Also by Jane Yolen

Title Page




Map of the Shifting Lands


1. Snail Wakes

2. Aspen Enters the Hall

3. Snail in the Kitchen

4. Prince Aspen Regrets

5. Snail in the Tower Room

6. Aspen’s Desperate Plan

7. Snail Spies the Queen’s Hallway

8. Aspen’s Packed Bag

9. Snail Underground

10. Aspen Follows the Wall

11. Snail in the Dungeon

12. Aspen Falls

13. Snail Speaks to the Ogre

14. Aspen Spies Skellies and Cells

15. Snail’s Fight

16. Aspen At the Tower

17. Snail Ties a Knot

18. Aspen in Rough Waters

19. Snail and the Mer

20. Aspen Leads On Shore

21. Snail on the Path

22. Aspen in the Cook’s Cave

23. Snail’s First Birthing

24. What Aspen Brings to the Battle

25. Snail Finds the Way

26. Aspen in the Castle

27. Snail’s Time Out

28. Aspen Leads the Way


About the Authors