Many thanks to Jackie Green, Richard Billingsley, and the mediums who allowed me to accompany them for a séance and cleansing at a haunted cottage.
Many thanks also to the many experts who helped me with research for this story. The staff at the Shakespeare House at Stratford Upon Avon who showed me some lovely architectural details. The Sealed Knot Society who showed me how people lived during the Civil War, let me see the weapons, examine the clothes, cooking pots etc and advised on details of domestic life.
My thanks as always go to my wonderful critique partner, Kimberley Menozzi, who patiently deals with long and rambling emails without complaint.
Also fellow authors Phillipa Ashley and Elizabeth Hanbury aka The Coffee Crew who are brilliant, supportive and downright fabulous.
Much love and thanks also to Kate Nash and everyone at Myrmidon for taking a chance on Renovation, Renovation, Renovation and for all their expertise and support.