


The great debate of what wines are better continues even as the world is forming its own opinions. The gap between Old and New World wines is no longer a cavern. The change is based on various factors. Technology and increased skill combine with the environment to alter the former imbalance. While the Old World relies on culture and tradition, the New World has called on science, technology, and experimentation.

Nevertheless, the grapes remain as the essence of the production process and the center of the basis for the dispute. The nature of the environment and the character and skill of the vintner help define the wine. Yet, the decision in crowning the “Best Wine” remains in the hand of the individual. This, in spite of professional opinion and critical comments, is the final arbitration. In other words, only you can decide which the best wine is. It is your opinion, based on your taste buds and personal preference that will decide whether Old or New World wine is the best – for you. 




You would not think purchasing a bottle of wine would be daunting. It should be simply a matter of entering a store, picking a bottle, paying for it and leaving. Yet, somehow or other, buying a wine does not seem simple. It tends to garner an air of difficulty. You can remove this “fear of wining” if you prepare yourself before you set off to purchase that particular bottle of wine.