There’s no way to thank everyone who helped me with Penny Dreadful. I have many wonderful friends. I have a supportive and loving family. I have babysitters, teachers, and colleagues who keep my world in orbit. I have the incredible people at Random House behind me. I wish I could thank all of these people by name, but I can’t. It isn’t possible. That’s how lucky I am. So I’m not even going to try this time.…

But there are three people I must thank. Three people without whom this book could not have been written.

First—I need to thank my husband, Chris Poma, who makes lunch and changes diapers and rushes home from work so I can scribble madly at odd hours. I don’t always appreciate him. I nag the poor guy mercilessly. But I couldn’t do anything without him. He’s my foundation.

Second—I need to thank my agent, Tina Wexler, who keeps me working, keeps me laughing, keeps me sane, and keeps me believing in books. She’s my first reader and my best advocate, but most of all, she’s my friend—an honest, kind, funny woman. I need her.

Third (and most of all)—I need to thank my editor, Mallory Loehr. A book can be a slippery thing, and this one nearly slid through my fingers, but Mallory caught it! Mallory is the kind of editor a writer dreams about, and I’m humbled by the time and energy she spent on Penny Dreadful. Mallory is careful but quick, supportive yet critical. She is a practical dreamer, and the clearest-eyed reader I’ve ever known. I owe her much.