tried to be nice to the police, but I’m getting frustrated.” Lita’s voice was high pitched. “Now, I’ve heard about enough. Nicole has done nothing wrong, and I don’t appreciate you people coming here and...and...” She clutched at her breast and leaned back.
Nicole leaped to her feet. “Lita, are you alright?” She moved beside the older woman and took her hand. Turning to the officers she said, “You can ask me any questions you want to and you can take anything of mine you need, but you may not come here again and upset Mrs. Mancini.”
“I’m sorry—”
“Connor, would you please go upstairs and get the blouse for them. My room is the last one on the right. You’ll recognize the blouse because it’s the one with the geometric figures and I’ve worn it to work several times.”
Trudy said, “Maybe I should go...”
“You just wait right here. He’ll get it for you.” Nicole turned back to Lita who looked like she was trying to keep from smiling.
In a few minutes, Connor returned with the blouse. “Is this the one?”
“Yes,” Nicole said. She took it off the hanger and handed it to the officer. “I expect my blouse back in good condition. As I said, it’s one of my favorites.”
After the officers took the blouse, they left without asking any more questions.