Dear Donna,
New York, New York! “It’s my kind of town”! Or is that supposed to be Chicago? I can’t remember, but I am in New York and awfully glad to be here. Different scenery, etc., etc. I’m not sure what I want to do yet, but I guess I’ve got time. I’m going to be a tourist for the next few weeks. Having never been here before, I’m absolutely fascinated. Today the Empire State building, tomorrow the world.
Anyway, I am well and doing fine! How about yourself? Anything new? Write soon. Luv ya,
June 1
Dear Lorna,
You sound great! And I’m sorry, but, “My kind of town” is Chicago. But that’s all right. New York is a “wonderful lady” and I’m sure it will be wonderful for you. It’s so hectic there that you really can forget anything painful and go on. Keep in touch; call if you get the urge. If I can, I’ll come down to meet you soon.
June 20
Dear Donna,
Radio City Music Hall and a half dozen museums later, I’m still in love with New York. Of course, I’ve been all over by now! I’ve seen the grand—and an awful lot of the very seedy. But I’m still doing fine. And I’m eager to see you when you get here. Hurry up and get some of that olive oil out of your hands so that you can come down and meet me. I’ll teach you how to ice skate a whole new way at Rockefeller Plaza.
July 10
Dear Lorna,
Well, it hasn’t really been the “olive oil” keeping me, and you know it. But guess what? I’m an official “Miss” once again. It seems crazy to have been “married” less than a month—and then have it take over two years to finish with the paperwork. A divorce would have taken about eight weeks, they say, but I guess I’m glad I filed for the annulment. It meant so much to the family, and I didn’t want to do anything else right away. Not after Mark. This “olive oil” you’re teasing me about helped keep me sane!
But anyway, I found out the other day that the annulment went through Rome last February. I will be very officially single when I meet you—soon. I promise.
July 28
Oh, my God! Can things happen here! Just a quick note to say I’m glad that things worked out—but don’t come here! I met the strangest man, and suddenly things went berserk. If I wanted danger and excitement, I guess I’ve got it now. But that’s New York—you never know what might happen when you walk down the street. I sound like I’m babbling, don’t I? But I’m frightened silly. I have to put my trust in Andrew McKennon—even though he can be a true SOB! I want to strangle the man half the time, but then again…well, he is trying to help me now. I haven’t any other choice. I know this sounds crazy, but right now I can’t explain the rest because I don’t know what is going on myself. Donna—sit tight. I’ll write again when I can. One day I’ll be able to tell you all about this and maybe then I’ll be able to laugh. No, I won’t ever be able to laugh. Oh, what a mess! Think of me, pray for me! But please don’t worry.
August 5
Lorna! Lorna!
“Please don’t worry”! You’ve made me crazy!
What are you trying to do to me? You have me scared witless! What are you talking about and what is going on? Call me—as soon as you get this. Don’t you dare write to me again on hospital stationery and not say anything. Please, please, call me, Lorna, so that I know you are all right. I’m not even sure that my letters reach you—you keep changing addresses every time you write. Lorna, I’m begging you, give me a call. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone for occasions just like this! Please, Lorna!
August 12
Dear Miss Miro:
I’m very sorry, but Lorna can’t call or write to you now. Please be patient. She’ll get in touch with you as soon as she can. You are trying to involve yourself in something that you don’t understand; please, for your own safety and Lorna’s, just be patient and wait. You will hear from her soon.
Andrew McKennon
August 14
I want to hear from Lorna right now. Today. I want to know what is going on. If not, I’ll have private detectives on the case immediately.
Donna Miro