I’d like to thank all of the writers who contributed to this book. I wasn’t asking an easy thing of them when I solicited their creative work; instead, I was asking them to write toward the hurt, to wrestle with the ugly truths that plague us in this country. Each of the writers did just that, and they did so beautifully. My editor, Kathryn Belden, believed in this book before I could even articulate why I wanted to work on it. She edited this collection tirelessly. She makes me a better writer, and I am so grateful to work with her. Her assistant, David Lamb, ushered the book through the first round of edits, communicated with the contributors about contracts, and aided in copyedits. I’m thankful for Jennifer Lyons, my agent, who has always been my advocate. I am indebted to Scribner, who welcomed this book into their catalog and me into their coterie of writers. Finally, I’d like to remember the sage, fierce artist who inspired this book, James Baldwin. I hope our work makes you proud.