

absolute idealism, 68

Adler, Friedrich, 30

aging, scientific discovery and, ix–x, 7–16, 193–195

alchemy, 7

analytic philosophy, xii, 71, 118

“Annus mirabilis” papers, 31–33

antimatter, 117

anti-Semitism, 99, 108–109, 118, 121, 170, 212

“Appeal to Europeans, An” (Nicolai), 38, 39, 52

“Appeal to the Cultured World” (Fulda), 38

Aristotle, 128, 135

arts, 11–12

Atom and Archetype (Pauli and Jung), 109

atomic bomb, x, 16–17, 171

effect of, on science, 188–190

Germany's quest for, 165–167, 171–174

Los Alamos project, xv, 16–17, 174–180, 183–185, 188, 189

atomic structure, 32–33, 135–138

Autobiography (Russell), 60–61, 76

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 11

Barnes, Albert, 78

Beck, Otto, 38

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 11

Ben-Gurion, David, 46

Bergmann, Gustav, 87

Berlin, 36–37, 42–43, 50, 165–167

Bertram, Franca, 110

Besso, Michele, 24–25, 30, 150–151

beta-decay, xvii, 106–107

Bethe, Hans, 95, 98, 185

Black, Dora, 64–65, 65–66

black-body radiation, xvii, 132–134

Bohr, Niels, xiv, 13–16, 93, 97, 100–106, 128, 137–139, 167

Copenhagen interpretation and, xvii, 14, 101–104, 139–143, 147

Einstein and, 145–146

Heisenberg and, 4

Los Alamos project, 175–180

during World War II, 174–175

Born, Max, xiv, 10, 49, 95, 100–101, 103, 128, 145–146, 155, 157, 196

Born's probability interpretation, xvii

Bose-Einstein statistics, xvii, 143

bosons, xvii, xx

Boyle, Robert, 130

Brahe, Tycho, 34–35

Braque, Georges, 11

bright-line spectra, xvii

Brod, Max, 34–35, 42

Broglie, Louis de, xiv, 135, 139

Brownian motion, xvii, 32

Carnap, Rudolf, 122, 123

Cartan, Elie, 152

Chandrasekhar, S., 11, 12

Chevalier, Haakon, 184

Churchill, Winston, 180

classical physics, 125–127, 132, 140–141, 149–150

Cold War, 186

complementarity, 142–143, 164–165

Compton, Arthur, 142

Conrad, Joseph, 56

conservation of energy, 106–107

Copenhagen interpretation, xvii, 101–104, 139–143, 147

cosmological constant, 117

Crawshay-Williams, Rupert, 57, 61

Curie, Marie, 55–56, 129

Dalton, John, 136

DeKooning, Willem, 11

Deppner, Kate, 108

Descartes, Rene, 125–126, 128

Diebner, Kurt, 171

Dirac, Paul, xiv, 103, 117, 196

discontinuity, 138–139n, 156, 160, 164

doctoral dissertation, 32–33

double-slit experiment, xviii, 141–142

doubt, 126

dream analysis, 109–110

dualism, xx, 109–110, 141–143, 152

Dukas, Helen, 5

E=mc2, 31

Eaton, Cyrus, 51

Eddington, Arthur Stanley, 41, 45, 127–128

Ehrenfest, Paul, 10, 145, 181, 197

Einstein, Albert, ix, 3

age of, for scientific contributions, 9

aging genius of, 7, 9–11, 130, 193–195

atom bomb project and, 16

biographical sketch, xi–xii

Bohr and, 145–146

career of, 33, 36–37, 48

early years, 25–31

fame of, 4–5, 18, 43, 99

FBI file of, 17, 187–188

friendship between Pauli and, 19

general theory of relativity, xii, 13–14, 41, 45, 53, 97–98, 117, 127–131, 150–155

Gödel and, 79–81

on life's work, 12

marriages, 31, 33–34

on mathematics, 116, 117, 151–152

molecular theory, 32–33

Pauli and, 94–95, 98, 111, 198

personality of, 6, 23–25, 29–30, 35–36, 54, 56–57, 79–80

place of, in science, 191–193, 195–197

political activism of, 17, 37–47, 51–53

at Princeton, 4–6, 17–19, 23–24, 49–50

quantum physics and, ix–x, xii, 14–15, 48, 128–132, 134–135

quest for unified theory by, 11, 48, 130, 143–159

Russell and, 51–57, 159–161

scientific contributions of, 31–33, 41, 127–131, 146–147

special theory of relativity, xii, 31, 129, 153–154

during World War I, 36–41, 52

Zionism of, 42–44, 46–47

Einstein, Eduard, 45

Einstein, Elsa, 4–5, 33–34

Einstein, Hans Albert, 31

Einstein, Hermann, 25–26, 28, 31

Einstein, Jakob, 25–26, 28

Einstein, Lieserl, 31

Einstein, Maja, 5, 26

Einstein, Mileva, 33–34, 45

Einstein, Pauline, 25, 26, 34

Einstein-Russell Manifesto, 51

Eisner, Kurt, 98

electromagnetism, 32, 132–134, 149–150, 155–156

electron spin, 91, 93, 104, 105

Eliot, T. S., 40, 54

Eliot, Vivienne, 65

Ellenberg, Jordan, 9

empiricism, 15, 79, 101, 116, 138, 159–160, 181–182

Enz, Charles, 198

Euclidian geometry, 13, 27, 154

exclusion principle, xiv, xviii, 14, 92–93, 104–105

Fanta, Bertha, 34

Feigle, Herbert, 122

Fermi, Enrico, 107, 190

fermions, xvii, xx

Feynman, Richard, 142, 147

field, xviii Finch, Peter, 65

first-order logic, 118, 122

Fischer, Emil, 38

Flexner, Abraham, 18, 48

Foot, Michael, 60, 77

Forster, Wilhelm, 38

Frank, Hans, 165–167

Franzen, Torkel, 119

Frayn, Michael, xvi

Frege, Gottlob, 15, 69, 120, 121, 124

Fuchs, Klaus, 190

Fulda, Ludwig, 38

Gamow, George, 6

gas, 32

Gauss, Carl Friedrich, 9, 13

Geiger, Hans, 137

general theory of relativity, xi, xii, xviii, 13–14, 41, 45, 53, 97–98, 117, 127–131, 150–155


effect of aging on, 7–16, 193–195

defining, 10

German Physics, 45, 172

German Social Democracy (Russell), 60

ghosts, 89

Gödel, Adele, 83–84

Gödel, Kurt, ix, 3, 79–90, 198

age of, for scientific contributions, 9

aging genius of, 8, 11

beliefs of, 7, 89–90

biographical sketch, xiii–xiv

career of, 88–89

Einstein and, 79–81

incompleteness theorems, xiii–xiv, xviii, 15–16, 81, 84–85, 89, 90, 118–120, 122–125

logicism and, 122–125

mental instability of, 80, 85–88

personality of, 6

personal life, 81–84

at Princeton, 4, 18–19

Russell and, x–xi, 15–16

scientific contributions of, 81

stature of, 5

during World War II, 17, 85–88

Gödel numbering, xiv, xviii Goethe, Johann, 11

gravity, 148, 150, 154–156

Grayling, A. C., 79

Grossman, Marcel, 30

Groves, Leslie, 175–178, 183–184, 185, 189–190

Haber, Fritz, 38, 40, 43

Hahn, Hans, 122, 123

Hahn, Otto, 171

Hardy, G. H., 8

Hegel, Georg, 68

Heisenberg, Werner, x, xiv, 93, 98, 99–100, 102, 103, 105–106, 139–143, 196

age of, for scientific contributions, 9

biographical sketch, xvi

Bohr and, 4

early years, 167–169

scientific contributions of, 167, 169–170

uncertainty principle of, xvi, xx, 93, 103, 140–142, 144

work on atomic bomb, 171–174

during World War II, 165–167, 171–174

Hilbert, David, 81, 123, 124, 125

History of Western Philosophy (Russell), 67, 78

Hitler, Adolf, 47, 48, 86, 99, 110, 170

Hooke, Robert, 130

House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC), 186–187

Hubble, Edwin, 117

Human Knowledge (Russell), 78–79, 198

Hume, David, 52–53

Huxley, Aldous, 55

idealism, 68

incompleteness theorems, xiii–xiv, xviii, 15–16, 81, 84–85, 89, 90, 118–120, 122–125

induction, xviii, 159

Institute for Advanced Studies, 3–7, 18, 48, 49–50, 85, 110–111

Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche (Pauli and Jung), 109

Israel, 46–47

“Is the Inertia of a Body Dependent on Its Energy Content?” (Einstein), 31

Jaki, Stanley, 158

Japan, 44–45

Jewish identity, 46–47. See also Zionism

Jews. See also anti-Semitism

Jews, persecution of, 86–87

Jost, Res, 91

Jung, Carl, 7, 97, 109–110

Kafka, Franz, 34

Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, 37, 40

Kaku, Michio, 144, 148

Kanazawa, Satoshi, 9

Kant, Immanuel, 52, 120

Kennedy, John F., xiii

Kepler, Johannes, 35

Khrushchev, Nikita, xiii

Koppel, Leopold, 40

Kronig, Ralph de Laer, 91, 108

Kuhn, Thomas, 12

Lawrence, D. H., 55, 63–64

Leibniz, Gottfried, 15, 119–120

Lenard, Philip, 99, 134–135

liar's paradox, 123–124

Liebnitz, Gottleib, 37

light theory, 32, 131–132, 134–135, 141–142

Lindley, David, 127, 197

literature, 11–12, 130

locality, xviii

logicism, xii–xiv, xviii, 15, 67–70, 115–125

Lorentz, Hendrik, 55, 104

Los Alamos project, xv, 16–17, 174–180, 183–185, 188–189

Mach, Ernst, 30, 96, 96–97

Madness, 56

Malleson, Constance, 65

Mann, Thomas, 18

Mansfield, Katherine, 65

Maríc, Mileva, 29, 30–31

Marsden, Ernest, 137

mathematical logic, xii–xiii, 15–16, 67–70, 115–125, 151

Mathematician's Apology (Hardy), 8


aging genius and, 7–16

physics and, 127–128, 151–152

matrix mechanics, xvi, xix, 103, 106

Maxwell, James Clerk, 150

Maxwell's equations, xix

McLynn, Frank, 76

mechanical worldview, 125–127

Meitner, Lise, 107

Mendeleyev, Dmitry, 105

Menger, Karl, 87

meson theory, 93

military-industrial complex, x

Mill, John Stuart, 52, 58, 70

Miller, Arthur I., 128

Millikan, Robert, 141–142

Milton, John, 12–13

molecular theory, 32–33

Moore, G. E., 68

Morgenstern, Oscar, 83, 88

Morrell, Ottoline, 60, 61, 65, 71

Munich, 98–99

Murray, Gilbert, 72, 75

“My Opinion of the War” (Einstein), 39

My Philosophical Development (Russell), 70

Nash, John, 9

Nazis, 47, 48–49, 85, 99, 110, 170, 172

Nernst, Walther, 35, 36

neutral monism, 97

neutrinos, xiv, xix, 93, 106–108

New Fatherland League, 38–39, 52

Newton, Isaac, 9, 10, 31, 116, 119–120, 146, 149, 150, 195

Nicolai, Georg Friedrich, 37, 38, 39

Nobel Prize, xii, xiii, xv, xvi, 45–46, 67, 74, 93, 104, 139, 170

“No-class theory,” 69

No-Conscription Fellowship (NCF), 73

non-demonstrative inference, 79

nuclear fission, 179

nuclear forces, xx

Oersted, Hans Christian, 149

“On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” (Einstein), 31

“On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Generation and Transformation of Light” (Einstein), 32

Oppenheimer, Robert, x, 16–17, 144, 195

biographical sketch, xv–xvi

early years, 181–183

Los Alamos project, 175–180, 183–185, 188, 190

security issues, 16–17, 183–187

pacifism, 39, 51, 63, 72–73

Pais, Abraham, 150

Palestine, 43

“paper war,” 38

paradox, xix, 69, 120–124, 142

particle physics, xix

pathos of science, 12–13, 191–193, 196–198

Pauli, Bertha, 95–96

Pauli, Franca, 110

Pauli, Wolf, 96

Pauli, Wolfgang, ix, 3, 90–111, 146, 181, 196

age of, for scientific contributions, 9, 13–14

aging genius of, 8, 11

atom bomb project and, 16, 17

beliefs of, 6–7

biographical sketch, xiv–xv

career of, 100–102

contributions of to quantum mechanics, 14

early years, 95–101

Einstein and, 19, 94–95, 111, 198

exclusion theory of, xiv, xviii, 14, 92–93, 104–105

personality of, 6

personal life, 108–110

at Princeton, 4, 18, 18–19

scientific contributions of, 92–94, 102–108

during World War II, 110–111

“Pauli effect,” 92

Peano, Giuseppe, 68, 120

Peirce, Charles, 120

philosophy, 76–77, 79

photoelectric effect, xix, 45, 134–135

photon, xix


in atomic age, 16–17, 188–190

contributions of, to war effort, x


classical, 125–127, 132, 140–141, 149–150

mathematics and, 115–125, 127–128

particle, xix

quantum. See quantum physics Picasso, Pablo, 11

Planck, Max, 36, 37, 38, 53, 55, 126–127, 132–134, 150

Planck's constant, xix

Plato, 128

Platonism, 90

plum pudding model, 136–137

poets, ix–x

political activism

of Einstein, 17, 37–47, 51–53

of Russell, xiii, 17, 51–53, 72–75

positivism, 97, 122

positron, 117

Princeton, 3–7, 17–19, 23–24, 48–50, 85, 110–111

Einstein at, 4–6

Principia Mathematica (Russell and Whitehead), xii, 3, 15–16, 67–70, 117–118, 121–122, 125

Principles of Mathematics, The (Russell), xii

Prussian Academy of Science, 37, 49

Pugwash Conferences, 51

Pythagoras, 128

quantum electrodynamics (QED), 147

quantum mechanics

defined, xix

Einstein and, ix–x, xii, 14–15, 48, 128–132, 134–135, 144–146

Heisenberg's contributions to, xvi, 93–94, 139–143, 169–170

Pauli's contributions to, xiv–xv, 14, 102–108

uncertainty principle of, xvi, xx, 93, 103, 140–142, 144

quantum physics, xix

Bohr's contributions to, 14, 137–139

Copenhagen interpretation, xvii, 14, 101–104, 139–143, 147

development of, 130–139

quantum theory, 100, 102–104, 128–129, 132–139

radiation, xvii, 132–134

radioactivity, 129

Rathenau, Walther, 40, 44

Redemption of Tycho Brahe, The (Brod), 35, 42

Reichenbach, Hans, 123

reincarnation, 89–90

Reines, Frederick, 107

relativity, 127–131. See also general theory of relativity; special theory of relativity

Riemann, George Friedrich

Bernhard, 13, 100, 154

Rolland, Romain, 36

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 16, 180

Russell, Bertrand, ix, x, 3, 38, 40, 125, 198

aging genius of, 7–8

autobiographical writings of, 60–61, 76

biographical sketch, xii–xiii career of, 66–67, 77–79

character of, 6, 54–55, 57, 61–62

early years, 57–61

Einstein and, 51–57, 159–161

Gödel on, x–xi Japan trip of, 44–45

Lawrence and, 63–64

logicism, 15–16, 117–125

marriages, 59–60, 64–65

on the meetings, 4

philosophical works of, 67–71, 75, 76, 78–79

physics and, 159–161

political activism of, 17, 51–53, 72–75

popularity of, 76–77

at Princeton, 4, 6, 19

prison sentence of, 75

relationships of, 60–66

rivalry between Gödel and, 15–16

Wittgenstein and, 62–63

during World War I, 51–52, 71–75

Russell, John, 66

Russell, Katherine, 66

Russell's paradox, xii, xix–xx, 15, 69, 121

Rutherford, Ernest, 129, 136–137, 167

Samuel, Herbert, 45

Santayana, George, 67

Scheidemann, Philipp, 41

Scherrer, Paul, 108

Schlick, Moritz, 122

Schröder, Ernst, 120

Schrödinger, Erwin, xiv, 103, 192

Schweber, Silvan, 102


cumulative nature of, 12–13, 130, 194–196

pathos of, 12–13, 191–193, 196–198

scientific discovery, age and, ix–x, 7–16

scientific progress, 12, 130–131, 191–193

second law of thermodynamics, 132–133, 134

second-order logic, 118–119

sense experience, 160

Smith, Alys Pearsall, 59–60, 64

Snow, C. P., x Soddy, Frederick, 129

solar system model, 137–138

Sommerfeld, Arnold, 98

space dimensions, 116

special theory of relativity, xii, xx, 31, 129, 153–154

Speiser, David, 91

Spence, Marjorie (Peter), 65, 66

spin, xx

standard model, 147

Stern, Otti, 92

Stoner, Edmund, 104

Straus, Ernst, 80

Strauss, Lewis, 187

string theory, xx, 116, 147–148

strong nuclear forces, xx

Talmey, Max, 27

Tatlock, Jean, 183

Teller, Edward, 187, 190

Thellung, Armin, 91, 91–92

theoretical physics, 127–131

thermodynamics, 32, 132–134

Thomson, J. J., 136

time, 90

Trinity College, 74

Turing, Alan, 9

ultraviolet catastrophe, xx

uncertainty principle, xvi, xx, 93, 103, 140–142, 144

unified theory, xii, xx, 11, 48, 109–110, 130, 143–159

Union of Democratic Control (UDC), 72–73

universal constants, 128

Veblen, Oswald, 49, 50, 85

Veblen, Thorstein, 50

Vienna, 84–85

Vienna Circle, xiv, 97, 122

Virgil's wheel, x

Von Neumann, John, 9, 49, 81, 85, 88, 118, 123

Waismann, Friedrich, 123

Walker, Mark, 170

wave mechanics, xvi, xx

wave/particle duality, xx, 141–143

weak nuclear forces, xx Weber, Heinrich, 29

Weimar Republic, 41–42, 44

Weizmann, Chaim, 43, 46, 47

Weyl, Hermann, 49, 151, 194

Wheeler, John, 194

Whitehead, Alfred North, xii, 15, 68–69, 72, 120

Whitehead, Evelyn, 65, 69

Wigner, Eugene, 116

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 62–63, 70

World War I

Einstein during, 36–41, 52

Russell during, 51–52

World War II, x, 4, 16–17, 165–167. See also atomic bomb

World Without Time, A (Yourgrau), 90

Yeats, William Butler, 11

Young, Thomas, 141–142

Yourgrau, Palle, 80–81, 90

youth, science as province of, ix–x, 7–16

Zeeman, Pieter, 103–104

Zeeman effect, 103–106

Zionism, 42–44, 46–47

Zurich Polytechnic School (ETH), xv, 29–30