About the Author

Kellie Snider, MS, has BS and MS degrees in behavior analysis from the University of North Texas. Her graduate thesis, A Constructional Canine Aggression Treatment, was conducted under the direction of Dr. Jesús Rosales-Ruiz and resulted in several years of traveling across the United States, Canada, and England to present the rehabilitation procedure for aggressive dogs to trainers and behaviorists in seminar settings. Kellie has presented topics on a variety of animal behavior-related subjects in university symposia, colloquia, seminars, webinars, radio programs, and conferences.

In 2007, Kellie won awards for humane dog–dog aggression rehabilitation and humane dog–human aggression rehabilitation from the International Positive Dog Training Association. Kellie’s work in shelter behavior has presented ongoing opportunities to observe and provide behavior modification for shelter dogs and cats with a variety of behavior challenges. She was hired by the SPCA of Texas in 2008 to develop an animal-behavior program and remained there for nearly ten years. She then took the position of Shelter Manager III with Dallas Animal Services, where she oversees all aspects of animal intake and outcomes for the city of Dallas. From 2012 to 2016, she served as the behavior consultant for PetSmart Charities Rescue Waggin’ dog-transport program, for which she designed a behavior assessment and trained employees at fifty-six shelters in transporting animals to other shelters, where they were more likely to be adopted, thus helping reduce euthanasia of shelter animals across the country. She is a task force member of Fear Free Pets (www.fearfreepets.com) and a licensed Family Paws Pets Educator. She is also vice president of the National Association of Animal Behaviorists.

Kellie lives in the Dallas, Texas area. She is married and has two adult sons, three cats, and two dogs. When not working with animals, she creates art (watercolor, colored pencil, and wool hooked rugs) and writes.