Treatments for 50 Common Infections
Using Natural Antibiotics
This chapter demonstrates how to use natural antibiotics with specific examples. To do this, we will touch on around fifty of the most common infectious diseases. These afflictions are classified in accordance with the organ system to which they belong. We will start with the infections of the digestive tract and then move on to those of the respiratory tract and the ear, nose, and throat region, the urinary tract, the genital organs, and the skin. The last group will pull together the general infections that are not confined to one organ system but strike the whole body.
If some infectious diseases are not discussed here, this does not mean they cannot be treated with natural antibiotics. To the contrary, because of the broad spectrum of action that most of these antibiotics have, there will always be several that could be helpful. Which one should you choose? Because natural antibiotics have a predilection for organ systems, rather than diseases, determine which organ system the disease in question affects, and then choose an antibiotic whose primary sphere of action includes that system.
As for the choice of essential oils, I would like to point out that the most effective ones for a specific illness can be determined with precision thanks to an aromatogram. This test is performed like an antibiogram but with essential oils instead of conventional antibiotics. First the germ responsible for the illness is sampled (extracted from a urine or stool sample or a throat scraping) and cultivated in a laboratory, and then it is put in contact with a wide range of essential oils. Depending on whether the germ’s growth is greatly or weakly interrupted, we can learn which essential oils are most active against it. This test is performed in specially equipped analytical laboratories.
Warning: Improperly treated infectious diseases can have very serious consequences for your health. While the therapeutic treatments suggested here are very effective, they cannot take the place of the informed counsel of a medical professional. In serious cases, you should always seek the assistance of a trained physician.
Each treatment described in this chapter includes a definition of the disease, a list of the natural antibiotics that are effective against it, and one or two examples of how to use those natural antibiotics to treat the disease in question.
The definitions of the diseases—in italics—are brief and only paint a general picture. They aim only at recalling the diseases’ primary manifestations and origin (bacteria, virus, fungi, or parasite). In any case, they are not detailed enough to be used to establish a diagnosis.
Recommended Natural Antibiotics
The natural antibiotics indicated for each illness are divided into three groups: essential oils, mother tinctures, and “other” (that is, all other preparations). Within each group, the remedies are listed according to their value in treating the disease in question. That means that the first remedy in each list is generally considered the most effective for that particular disease, but keep in mind that infections work differently in different people, and different people respond differently to the remedies, so you must learn for yourself, from trial and error, experience, and observation, which remedies work best for you in any given situation.
For the essential oils and mother tinctures, I note that these are the principal options. In other words, they are the ones that are most often recommended and have proven effective in treating the disease in question. I have excluded from this book those natural antibiotics that are tricky to handle or can cause serious side effects. Our selection is therefore necessarily limited, incomplete, and subjective. Numerous other essential oils and mother tinctures can be used to your advantage.
Treatment Examples
Most treatment examples call for combining an oral remedy with a topical one. The purpose of this combination is to introduce the maximum amount of active constituents into the body. A sufficiently high dosage taken only orally can sometimes cause digestive discomfort or digestive distress. Separating part of the dosage into a topical application allows the dosage to remain high without overwhelming the digestive system.
For most of the diseases discussed in this chapter, you will find that at least one of the treatment examples avoids internal use of an essential oil. Some people simply have no tolerance for ingesting essential oils; these rare individuals find them too strong, too stimulating, or too aggressive. Even people who tolerate oral doses of essential oils may, after several days of treatment, begin to find them irritating, and in that case they can switch over to a different treatment.
Often several essential oils or mother tinctures are recommended for a specific disease. If you like, you can blend these natural antibiotics, so long as you do not exceed the normal recommended dosage. For example, instead of 3 drops of thyme essential oil, you can take 1 drop of thyme essential oil, 1 drop of niaouli essential oil, and 1 drop of savory essential oil. The total dose remains 3 drops, but you can take advantage of the particular strengths of all three natural antibiotics.
To take a mother tincture internally, you can simply dilute it in a little water. But the same is not true for essential oils. Because they are insoluble in water, they float to the surface of liquid (as do all oils) and the bulk of the remedy remains glued to the wall of the glass. Thus, to take essential oils orally, you must take them with a support, such as honey, which acts as a carrier, or with a dispersant. These products are all the more beneficial because they keep the delicate mucous membranes of the mouth from having direct contact with the essential oils, which, being quite concentrated, can be irritating to the tissues when undiluted.
Supports for Essential Oils
A wide variety of supports for taking essential oils orally is available. The most important quality for supports is that they thoroughly coat the essential oil so that the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach are not irritated by direct contact.
The most commonly recommended support is honey. Mix the recommended dosage of essential oil with 1 teaspoon of honey, then swallow the mixture as is or diluted in a bit of warm water.
Other support substances are equally suitable. Among them we find crustless bread, white cheese or yogurt, pureed potato, and whey.
You can also ask your pharmacist to put essential oils into 50-milligram capsules.
Dispersants for Essential Oils
Dispersants are emulsifying products especially manufactured for aromatherapy (brands such as Springfields). Made entirely from plant substances, they disperse the essential oil into billions of microscopic particles and coat them. This causes them to lose their irritating character and makes them easy to blend with water. You add the essential oils to the dispersant, stir, and then add a little water. The mixture then looks like a milky liquid, and it’s ready to drink. The proportions of the blend vary depending on how strong the essential oil is:
- Gentle essential oils (tea tree, basil, eucalyptus, lavender, niaouli, palmarosa, ravintsara): Add 1 drop of essential oil to 10 drops of dispersant.
- Strong essential oils (oregano, savory, thyme): Add 1 drop of essential oil to 20 drops of dispersant.
Some essential oils and grapefruit seed extract are too irritating, or even caustic, to be applied directly to the skin. Depending on an individual’s sensitivity, they can cause painful tingling and even burns, with blisters.
It is therefore essential to dilute these substances before applying them to the skin. While water is enough to dilute grapefruit seed extract, an oily support is required for essential oils. Sweet almond oil is the most commonly recommended, but any oil can be used: sunflower, olive, canola, and so forth. One teaspoon of oil is enough to dilute 4 to 6 drops of essential oil. If you need to make enough ointment for a large surface, like the thorax in the case of bronchitis, or the lower belly in the case of cystitis, you would dilute 10 to 15 drops of essential oil in 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil.
Three essential oils are particularly gentle and can usually be applied undiluted (though hypersensitive skin may sometimes still react to them). These three are ravintsara, lavender, and palmarosa. All the others should be diluted, and most especially the essential oils of oregano, savory, and thyme, which are particularly irritating.
Note: Topical applications are intended only for the skin and not the mucous membranes (the nose, eyes, genital organs, and so on). These areas are too sensitive for treatment with essential oils. Great care should be taken to avoid them when applying preparations of essential oils to the neighboring skin surfaces.
Natural remedies are not prescribed in fixed dosages, as is the case for conventional antibiotics and other pharmaceutical medications. Their dosage is always individualized and adjusted to the patient being treated. The dosage is increased or reduced in accordance with the patient’s temperament and vitality, the progression of the disease, and so on. The dosages indicated in the treatment examples are therefore only averages. Nevertheless, they should be increased only with caution.
The treatment examples do not always indicate the duration of the treatment, as the duration will depend on the development of the illness. As a general rule, treatment is always limited to a certain period of time, especially for treatments based on essential oils, which range from three to four days to around two weeks.
The sole essential oil treatment that can be extended over a period of several months is for fungal infections like Candida albicans. Eradication of this fungus requires longterm action. The dosages are adjusted with this in mind—that is, they are relatively low, so that they can be continued for months. If you begin to feel antipathy or disgust for the remedy during the course of a long-duration treatment, it is best to stop taking it; you could replace it with mother tinctures, plant infusions, propolis, or grapefruit seed extract. Grapefruit seed extract, in fact, can generally be taken without any problems for very long periods, from several months to an entire year.
Additional Observations
1. With infections, the sooner treatment begins, the better the outcome. An infection is easier to master when it has not yet become extensive.
2. Because the subject of this book is natural antibiotics, the suggestions for treatment focus only on their use. All the other useful methods for fighting infections, such as strengthening the immune system with vitamin and trace-element therapy, taking anti-inflammatories, treating painful symptoms with poultices and compresses, and so on, are not mentioned.*3 In the following chapter, however, you will find guidelines for correcting the cellular terrain to make it as inhospitable as possible to infections.
3. For all infectious diseases, it is essential for the patient to drink a copious amount of fluids—2 quarts or more of water or herbal tea a day—to allow the body to thoroughly eliminate the germ cadavers and the toxins produced over the course of the illness.
Abscess of a Tooth
A pocket of pus in the gum caused by a bacterial infection.
Principal essential oils: tea tree, lavender
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Others: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops with water, three to five times a day
- Topical: Tea tree essential oil: 2 or 3 undiluted drops applied to the abscess with a cotton swab, three to five times a day
Lavender essential oil: 3 to 5 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the outside of the cheek, three to five times a day
A parasitical disease caused by amoebas, typically in tropical countries. It appears in the form of dysentery (in fact, it is also known as amebic dysentery) and can be complicated by hepatic lesions.
Principal essential oils: mountain savory, thyme, oregano, tea tree
Principal mother tincture: barberry
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Mountain savory or thyme or oregano essential oil: 2 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day for twenty days; repeat as needed
- Topical: Tea tree essential oil: 5 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the abdomen, three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Barberry mother tincture: 30 drops in water, three times a day before meals, for one month; repeat as needed
- Topical: Thyme essential oil: 1 or 2 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the abdomen, three times a day
Canker Sore
Small painful ulceration of viral origin that appears on the mucous membranes of the mouth (like the tongue or cheek).
Principal essential oils: tea tree, ravintsara, palmarosa,
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Others: propolis, grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Palmarosa or ravintsara or tea tree essential oil: 3 or 4 drops in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day for one week
- Topical: Tea tree or ravintsara essential oil: 1 undiluted drop applied with a cotton swab directly on the canker sore, two or three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops in water, three to five times a day
- Topical: Propolis: 1 piece, chewed slowly, five or six times a day
Colibacillosis (Intestinal)
Infection of the intestines (enteritis, enterocolitis, etc.) by the colibacillus Escherichia coli, a normal inhabitant of the intestine that can become virulent when there is an imbalance in the intestinal flora.
Principal essential oils: thyme, niaouli, oregano, savory, palmarosa
Principal mother tinctures: bearberry, mouse-ear hawkweed
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Thyme or oregano or savory essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 50 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day for twenty days; repeat as needed
- Topical: Niaouli or palmarosa essential oil: 10 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the abdomen, two times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Bearberry or mouse-ear hawkweed mother tincture: 40 drops with water, three times a day, before meals, for one month; repeat as needed
- Topical: Palmarosa or niaouli essential oil: 10 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the abdomen, two times a day
Colitis, Enteritis, and Gastroenteritis
Infection and inflammation of the digestive tract (the colon, small intestine, or stomach) accompanied by painful spasms and diarrhea. These infections can be caused by bacilli bacteria, viruses, or parasites (amoebas).
Principal essential oils: tea tree, palmarosa, ravintsara, savory
Principal mother tincture: bearberry
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Tea tree or savory or palmarosa essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three to five times a day
- Topical: Ravintsara or palmarosa or tea tree essential oil: 10 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the abdomen, three to five times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Bearberry mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops with water, three to five times a day, before and between meals
- Topical: Ravintsara or palmarosa or tea tree essential oil: 10 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the abdomen, three to five times a day
Bacterial infection and painful inflammation of the gums, accompanied by bleeding.
Principal essential oils: tea tree, ravintsara, palmarosa
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Others: propolis, grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Tea tree or palmarosa essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three or four times a day
- Gargle: Ravintsara or tea tree essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, used as a gargle for twenty to thirty seconds, three to five times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops in a little water, three to five times a day, before and between meals
Propolis: 1 piece, chewed slowly, five or six times a day
Infectious Diarrhea
The emission of overly fluid, overly frequent stools accompanied by nausea, abdominal pains, and fever. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites can be the cause.
Principal essential oils: oregano, niaouli, basil, tea tree, lavender
Principal mother tincture: bearberry
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Basil or niaouli or oregano essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three or four times a day
- Topical: Tea tree or niaouli essential oil: 5 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the abdomen, three to five times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Bearberry mother tincture: 40 drops in water, three times a day, before meals
- Topical: Lavender or niaouli or tea tree essential oil: 10 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the abdomen, three to five times a day
Intestinal Parasites
The colonization of the intestinal milieu by parasites such as worms, ascarids (roundworms), Anguillula spp., giardia, Cryptosporidia, pinworms, tapeworms, or Trichinella spiralis.
Principal essential oils: thyme, tea tree, savory, oregano
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example
- Oral: Thyme or oregano or savory essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 50 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day for two weeks
- Topical: Tea tree essential oil: 5 drops diluted in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the abdomen, three times a day for two weeks; repeat, after a pause, if needed
Stomach Ulcer
Lesion of the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum. The cause can be dietary or stress-related, but it can also be due to the presence of Helicobacter pylori.
Principal essential oils: basil, niaouli, palmarosa, tea tree
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Basil or niaouli or palmarosa essential oil: 3 drops in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 daily dosage (= ¼ drop of extract per pound of body weight), split into three doses, taken with water thirty to sixty minutes before a meal
Viral Hepatitis
Infection and inflammation of the liver caused by a virus.
Medical supervision is essential!
Principal essential oils: niaouli, basil, ravintsara, tea tree, oregano, savory, thyme
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A (Adjunctive Therapy)
- Oral: Niaouli or basil or thyme or oregano or savory essential oil: 3 drops in 60 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three or four times a day
- Topical: Ravintsara or niaouli or tea tree essential oil: 5 undiluted drops, or 5 drops diluted in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the area of the liver, three to five times a day
Treatment Example B (Adjunctive Therapy)
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops in water, four or five times a day, before and between meals
- Topical: Ravintsara or niaouli or tea tree essential oil: 5 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the area of the liver, three to five times a day
Bronchitis (Bacterial)
Infection and inflammation of the bronchial tubes, accompanied by coughs and fever.
Principal essential oils: savory, niaouli, thyme, oregano, eucalyptus (E. radiata and
E. globulus), palmarosa, tea tree
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Savory or thyme or oregano or niaouli essential oil: 2 drops in 60 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, five times a day for the first day, then three times a day
- Topical: Palmarosa or tea tree or eucalyptus (E. globulus) essential oil: 15 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as a thoracic ointment, three to five times for the first day, then twice a day
Eucalyptus radiata essential oil: Place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; repeat every twenty minutes for the first two hours, then three to five times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 30 drops in water, six times a day Grapefruit seed extract: 1 daily dosage (= ¼ drop of extract per pound of body weight), split into three doses, taken with water
- Topical: Eucalyptus radiata essential oil: Place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; repeat every twenty minutes for the first two hours, then three to five times a day
Bronchitis (Viral)
Infection and inflammation of the bronchial tubes, accompanied by coughs and fever.
Principal essential oils: ravintsara, palmarosa, eucalyptus (E. radiata and
E. globulus), thyme, niaouli
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Ravintsara or thyme or niaouli or eucalyptus (E. globulus) essential oil: 3 drops in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three to five times a day
- Topical: Eucalyptus (E. radiata) or palmarosa or ravintsara essential oil: 10 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as a thoracic ointment, three to five times on the first day, then twice a day
Eucalyptus radiata essential oil: Place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; repeat every twenty minutes for the first two hours, then three to five times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 30 drops in water, six times a day
Grapefruit seed extract: 1 daily dosage (= ¼ drop of extract per pound of body weight), split into three doses, taken with water - Topical: Eucalyptus radiata essential oil: Place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; repeat every twenty minutes for the first two hours, then three to five times a day
Cold (Rhinitis, Rhinopharyngitis)
Infection—usually viral—and inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes.
Principal essential oils: thyme, eucalyptus (E. radiata), lavender, ravintsara, palmarosa, niaouli
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Others: propolis, grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Thyme or eucalyptus (E. radiata) or niaouli essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 50 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three to five times a day
- Topical: Ravintsara or palmarosa or eucalyptus (E. radiata) or lavender essential oil: Place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; repeat every twenty minutes for the first two hours, then three to five times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops with water, three to five times a day
Propolis: 1 piece, chewed slowly, five or six times a day - Topical: Ravintsara or palmarosa or eucalyptus (E. radiata) or lavender essential oil: Place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; repeat every twenty minutes for the first two hours, then three to five times a day
Otitis (Earache)
Viral or bacterial infection and inflammation of the inner ear.
Principal essential oils: eucalyptus (E. radiata), thyme, lavender, niaouli, tea tree, palmarosa, oregano
Others: propolis, grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: eucalyptus (E. radiata) or thyme or oregano or tea tree essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 50 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day
- Topical: Lavender essential oil: 3 or 4 drops applied inside the ear with a cotton swab
Lavender or niaouli or palmarosa essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment around the ear, three or four times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Propolis: 1 piece, chewed slowly, five or six times a day
- Topical: Lavender essential oil: 1 or 2 drops applied inside the ear with a cotton swab
Palmarosa or niaouli essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 1 teaspoon sweet almond oil, used as an ointment around the ear, three or four times a day
Pharyngitis (Bacterial)
Infection and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat, accompanied by pain, difficulty swallowing, and fever. The lymph nodes of the throat are swollen and hard.
Principal essential oils: thyme, tea tree, savory, oregano, niaouli
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Others: propolis, grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Thyme or niaouli or savory or oregano or tea tree essential oil: 1 drop in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, every fifteen minutes for the first two hours, then 2 or 3 drops of each in 50 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day
- Topical: Niaouli essential oil: 3 to 5 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the area of the throat, every ten to fifteen minutes for the first two hours, then three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops with water, five or six times a day
- Gargle: Tea tree or thyme or savory or oregano essential oil: 2 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, used as a gargle for twenty to thirty seconds, every ten minutes for the first two hours, then three to five times a day
Pharyngitis (Viral)
Infection and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat, accompanied by pain, difficulty swallowing, and fever. The lymph nodes of the throat are swollen and hard.
Principal essential oils: Ravintsara, palmarosa, eucalyptus (E. radiata and
E. globulus), oregano, niaouli, thyme
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Others: propolis, grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Oregano and eucalyptus (E. radiata) essential oil: 1 drop of each in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, every fifteen minutes for the first two hours, then 2 or 3 drops of each in 50 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day
- Topical: Ravintsara or palmarosa essential oil: 10 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the area of the throat, every ten to fifteen minutes for the first two hours, then three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 50 drops with water, three to five times a day
- Gargle: Oregano or ravintsara or palmarosa essential oil: 2 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, used as a gargle for twenty to thirty seconds, every ten minutes for the first two hours, then three to five times a day
A viral or bacterial infection and inflammation of the mucous membranes that carpet the sinuses—that is, the cavities in the skull.
Principal essential oils: thyme, niaouli, lavender, ravintsara, eucalyptus (E. globulus)
Other: propolis
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Niaouli or eucalyptus (E. globulus) or thyme essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 50 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day, for fifteen days; repeat as needed
- Topical: Lavender or ravintsara or eucalyptus (E. globulus) essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 1 teaspoon sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the forehead and around the nose;
avoid your eyes!
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Propolis: 1 piece, chewed slowly, three or four times a day
- Topical: Ravintsara or lavender or eucalyptus (E. globulus) essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 1 teaspoon sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the forehead and around the nose;
avoid your eyes!
Painful infection and inflammation of the bladder by bacteria, fungi (Candida albicans), and so on.
Principal essential oils: oregano, thyme, savory, eucalyptus (E. globulus), niaouli, lavender, palmarosa
Principal mother tinctures: bearberry, mouse-ear hawkweed
Others: propolis, grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Oregano or savory or thyme or eucalyptus (E. globulus) or niaouli essential oil: 2 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three to five times a day
Mouse-ear hawkweed or bearberry mother tincture: 50 drops in water, three to five times a day - Topical: Lavender essential oil: 5 to 10 undiluted drops used as an ointment on the lower belly, around the bladder, three to five times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Bearberry or mouse-ear hawkweed mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops with water, three to six times a day
Propolis: 1 piece, chewed slowly, five or six times a day - Topical: Palmarosa essential oil: 5 to 10 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the lower belly, three to five times a day
Note: During urinary infections, it is imperative to drink an abundant quantity of water or herbal tea (several quarts a day) to rid the urinary tract of germs and toxins.
Nephritis (Pyelonephritis)
Bacterial infection of the kidneys.
Principal essential oils: oregano, thyme, savory, eucalyptus (E. globulus), niaouli, lavender, palmarosa
Principal mother tinctures: bearberry, mouse-ear hawkweed
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Thyme or oregano or savory or niaouli or palmarosa essential oil: 3 or 4 drops in 50 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three to five times a day
- Topical: Niaouli or palmarosa or lavender or eucalyptus (E. globulus) essential oil: Place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; repeat every twenty minutes for the first two hours, then three to five times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Bearberry or mouse-ear hawkweed mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops in water, three to five times a day
- Topical: Niaouli or palmarosa or eucalyptus (E. globulus) or lavender essential oil: 6 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the back, around the kidneys (beneath the bottom ribs), three to five times a day
Niaouli or palmarosa or eucalyptus (E. globulus) or lavender essential oil: Place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; repeat every twenty minutes for the first two hours, then three to five times a day
Bacterial infection and inflammation of the excretory canal of the bladder.
Principal essential oils: niaouli, tea tree, palmarosa, thyme, oregano, savory
Principal mother tincture: bearberry
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Thyme or niaouli or tea tree or oregano essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day for twenty days
- Topical: Tea tree or niaouli essential oil: Place 5 drops, undiluted or blended with 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; do this two or three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Bearberry mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops in water, three to five times a day, before and between meals
- Topical: Palmarosa or tea tree, or niaouli, essential oil: Place 5 drops, undiluted or blended with 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; do this two or three times a day
Note: During urinary infections, it is imperative to drink an abundant quantity of water or herbal tea (several quarts a day) to rid the urinary tract of germs and toxins.
Urinary Colibacillosis
Infection of the urinary tract by the colibacillus Escherichia coli, a normal inhabitant of the intestines that can become virulent when the intestinal flora become imbalanced. When it migrates into the urinary tract, it can cause cystitis, pyelitis, or pyelonephritis.
Principal essential oils: thyme, niaouli, oregano, savory, palmarosa
Principal mother tinctures: bearberry, mouse-ear hawkweed
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Thyme or oregano or savory essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three or four times a day
- Topical: Palmarosa or niaouli essential oil: 5 to 10 drops,
- undiluted or blended with 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the lower belly, around the bladder, two to four times a day for fifteen days; repeat as needed
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Bearberry or mouse-ear hawkweed mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops with water, three times a day (or five times a day in acute phases), before meals
- Topical: Niaouli or palmarosa essential oil: 10 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the lower belly, around the bladder, two to four times a day for fifteen days; repeat as needed
Note: During urinary infections, it is imperative to drink an abundant quantity of water or herbal tea (several quarts a day) to rid the urinary tract of germs and toxins.
Cervicitis, Metritis, Salpingitis, Vulvitis, and Vaginitis
Bacterial infections that affect one part or another of the female gynecological sphere, with inflammation, irritation, and white discharges.
Principal essential oils: tea tree, niaouli, palmarosa, oregano, thyme
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Tea tree or niaouli or oregano or thyme essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day for seven to fourteen days
- Topical: Palmarosa essential oil: 5 to 8 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the abdomen, two or three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 daily dosage (= ¼ drop of extract per pound of body weight), split into three doses, taken with water thirty to sixty minutes before meals
- Topical: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 to 3 drops in 1 cup of lukewarm water, used as a vaginal wash one or two times a day; stir the solution well in order to properly dilute the extract in the water and prevent irritation to the mucous membranes
Genital Herpes
A skin disorder of viral origin characterized by the appearance of small blisters grouped in reddish patches on the genital organs.
Principal essential oils: niaouli, ravintsara, tea tree, palmarosa, lavender, basil, oregano, thyme
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Niaouli or basil or oregano or thyme essential oil: 3 or 4 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day
- Topical: Ravintsara or lavender or tea tree essential oil: 5 to 8 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the lower belly, between the navel and the pubis, one to three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 daily dosage (= ¼ drop of extract per pound of body weight), split into three doses, taken with water thirty to sixty minutes before meals
- Topical: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 to 3 drops in 1 cup of lukewarm water, used as a vaginal wash one or two times a day; stir the solution well in order to properly dilute the extract in the water and prevent irritation to the mucous membranes.
Genital Mycosis
Infection of the genital tract by a fungus (Candida albicans or another), accompanied by itching, inflammation, and white discharges.
Principal essential oils: tea tree, savory, niaouli, eucalyptus (E. globulus), oregano, palmarosa
Principal mother tinctures: echinacea, barberry
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Tea tree or savory or niaouli or eucalyptus (E. globulus) or oregano or palmarosa essential oil: 3 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day
- Topical: Palmarosa or tea tree or niaouli or eucalyptus (E. globulus) essential oil: 5 to 8 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the lower belly, one to three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Barberry mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops in a little water, three times a day, before meals
- Topical: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 to 3 drops in 1 cup of lukewarm water, used as a vaginal wash, one or two times a day; stir the solution well in order to properly dilute the extract in the water and prevent irritation to the mucous membranes
Genital Herpes
A skin disorder of viral origin characterized by the appearance of small blisters grouped in reddish patches on the genital organs.
Principal essential oils: niaouli, ravintsara, tea tree, thyme, palmarosa, lavender, basil, oregano
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Thyme or oregano or niaouli or basil essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 50 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day
- Topical: Tea tree or ravintsara or lavender or palmarosa essential oil: 5 to 8 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the lower belly, between the navel and the pubis, one to three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 30 drops in a little water, five or six times a day
- Topical: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 to 3 drops in 1 cup of lukewarm water, used as a wash over the afflicted areas one or two times a day; stir the solution well in order to properly dilute the extract in the water and prevent irritation to the mucous membranes
Genital Mycosis
Infection of the head of the penis by a fungus (Candida albicans or another), accompanied by red patches and itching.
Principal essential oils: tea tree, savory, niaouli, oregano, eucalyptus (E. globulus), palmarosa
Principal mother tinctures: echinacea, barberry
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Tea tree or savory or niaouli or oregano essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day
- Topical: Palmarosa or eucalyptus (E. globulus) or tea tree essential oil: 5 to 8 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the lower belly
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 daily dosage (= ¼ drop of extract per pound of body weight), split into three doses, taken with water thirty to sixty minutes before meals
- Topical: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 to 3 drops in 1 cup of lukewarm water, used as a wash over the afflicted areas one or two times a day; stir the solution well in order to properly dilute the extract in the water and prevent irritation to the mucous membranes
Orchiepididymitis (Acute)
Bacterial inflammation of the testicles and epididymis, with or without urethritis.
Principal essential oils: thyme, niaouli, tea tree, oregano, savory
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Thyme or oregano or savory essential oil: 3 drops in 50 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day
- Topical: Tea tree or niaouli essential oil: 5 to 8 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the lower belly, between the navel and the pubis, two or three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 30 drops in a little water, five times a day
- Topical: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 to 3 drops in 1 cup of lukewarm water, used as a wash over the afflicted areas two times a day; stir the solution well in order to properly dilute the extract in the water and prevent irritation to the mucous membranes
Bacterial infection and inflammation of the prostate.
Principal essential oils: niaouli, basil, savory, palmarosa, tea tree, thyme
Principal mother tincture: bearberry
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Niaouli or thyme or savory or basil essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three to five times a day
- Topical: Palmarosa or tea tree or niaouli essential oil: 4 or 5 drops in 1 teaspoon sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the lower belly, between the navel and the pubis, three to five times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Bearberry mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops in a little water, three to five times a day
- Topical: Tea tree or niaouli or palmarosa essential oil: 5 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the lower belly, three to five times a day
Bacterial infection and inflammation of the skin glands and hair follicles caused by hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands, which is sometimes accompanied by infection.
Principal essential oils: palmarosa, thyme, tea tree, niaouli
Principal mother tinctures: burdock, echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Palmarosa or tea tree or niaouli essential oil: 3 drops in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day for three weeks
- Topical: Thyme essential oil: 2 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil; blend well and apply with a cotton swab on pimples
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Burdock or echinacea mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops in a little water, three to five times a day, before meals
- Topical: Burdock mother tincture: 50 to 100 undiluted drops on cotton padding, applied as a compress for fifteen minutes, one or two times a day
Infection of a sebaceous gland by Staphylococcus aureus.
Principal essential oils: eucalyptus (E. globulus), niaouli, lavender
Principal mother tinctures: burdock, echinacea
Others: propolis, grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Eucalyptus (E. globulus) or niaouli or lavender essential oil: 3 to 5 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day for twenty days
- Topical: Echinacea or burdock mother tincture: 50 undiluted drops on cotton padding, applied as a compress for thirty minutes, three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 daily dosage (= ¼ drop of extract per pound of body weight), split into three doses, taken with water thirty to sixty minutes before meals
- Topical: Propolis: 1 fragment, flattened and kneaded to make into a mini poultice large enough to cover the boil; apply it for thirty minutes, keeping it tightly pressed against the skin, two or three times a day
Lavender or niaouli essential oil: 1 undiluted drop applied to the boil with a cotton swab
Facial Herpes (Mouth and Nose)
A skin disease of viral origin, characterized by the appearance of little blisters grouped in red patches around the mouth and nose.
Principal essential oils: niaouli, ravintsara, tea tree, palmarosa, lavender, basil, oregano, thyme
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Niaouli or ravintsara or tea tree or lavender essential oil: 3 drops in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day for three weeks
- Topical: Ravintsara or lavender essential oil: 1 or 2 undiluted drops applied to the blisters with a cotton swab
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 30 to 50 drops in a little water, three to five times a day
- Topical: Grapefruit seed extract: 4 to 6 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, applied three times a day with a cotton swab
Note: Applying antibiotic essential oils or grapefruit seed extract when the first symptoms of herpes appear will often allow you to stop a full-blown outbreak from occurring.
Impetigo (Cradle Cap)
Skin infection due to staphylococci or streptococci that affects the face in particular. The infection is characterized by pustules that spread and form a yellowish crust.
Principal essential oils: lavender, oregano, thyme, niaouli, palmarosa, eucalyptus (E. globulus)
Principal mother tinctures: burdock, echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Niaouli or eucalyptus (E. globulus) or thyme essential oil: 1 to 3 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day
- Topical: Lavender or palmarosa essential oil: 5 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment, two or three times a day
Niaouli or palmarosa or lavender or eucalyptus (E. globulus) essential oil: Place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; repeat every twenty minutes for the first two hours, then three to five times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 daily dosage (= ¼ drop per pound of body weight), split into three doses, taken with water
- Topical: Burdock mother tincture: 50 to 100 undiluted drops on cotton padding, applied as a compress for thirty minutes, three times a day
An affliction of viral origin, characterized by an outbreak of tiny blisters along the path of a sensitive nerve, most often on the thorax or around the eyes. Weak to very sharp pains can result.
Principal essential oils: ravintsara, palmarosa, lavender, thyme, savory, oregano
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Savory or thyme or oregano or palmarosa or lavender essential oil: 3 drops in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, five times a day for a week, then three times a day for two to three weeks
- Topical: Niaouli or palmarosa or lavender essential oil: when the first symptoms of shingles appear, place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; repeat every twenty minutes for the first two hours, then three to five times a day
- Topical (only for shingles on the chest): Ravintsara or palmarosa or thyme or lavender or savory or oregano essential oil: 5 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment, five times a day, and progressively less often as the infection abates, until the patient is completely cured
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 30 drops in a little water, four to six times a day
- Topical (only for shingles on the chest): Grapefruit seed extract: 10 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment, two times a day for two to three weeks
Skin Fungus
Colonization of the skin by a fungus, most often between the toes (athlete’s foot). It causes itching and painful splits in the skin.
Principal essential oils: palmarosa, thyme, eucalyptus (E. globulus), lavender, tea tree
Principal mother tinctures: echinacea, burdock
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Thyme or eucalyptus (E. globulus) or tea tree essential oil: 3 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day
- Topical: Palmarosa or lavender or eucalyptus (E. globulus) essential oil: 5 to 10 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment, two times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 daily dosage (= ¼ drop per pound of body weight), split into three doses, taken with water
- Topical: Grapefruit seed extract: 10 to 20 drops mixed with 1 teaspoon sweet almond oil, used as an ointment, two or three times a day
Treatment Example C
- Topical for fungus beneath the nail: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 undiluted drop applied directly from the bottle to the nail requiring treatment, two times a day
Warning: Do not spill grapefruit seed extract on healthy skin! It can be irritating.
Superficial Wounds
Scrapes, cuts, insect stings, and insect bites are all open doors for germs. It is advisable to treat them quickly as a preventive measure to avoid any infection.
Principal essential oils: lavender, ravintsara, tea tree
Principal mother tinctures: echinacea, burdock
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Topical: Lavender or ravintsara or tea tree essential oil: 1 or 2 drops, undiluted or barely diluted in sweet almond oil, used as an ointment, two or three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Topical: Echinacea or burdock mother tincture: 10 to 50 drops (or more, depending on the size of the area requiring treatment), undiluted or diluted in a small amount of water on cotton padding, applied as a compress for thirty minutes, two or three times a day
Treatment Example C
- Topical: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 or 2 drops diluted in 1 tablespoon of water on cotton padding, applied as a compress for thirty minutes, two or three times a day
Varicose Ulcer
A festering skin lesion that originated in a varicose vein; it primarily exudes moisture but can become infected by bacteria.
Principal essential oils: lavender, tea tree, niaouli, palmarosa, thyme, eucalyptus (E. globulus)
Principal mother tinctures: burdock, echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Thyme or niaouli or tea tree or eucalyptus (E. globulus) essential oil: 3 drops in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day
- Topical: Lavender or tea tree or palmarosa essential oil: 5 to 8 drops in 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the affected areas, two times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Burdock mother tincture: 50 drops in water, three times a day
- Topical: Echinacea mother tincture: 100 drops in a glass of lukewarm water, on cotton padding, applied as a compress for thirty minutes, three to five times a day
A small benign skin tumor of viral origin.
Principal essential oils: tea tree, savory, thyme, ravintsara
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Topical: Tea tree or savory or thyme or ravintsara essential oil: 1 undiluted drop applied to the wart with a cotton swab, two to four times a day
Treatment Example B
- Topical: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 undiluted drop applied to the wart directly from the bottle, two times a day
Warning: Do not spill grapefruit seed extract on healthy skin! It can be irritating.
A localized bacterial infection on a finger or the edge of the fingernail, with the formation of pus.
Principal essential oils: lavender, tea tree, niaouli, palmarosa, eucalyptus (E. globulus)
Principal mother tinctures: burdock, echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Niaouli or tea tree or eucalyptus (E. globulus) essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day
- Topical: Grapefruit seed extract: 2 or 3 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, used as an ointment on the tip of the finger, two or three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 30 drops in water, five times a day
- Topical: Lavender or tea tree or niaouli or palmarosa or eucalyptus (E. globulus) essential oil: 1 or 2 drops, undiluted or barely diluted in sweet almond oil, used as an ointment, three to five times a day
Viral or bacterial infection and inflammation of the lymph nodes, which become swollen and painful as a result.
Principal essential oils: savory, eucalyptus (E. globulus), palmarosa, niaouli, ravintsara
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Others: lapacho, grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Savory or eucalyptus (E. globulus) or palmarosa essential oil: 2 or 3 drops in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day for ten days
- Topical: Ravintsara or palmarosa or niaouli essential oil: 5 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, as an ointment on and around the infected lymph nodes (which are hard and swollen), three to five times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Lapacho: 2 tablespoons in 1 quart of water, boiled for fifteen minutes, simmered for ten minutes, then strained and drunk over the course of the day
- Topical: Palmarosa or niaouli or ravintsara essential oil: 5 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, as an ointment on and around the infected lymph nodes (which are hard and swollen), three to five times a day
An affliction caused by Candida albicans, a microscopic fungi that is normally present in the human body but can, when it multiplies pathologically, cause a number of disorders. Candida can be the source of fungal disorders affecting the skin (eczema, impetigo, perleche, athlete’s foot), the mucous membranes (thrush), the genital organs (vulvovaginitis, balanitis), the digestive tract (bloating, diarrhea, enteritis), and so forth, accompanied, according to the case, by chronic fatigue, depression, and spasmophilia.
Principal essential oils: tea tree, savory, niaouli, eucalyptus (E. globulus), oregano, palmarosa
Principal mother tinctures: echinacea, barberry
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Savory and niaouli and eucalyptus (E. globulus) essential oils: 1 drop of each in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day, for fifteen days; repeat as needed with a different set of principal essential oils from the list above
- Topical: Niaouli or palmarosa essential oil: Place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; do this three times a day
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Grapefruit seed extract: 3 drops in water, three times a day for three to four months; depending on how your body reacts, you can gradually increase the dosage up to ½ drop for every pound of body weight, divided into three doses throughout the day
Echinacea mother tincture: 30 drops in water, five times a day - Topical: Niaouli or palmarosa essential oil: Place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; do this three times a day
Note: In treatment example B, you start with a smaller dose of grapefruit seed extract to avoid burdening the organs (kidneys, liver) responsible for eliminating the candida cadavers. You can take a pause during the threeto four-month treatment, or even alternate it with the treatment outlined in example A.
A viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by an overall sense of discomfort, aches throughout the body, and fever. A highly contagious disease.
Principal essential oils: ravintsara, eucalyptus (E. radiata), niaouli, oregano, palmarosa, thyme
Principal mother tincture: echinacea
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
(To be started as soon as symptoms appear)
- Oral: Niaouli or oregano or thyme essential oil: 5 drops diluted in 40 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, five times the first day, then three times a day
- Topical: Palmarosa or ravintsara or eucalyptus (E. radiata) essential oil: 5 to 10 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, as an ointment on the thorax
Ravintsara or niaouli or eucalyptus (E. radiata) essential oil: Place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; repeat every twenty minutes for the first two hours, then three to five times a day
Treatment Example B
(To be started as soon as symptoms appear)
- Oral: Echinacea mother tincture: 40 drops in water, five times the first day, then three times a day
- Topical: Ravintsara or eucalyptus (E. radiata) or palmarosa or niaouli essential oil: 5 drops in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, as an ointment on the thorax
Note: The treatments described here can also be used as preventive measures during a flu epidemic.
Infectious Mononucleosis
An infection of viral origin, characterized by a strong increase in the proportion of monocytes in the bloodstream. Depending on the individual cases, it can be accompanied by fever, sore throat, and swelling of the lymph nodes and spleen.
Principal essential oils: ravintsara, eucalyptus (E. radiata), basil, tea tree, niaouli, oregano, thyme
Other: grapefruit seed extract
Treatment Example A
- Oral: Basil or oregano or thyme or eucalyptus (E. radiata) essential oil: 3 drops in 30 drops of dispersant plus water, or in honey, three times a day for fifteen days
- Topical: Ravintsara and eucalyptus (E. radiata) essential oil: 5 drops of each in 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, as an ointment on the thorax and the back, three times a day for fifteen days
Treatment Example B
- Oral: Grapefruit seed extract: 1 daily dosage (= ¼ drop per pound of body weight), split into three doses, taken with water thirty to sixty minutes before meals
- Topical: Ravintsara or eucalyptus (E. radiata) or tea tree or niaouli essential oil: Place 5 undiluted drops on the inner fold of the left elbow, working them in with the inner surface of your right wrist, then switch to anoint the fold of your right elbow; do this three times a day