Wena azi lo golof? Mina hayifuna lo mampara mfan.

Have you caddied before? I don't want a useless boy. Tata lo saka gamina.

Take my bag of clubs. Tata mabol, yena doti. Susa yena nga lo manzi.

These balls are dirty. Clean them with water. Muhle wena tula loskati lo-mlungu ena beta lo bol

You must be quiet when my partner plays a shot. Tula!

Be quiet.

Noko wena lahlega lo futi bol, hayikona mail

If you lose another ball, there will be no tip for you.

Susa lo-mtunzi gawena. Hayikona shukumisa lo saka. Move your shadow. Don't rattle the bag.

—J. D. Bold, Fanagalo Phrase Book, Grammar and Dictionary, the Lingua Franca of Southern Africa, 10th edition, 1977

/ can tell you the things that happened as I saw them, and what the rest were about only Africa knows.

—Herman Charles Bosman, Mafeking Road