


The creation of this book was not a solo venture. A special thank you goes to Mary Logue, who guided me through every step of this process. Her expertise, advice, and encouragement have helped make this dream come true. The honest critiques of Swati Avasthi, Brian Farrey, and Charlotte Sullivan, my first writing group, allowed me to see the early flaws, but also the apparent potential of this project.

Steve Maguire and all of those at Walter Reed Medical Center were helpful and informative. Their insights were invaluable to the writing of this book.

Everyone at North Star Press of St. Cloud, Inc., took a chance on this book when I wasn’t sure if anyone else would. I am forever in debt to them for this.

To my sister, Gina, for her wonderful artwork and creative insights. They are phenomenal.

Finally, a special thanks goes to my wife, Tara for her unconditional support. Her patience and encouragement has allowed me to pursue this lifelong dream.


Thank you.