
‘Ah, yes, the Downs body. Nasty business. Any further developments?’

‘Not much more than you already know, sir. SOCOs are still at the scene. And the dogs are on site sniffing around, but there’s not much hope of uncovering anything after all that rain. Forensics believe the body was transferred to the site prior to the storm and interred into a shallow grave. Quite near to where it was found. The bank of the river has fallen away along that stretch, so it will be difficult to pinpoint the exact location. Bloodied dressings have been found downstream. They’re checking the DNA with that of the woman… the girl: she can’t be much more than a child herself. As yet, there’s no identification. And nothing much to go on. Painted nails – nothing special. There’s a small heart-shaped tattoo on the left shoulder, so that can be checked for point of origin. And there are several piercings – all the usual places. The jewellery’s been removed. There’s still no sign of an infant. It might be worth investigating local antenatal records, although that would be a mammoth task. Sir, can I assume we’re linking this to the existing Hampshire investigation? The body, the pregnancy, would confirm practices way beyond mere sex trafficking, but…’

‘But you believe there’s a link?’

‘Yes, sir. We’re checking out a series of IP locations. In the Winchester and Guildford areas. Trying to establish links.’

‘Guildford? That’s conveniently close to your home territory, isn’t it, Barnes?’

‘Yes, sir, very conveniently close.’

‘And you are continuing to maintain your cover? The teaching post?’

‘For the time being, sir, yes. It’s as good a place as any to investigate cybercrime and sociopaths. And although, unsurprisingly, the movement of foreign staff and students into the UK has not proven to be the significant trafficking route anticipated by some amongst us, there is a healthy air of sedition to keep me occupied.’

‘Quite so. Well, Barnes, liaise with forensics and keep me informed. And keep as much of this out of the press as possible. Preferably all of it. Has the individual who discovered the body been briefed?’

‘Briefed and debriefed, sir.’